
Furthest Right


Flag of the International Prole Equality Movement (IPEM).

Human societies decay through a loss of correspondence between language and understanding. What was originally common sense becomes symbol and people rationalize from those symbols, explaining what they desire as if it was a member of a category represented by the symbol, in order to convince others to comply.

In doing so, they create an illusion that the world can be controlled through symbols. Through this, they set up a standard of behavior which protects the symbols, and then ban any other behavior, which they call “intolerance” although they in fact are intolerant of alternative views of reality.

This encrustation destroys all human groups. They create a fiction, enforce that fiction by banning anything else, and then when the fiction proves unreal, double down on forcing everyone to obey. The nature of the fiction does not matter, but it usually involves denial of Darwinism.

They become intolerant of mentions of reality that break their little categories, like “all rich people are selfish” or “all good students are good people.” Intolerance is in fact a demand for tolerance, and regular ol’ tolerance is intolerance of anything but tolerance.

When we view human groups as codependent relationships mutually enforcing illusions for the sake of manipulating each other and above all else, keeping the group together, we see why human civilizations collapse so often: the more intolerant they become, the more intolerant they must be, and their “tolerance” eventually collapses.

We are in the midst of a flip or reversal of polarity in our society. For a long time, people relied on the bureaucracy as a way to enforce tolerance, but that revealed itself as intolerance, so now people want escape from the bureaucracy back to more Darwinistic worlds of free markets and culture.

In the end, “tolerance” undid itself by being intolerant of anything but “tolerance,” which made it into a property which could be acquired by those who desire power. Absolute power does not corrupt, after all, but available power attracts as many bad people as good ones who intend to use it creatively.

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