
Furthest Right

Jus Soli versus Jus Sanguis

The West is moving away from a time of ideology to a time of realism. Instead of civil rights and humanism, we are focused on biological continuity and value for money. Nowhere is this clearer than the division between laws of blood versus laws of bureaucracy:

Countries throughout the world recognize two fundamental doctrines of citizenship: jus soli (Right of Soil) and jus sanguinis (Right of Blood). Right of Soil recognizes citizenship based solely on where the person was born. Its origins are the feudal concept that loyalty to the lord and, ultimately, the sovereign being bound up with the land. Right of Blood recognizes citizenship based on the nationality of the child’s parents and traces its origins to Roman law. From my review, it does not appear that any country strictly uses jus soli or jus sanguinis. Rather, all countries incorporate some elements of each.

This captures some of the essence of the law, but misses the big point: “right of soil” is a domestic right, occurring only within an ethnic group under the rule of its kings, earls, dukes, and lords. Bill King as a Republican knows no history further back than 1789.

“Right of blood” is that ethnic envelope, and applies exclusively to citizenship as an extension of the ethnonationalist concept which was implicit but often not explicitly stated in all European societies before the latter quarter of the twentieth century.

The reason “all countries incorporate some elements of each” is that historically, nations consisted of ethnic groups, and modern countries are political systems originally designed to protect those nations.

Later these became the nation-state, which often lumped together similar ethnic groups like in Belgium and north/south Germany in order to bring unity, with success directly varying to how similar the groups were.

In the West, following the world wars, we have abandoned the idea of healthy nations and have instead focused on defending the individual against society. This civil rights agenda occurrred because Leftists removed organic culture and functional social institutions, turning society into a battleground of financial interests.

It might be observed that the Left are controlled opposition maintained by the financial arm of our societies. Nothing works better for sabotaging those who are against society being run by financial interests, than by adopting those beliefs on the surface but underneath, promoting what furthers financial control.

Only one thing opposes commerce and bureaucracy, and that is organic culture, which is tied to ethnic group and race. For this reason, the people of the bureaucracy and financial institutions favor jus soli because it is a legal determination; they fear jus sanguis because it is tied to organic culture.

The bureaucracy is, at the end of the day, a financial decision: instead of having leadership which might hold back commerce, implement bureaucrats who will never do anything to stop it but will maintain the appearance of doing so and fight with the law against anyone else who tries to stop it.

As it turns out, democracy and oligarchy shuttle between each other because the bureaucracy is a political machine based on bribing voters for allegiance:

Fukuyama’s theory stated that history’s most vexing question — how best to organize society — had been answered definitively. The Washington Consensus preached that free markets and free trade would set every society on an inexorable glide path toward civil liberties and self-governance. Liberal Democracy and its faithful companion Free Market Economics were on the march.

Three decades later, our efforts to universalize the bounties of liberal democracy have proved as fruitless as all prior efforts to universalize faith, belief, societal organization, and human behavior. We re-learned that there is genuine variability among cultures, priorities, and value systems. We very emphatically do not all want the same things.

The welfare state was introduced to anchor newly enfranchised peasants to the regime granting them regular benefits — thereby deterring bloody revolution. Socialist opponents screamed — correctly — that the wealthy were merely bribing the poor to keep themselves in power.

To stay in power, the bureaucracy needed to create democracy, then diversity, and through them, socialism. When everyone is on a UBI with a social credit score, there will no longer be fear of Revolution or opposition, which is what Fukuyama was hinting at.

Liberal democracy is a total control system, and its basis is jus soli replacing jus sanguis, which is why ethno-nationalists are its biggest target.

Its goal is the production of a mixed-race group which will never have organic culture again, therefore be malleable for the social engineering of the meritocratic educated elites, who know the “correct” thing to do because the simplistic ideology of egalitarianism commands it and guarantees their perpetual rule.

Humans have trouble objecting to egalitarianism because it seems to be a gift to all of freedom, when in fact it enthrones a permanent bureaucracy dedicated to the opposite principle, namely keeping everyone wasting all their time with nonsense so that no one notices there is a life outside the bureaucracy.

It likes jus soli because this allows it to treat people as identical and bribe and browbeat them into submission. This type of thinking produces the trace miscegenation we see in most dysfunctional societies:

When the Christians ultimately triumphed on the Iberian peninsula, the population was naturally massively mixed. And yes, they did not exterminate the Muslims (or Jews) living there, or indeed their mixed descendants. They Christianized them. No, not all of them; many Muslims fled. But yes, they Christianized many of them. And the mixed people were often Christian already anyhow. From then on they all were forced to identified as “Spaniards”.

When I point out the obvious fact, that many, even most, of the Spaniards are not actually Europeans, but immigrants, I am attacked by the same people who agree with me that today´s Afro-Asian immigrants are not and will never be Europeans, no matter where they are born or what they identify as.

