
Furthest Right

If Trump Picks Tim Scott as His VP, It Will Be Biden in 2024

The problem with conservatives is that we are all raped children. We grew up in a time of horrors with Mom and Dad fighting every night, and all we want to do is keep the family together, but the price of that is that we have to ignore Drunk Uncle (civil rights, socialism, equality) and his curved penis when he comes into our rooms every night.

As a result conservatives are conciliatory, or willing to appease with compromise, which means that they always make a deal with the devil. Most of them are businessmen, not lawyers; lawyers realize that someone must be clearly winning to negotiate from a position of strength, and then you hand out token sops to buy off the discontented.

Tim Scott is probably a fine human being. Ben Carson is a fine human being. Clarence Thomas is an impressive jurist, and Thomas Sowell is an impressive writer; Osiris Akkebala is an impressive thinker. Those of us who are realists are not so much “racists” as students of human biodiversity who realize diversity is death.

The problem with Tim Scott is that appointing him is appeasement to those who want WASP genocide. Making him VP places the face of those who are here to replace us onto our power structure. If Trump does it, most of his voting base will stay home.

This is not meant to slam Donald Trump. Like most businessmen, he tries to make a deal that is at least somewhat of a win for all parties. That is the goal in business: achieve the big thing, make compromises to get there, and trust in the rising tide that lifts all boats to convince others to join you.

However, here he is dealing with the clash of civilizations. No one voting for the Left cares about the economy; they are either grateful wage slaves or welfare state dependents, and many of the former exist in jobs created by regulations. They want more government regardless of what it does to the economy.

Not only is Tim Scott going to turn off WASP voters, but he is going to turn off Black voters. His girlfriend seems to be some variety of hwite, which rightfully offends any red-blooded Black person who like Whites and hwites hates mixed-race couples in relationships and wants to see successful Black people with Black spouses.

Trump could seize defeat from the jaws of victory with this one. Conservatives often do this in their attempt to be reasonable and keep the family/nation together at all costs. The Left is willing to destroy things to get what they want, and this is why they win.

For Trump to win, he needs to represent an antidote and opposite to the way things have been going since the end of the Reagan presidency. That does not mean the juvenile “racism” of the internet, but definitely means opposing the diversity takeover and the third world war against the first.

While I see nothing wrong with Tim Scott as a man, a politician, and a cabinet member, making him the choice for VP will do what Republicans always do: demoralize their base, lose the election, and give the Left a mandate to destroy, all in the name of appeasing people who hate them and want them dead.

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