
Furthest Right

Identifying the enemy — correctly


With all of the rancor thundering through the news about race, the temptation is to fall into the competitive spirit and embark on that type of thinking commonly referred to Us vs. Them. You may be familiar with this trope when you see nasty things being posted about white people or black people, or even The Jews™.

Unfortunately for those who get worked up about these issues, such blame is a form of scapegoating. It will both replace the real issues we should be talking about, and turn you into an angry person who inflicts harm on those who do not deserve it. Cruelty is not a hallmark of my people.

As human beings, we respond in groups to changes in the perception of what is desired for our future as a civilization. This means that ideas, not physical groups, force change upon the tapestry of future history. The most difficult enemy to spot is an idea, because we carry it like a virus, and can never locate a tangible form. Like drunken men we rage at the invisible monkey on our backs.

…and thus you ask, wisely, what idea has created racial violence and mass third world immigration in America and Europe? What idea has so thoroughly corrupted our society, like a clandestine camouflaged conspiracy, that we can never quite figure out who is behind the curtain, pulling the strings? Ideas form ladders from general to particular; let us start with the particular and walk backward.

Failure of race relations is caused by the need for identity in every ethnic group

We see black on white violence in the streets and figure the cause must be the symptom: blacks. But every visible symbol has a cause, and that cause is what motivates African-Americans, or rather, what fails to motivate them. What fails to compel them is a sense of group identity because they are always cast out and kept away.

Yes, we could go on about IQ statistics and MAOA genes and high testosterone, but these same factors would act on any ethnic group, although the attributes mentioned above (and others) determine the exact expression of the underlying crisis. That crisis is a lack of identity. With identity, one has a transcendent — or rising above, and giving order to, the material world — sense of purpose, of past and future, and of what it is to be a good version of what one is. Identity includes culture, heritage and values/philosophy simultaneously, much like traditional society includes aristocracy, religion and principle as one. Without identity, a person always feels a sociopathic ennui toward their civilization. Our mixed-race civilization is administered by white liberals, according to white history, and thus everything white people do feels like a token gesture to all minorities. They sense their role is as a captive people in a foreign land, deprived of identity and the ability to plan and control their own destiny, and this is naturally enraging to all healthy people. Thus whatever you see fit to heap on minorities — blacks, Mexicans, Jews™, whatever — you can see how the origin of it lies in feeling like slaves even when “free.”

Of the minority thinkers, some understand this. Among Jews(™) it was Theodor Herzl, who wrote that the reason for anti-Semitism was the lack of ability to integrate into national populations by Jews, something that would require their self-destruction as culture, language and ethnic group. The African-American writers have produced Malcolm X and Marcus Garvey, among others such as the insightful Osiris Akkebala, who point out that without self-determination a population is doomed to resent those who seem to be in control. Other examples exist among Mexicans, Asians and North-Amerinds (“American Indians”). All see a singular fact: their plight is not so much a direct result of white interference, but situational, caused by the fact of being a minority who must either be assimilated and destroyed or must stand out and fail to reap the benefits of those who are integrated. Even if they were to integrate, most red-blooded people of minority status recognize that they would never be what whites idealize: the tall Northwestern European type, with light coloring and narrow faces. Even if they succeed at the integration game, they fail, on some subtle level, if only in the fact that their offspring will never resemble the ideal.

We must be clear: the enemy is diversity. It is not blacks, or whites, or Jews™. It is the idea of diversity itself, which is the notion that multiple populations can occupy the same space and become a nation. This is false for the reasons shown above, and history echoes that sentiment. The happiest nations are homogenous and in control of their own destinies; the least happy are those that resemble Brazil, a jumble of ethnic groups in competition and managing each other through the nastiest form of authority, which is wealth and the power it buys. Even if you think other ethnic groups are just the worst people ever, the problem does not go away until diversity goes away. With a destruction of diversity, it is possible to part with other groups, saying truthfully, “An error of history was made, and now we have corrected it.”

Democracy has failed because it gives power to those who cannot, should not and will not participate in leadership.

Democracies operate by control. Designed around many millions of individualists each doing their own thing, democracies herd people with carrot (reward) and stick (punishment). This quickly becomes a system where the obedient rise and everyone else is beaten down as if enemies of the state, because in a sense they are. Their inability to become obedient is a counter-argument to the idea that democracy is an ideal system of government. This is why democracy embraces “soft” totalitarianism, or a system where social disorder is used as a weapon to corral people toward being obedient, and rewarding them with wealth and consumer goods. Those who go to school, memorize the drivel and pretend it is important, and repeat the official dogma — “we are all equal” and fellow travelers — and then truck off to work for ten hours a day before watching state-approved television get to live in the nice areas and feel little physical pain or fear. The rest live among the disaster democracy has created, with the duty imposed on the citizen to be a good little tool enough to get money sufficient to crawl out of the morass. This forms a factory for making selfish robots with no long-term or transcendent thoughts in their heads, and explains why the next stage after democracy is a third-world style kleptocracy.