Strange, is it not? That they accept an immigrant who move to Spain and start identifying as a European, as a true European, but laugh at the idea that we shall accept other immigrants moving to Europe as Europeans. Even though the immigrant that moved to Spain hundreds of years ago is still brown.

It turns out that White Nationalism is another form of jus soli. If you are willing to swear to be Christian, you get upgraded to “White” and soon you have muddled-blood people running a country as successfully as Spain, which was once a world power and now is a vacation destination known for gigolos.

We could say the same thing about all of Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean fringe of Europe in the middle east: these are White people mixed with other stuff, which caused them to lose their original genetic frameworks and abilities, in turn handily stripping them of organic culture.

Such societies tend to put on a big show of “culture” with elaborate celebrations and ceremonies, over-spiced food, and bizarre costumes, but this is a Potemkin Village. Their inner culture has left them and there is no unity of behaviors and aspirations, only loose conformity to cover up the raging individualism.

Like Christian Nationalism and “civic nationalism,” White Nationalism hopes to meld us all into a general “huWhite” substrate that will then follow the ideology. Except this time, we tell ourselves, the One Ring will not betray us… because the ideology is “racist” which makes it good because those in power say it is bad.

The mixed-White trace miscegenation agenda of the White Nationalists is just jus soli in whiteface, and the end result will be White Genocide just like with liberal democracy:

There has been little written in racial defense of Anglo-Saxons and the Nordic race from the white nationalist perceptive, since these writers take “whiteness” as a fundamental given, without examining, exactly “how white.” Thus, a recent plan to save the white majority in America and halt White demographic decline, while not a White nationalist wish list, includes as “Whites” “Jews originating in Europe, and Caucasians from Central Asia.” And “Whites” are defined by the “one-half not black” rule with one white parent, no fully black parent. And we are supposed to save this? It is already lost if this is it.

Indeed, Anglo-Saxon and Nordic racialists have been attacked, in writing and physically across the Anglosphere, by admixture swarthy “white” nationalists, who have been championing a unified white race and see Anglo-Saxonism as a diluting threat to their agenda. Most of the so-called “nationalist” groups that have arisen in Australia for example, in the post-World War II period, while opposing Asian immigration, have supported the migration of admixture and swarthy whites, and as well these groups have been run by such people who have seen Anglo-Saxonists as enemies. To save Anglo-Saxons as an ethno-racial sub-group, “white” diversity too must be opposed.

The only solution is the elevation of jus sanguis as the only principle, reversing the nation-state idea and going instead to the nation, since only mono-ethnic societies have a chance at survival and poly-ethnic societies are outright doomed.

Jus sanguis as a unifying rule would take the form of ethno-nationalism. That is, an ethnic group like north Germans has its own nation, and only north Germans can exist in that nation. Everyone else gets on boats and goes back to their ethnic homelands.

The revolutionaries hate this of course because revolutionaries are first and foremost people who are rebelling against reality. They hate reality and want to replace it. This way, they can keep being individualistic without someone pointing out that they are being unrealistic and therefore, harming others and civilization.

At some point, the only morality is reality. Any replacement for it, whether dualistic religions or egalitarian bureaucracies, is a type of learned insanity that rejects reality so that the individual can be more powerful, and in doing so, destroys everything good that others have worked for.

As people undoubtedly predicted when permanent agricultural civilization came about, the benefits of centralization and standardization mean that too many people can thrive who would not be able to do so in nature, and this means that they are not complete mentally and therefore, turn to individualism.

No healthy person needs individualism. Healthy people accept authority where it achieves realistic positives, and otherwise, want to find a function that binds them to a sane and normal life. They are not obsessed with power and control like the Left and organized religion are.

Physical removal will be required for these neurotics.

You can recognize the insane by their ironist contrarianism which consists of denying whatever is real and good and replacing it with emotions, symbols, judgments, feelings, and moralization:

And what you’ve been taught in college, that you basically should have no beliefs, that the West is inferior, that the intellectual tradition of the West, it leads to self-flagellation and losing on the battlefield, losing intellectually, losing your party, losing your country, losing your border, that your institutions can’t work because we’re so good. It’s actually wrong. And the West was actually never about that.

I think the West, as a notion and as a principle upon which it is executed, is obviously superior. And not acknowledging that, because by not acknowledging it or denying it, you could pretend you were smarter or better than you were, has led to enormous problems in our society.

We had a pagan religion that has infiltrated our universities. And that pagan religion basically says, everything that’s good about America, everything that actually works, is ipso facto bad.

The author above calls it “pagan,” but what he means is that it is a type of idol worship, although he does not identify the idol in question as the human individual. Jus sanguis binds us to organic culture and the biology behind it, and it avoids this idol worship, which is why it is roundly feared.

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