
Furthest Right

Ironist Contrarians

You read a lot of things here that you will not find anywhere else on the Right, mainly because the Right has been demoralized since 1789 and chases after gotchas that make people feel better about losing instead of the more useful eternal arguments for conservative policies.

If you go out there and read these websites or magazines, you will be lucky to find a half-page of sense on any one of them. Almost all of it is what is called “politics” on the gameshows, debates about who is getting ahead, how convincing they are, and of course, how to divide up the money and still buy enough votes to win.

What the hell is wrong with people? They are demoralized: absolutely no part of modern life has a future, is joyful, or will bring about thriving. Everything is broken, and people are making desperate decisions every day. This includes dodging real issues to read about how Democrats are the real “racists” and other neurotic babble.

Instead of trying to win points by stating trendy conservative opinions, around here we do analysis. We look into the psychology of failure. We trace effect to cause; life is a series of cause-effect relationships, and history a series of if-then statements. If you want to fail, try Communism, for example.

We often talk about contrarians here because humans like to deny reality by ignoring real problems and instead focusing on fanciful ones. You can count on a contrarian to behave like a narcissist: reject authority, assert the arbitrary as fact to his own advantage, and generally subvert others.

It turns out that trial consultants know the value of these reality-denying people, which is why they like to get contrarians on juries during criminal trials:

“Give me some specifics of who you were looking for to be on this jury. What you needed,” said Maher.

“I’m looking for, sometimes, a contrarian,” Meihls said, “someone who doesn’t matter what you say, they’re gonna start challenging you.”

In this case, it worked. The contrarian became jury foreman and rejecting overwhelming evidence in order to acquit. Contrarians love the idea of exceptions that disprove the rule because if this thinking becomes normal, contrarians can use it to reject all authority.

After all, how else do you get a client off when her DNA is incongruously all over the murder scene?

During the trial, a prosecutor argued that Park or her company had received more than $1 million in an 18-month period from a company belonging to Dr. Munir Uwaydah, who had been romantically involved with Redding.

Prosecutors claimed that DNA matching Park was recovered from the crime scene, including on the victim’s neck, tank top, cell phone, front interior door and a knob on the stove, which had been turned on apparently in an unsuccessful attempt to cause an explosion.

Park’s attorney countered, however, that there was no proof about how her DNA wound up in the apartment, and much of it could have been carried to the crime scene on items that she touched in Uwaydah’s home and were later moved to Redding’s apartment.

It turns out that contrarians/narcissists — those who rationalize what they want as good, instead of striving to act in such a way as to produce good results — like to overthrow the rules so that they can steal like third-world nations:

The business deal between pharmacist Greg Redding involved what police and prosecutors alleged was a fraudulent medical empire run by the Lebanese doctor and facilitated by Park.

“An ongoing complex, multi-layer medical fraud,” according to a search warrant declaration filed by Santa Monica Police Department (SMPD) Detective Karen Thompson. This is the type of enterprise which former Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley has referred to as “non-traditional” organized crime. “It’s not La Cosa Nostra, instead it is organized criminals who are smart enough to take advantage of society’s weaknesses,” says Cooley.

“These kinds of frauds are rampant and thoroughly penetrate the American health care system,” Cooley says. “Given the amount of money committed to health care in the United States, this is where the organized crime goes, it follows the money.”

Anytime you hand out free money, the narcissists come running, especially if you are doing it for a “good cause” that others are afraid to oppose. Contrarianism runs rife whenever you set up a formal organization instead of relying on organic culture.

This is why Communism is forever popular and forever fails. It appeals to the contrarians, or the narcissists among us who want to reject reality as it is and instead embrace their own desires for control and authority. They reject nature as the ultimate authority so they can replace it, and in doing so, lead us all to ruin.

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