Continuing our exploration of Human Biodiversity, today we have a few links on the Italian Question, starting with a genetic sketch of Italians:
Italian clusters separated into three main groups: Sardinia, Northern (North/Central-North Italy), and Southern Italy (South/Central-South Italy and Sicily); the first two were close to populations originally from Western Europe, while the last was closer to Middle Eastern groups (Fig. 1, A and B; figs. S1D and S2, A to C; and data file S1).
Individuals from Central Italy were, in fact, assigned mostly to the Southern Italian clusters, except for samples from Tuscany, which grouped instead with the Northern Italian clusters (Fig. 1, A and B) (12). Contrary to previous results, no outliers were detected among the Northern Italian clusters (12).
Central and South Italy group together with each other, where northern Italians are closer to central European. The admixture in the southern half of Italy appears to be mostly middle eastern which conveys some north African and sub-Saharan African:
Non-Druze Arabs have clear traces of African admixture both in the form of “Mozabite” North African (4.5% for Palestinians, 4.9% for Bedouins), E African (6% for Palestinians and 5.7% for Bedouins) and a little Sub-Saharan (1.3% for Palestinians and 2.1% for Bedouins).
It looks like this is consistent across Southern Europe, which seems to have a consistent amount of sub-Saharan admixture related to the fall of Rome:
We analyze genome-wide polymorphism data from about 40 West Eurasian groups to show that almost all Southern Europeans have inherited 1%–3% African ancestry with an average mixture date of around 55 generations ago, consistent with North African gene flow at the end of the Roman Empire and subsequent Arab migrations.
Not surprisingly, mixed-race countries — of any combination — destroy their original genetic frameworks and create an entropic process similar to high mutation load, which is why these countries tend to be less organized and more chaotic, since there is no internal, unspoken agreement such as that provided by genetic similarity.
Tags: africa, hbd, italy, southern europe