The diversity question functions like an IQ test. It requires people to accept that any differences in group are toxic, and therefore only mono-ethnic societies have a chance at survival. They have to do this while looking past the immediate problems of differences between races, classes, and ethnic groups that are a Veil of Maya which clouds the mind.
When I got into far-Right politics back in the early 1990s, my main angle of approach was environmental: a society based on fulfilling desires will never limit itself and will therefore consume nature in a slow Malthusian disaster over time. It was clear that democracy, equality, subsidies, atomization, and diversity would be fatal to the human species.
For this reason, it was clear that unlimited human self-interest and immigration would do nothing but hasten the environmental crisis. The only thing that can hold back markets and governments is culture, but I saw how diversity obliterates that, so became opposed to diversity.
Here is the IQ test proxy:
Diversity does not work in any combination and needs to end.
But that is the fault of diversity, not any specific group.
The moron take is that opposition to diversity must be opposition to one of the groups involved, and therefore, blaming that group for the failure of diversity.
Morons have trouble understanding that diversity itself is a system that we might call poly-ethnicism, or having more than one ethnic group in the same nation.
The lack of that is nationalism, or mono-ethnicism, which means only one ethnic group per nation.
Diversity fails because having multiple ethnic groups abolishes culture, making it hard for people to know what will be rewarded or punished, and so people simply retreat from society. They stop thinking of the nation as “their” homeland and view it sort of like a neighborhood, a good investment so long as crime rates are low and the schools are okay.
It does not matter how nice and smart the groups are (or whether they are the opposite). The simple fact of having more than one ethnic group in its borders dooms a society. Over time, outbreeding produces hybrids who lack the original genetic framework of the founders, obliterating abilities.
Genes code for very tiny things. There are over a thousand discovered genes that influence intelligence, for example. When a population evolves, it forms frameworks of these genes, but when it outbreeds, each individual gene is subject to the coin toss of recombination, and so the frameworks are shattered.
Miscegenation creates less capable populations and third world societies. It is supported by the vast number of individualists who, because they resent anything that competes with their own desires and feelings, endorse whatever is destructive through a process of ironist contrarianism in order to keep their narcissism intact.
While ancient societies knew this, the trend of democratization that has gripped the West for the past thousand years caused us to deny that people and groups are not equal and not even compatible. Robert Putnam rediscovered this ancient truth that says diversity creates atomization and destroys culture:
In the short run, however, immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce social solidarity and social capital. New evidence from the US suggests that in ethnically diverse neighbourhoods residents of all races tend to ‘hunker down’. Trust (even of one’s own race) is lower, altruism and community cooperation rarer, friends fewer.
With diversity, the one culture of a nation becomes many. This turns “culture” into an envelope for conflicting values systems and removes the unspoken agreements of cultures to do things a certain way, have certain aesthetics, and hold some values above all others.
Without that culture, people have no idea what is acceptable behavior outside of the basics of business and law. Consequently they retreat into their homes, order in their food, and spend their time watching whatever television reinforces their self-perception. Society balkanizes in an instant.
This means that diversity itself — not the groups caught up in it — is toxic to civilization and must be avoided. Think of it as an IQ test: some can understand that opposition to diversity has nothing to do with disliking the groups in their current local diversity. The rest are still batting about symbols, ignoring the reality.
Tags: balkanization, diversity, diversity itself, immigration, multiculturalism, robert putnam