Leadership distinguishes itself from control. A leader looks to the future and plans for the optimum; a democracy settles itself with the minimum, except in material comfort and wealth, because its modus operandi is not to choose principles or goals, but to enable its citizens to choose those for themselves, knowing that most will choose wrongly and thus make themselves easy to control. A leader picks a target that no one else can see and makes it happen directly; a democracy hides its target, if any exists, and manipulates people into pursuing it by publicly destroying as examples those who do not. The witch hunts and lynch mobs of democracy are not accidental. They are a form of signaling to the herd how it must obey on pain of what is done to those who disobey, which is usually a form of ostracism that throws them into the worst of poverty and chaos to self-destruct. Democracy hates leadership because actual leadership makes democracy look as impotent, purposeless and self-stimulating as it is. Democracy is inherently solipsistic, or self-referential and in denial of external reality. Leadership looks to external reality both to change it and to understand its principles and apply them within.

Democracy has failed. In the scarcely over two centuries that it has been the standard in the West, we have gone from world leaders to world shopping mall. Our culture has failed, and produces trivial objects. Our once-shining cities are dirty, ugly and full of fear. Our governments are bankrupt, and keep going by bribing citizens to comply. Through our aversion to war and strong action as voters, we have empowered permanent criminal classes domestically and fanatical enemies abroad. In addition, we have laid waste to our environment and, far from replacing it with castles and elegance, we have paved it over and put shopping malls and suburbs into it so people can escape the rotting cities. Under democracy, humanity becomes a disease. People cannot choose direction in committee, and politics — a symptom of democracy — requires choice by appearance and not reality. Thus our leaders are a progression of con artists and actors who deceive us and leave long-term problems like buried bombs all around us.

The root of our failure is liberalism, or the idea that individuals working separately can choose our collective future.

Civilization is not something one attends like a grocery store or bank. It is an organism. We keep civilization alive by avoiding degeneration or the loss of important cognitive abilities, both individually and as a group. Liberalism holds the contrary principle, which is that degeneration is fine as long as we have enough rules to control it, and gains its power by flattering the individual that any choice they make is right. Liberalism offers to the individual unquestioning acceptance no matter what life choices they make, but is only too happy to penalize them so that the more obedient can climb over them on their way to the top. When you look at our elites, you see self-centered and viciously acquisitive people who destroy everything in their wake on the way to success. Those of us trying to hold civilization together — alas, conservatives — too often perform the role of cleaning up these messes because of our fear of collapse. But collapse is better than perpetual corruption.

Leftism, which is the ideology of liberalism, starts with The Enlightenment™ idea that the individual is the measure of humanity. Forget having culture, values and heritage, say those thinkers, what we really need is society as a blank canvas upon which the individual can project their drama. And yet, over the past two centuries, people have grown more miserable not less. This occurs because individualism itself is a trap; it locks us inside ourselves, alienates us from reality, and infantilizes us as a result. Modern people spend most of their time on trivial decisions which amount to those a child struggles over, like what to eat, wear and buy. That helps block out the dark space inside of us where we put our fears, including mortality but mostly a fear of wasting our lives on the wrong decisions. Liberalism by approving of all decisions deprives us of guidance and resorts to facilitative modes of society that enable us to do whatever we want, and then take advantage of our shortcomings. Liberalism is a long con job that distracts us from the real issues, turns us into a mob that makes decisions by the committee mentality, and then enslaves us all to the collective chaos that is created, all in the name of “freedom” and “equality,” two terms which are always used and never defined.

The disease of our time is that we defer authority to the group, which leaves no one accountable for its results.

With democracy, liberalism and diversity a pattern emerges: that of individuals, making choices as groups, and then since no single person made those choices, having no one accountable. Our presidents? Surely you jest: after four to eight years they move on to making millions in speaking fees and book residuals. Our congresspeople? Also laughable: they get us both coming and going by promising to fix problems, scapegoating someone else when they fail, and then getting elected to clean up the even worse mess that is created. The group decides, which means no one decides, which means no one is accountable. The pollution grows, society decays, and our futures grow darker, but who do we blame? Anyone but ourselves, and yet what put us in this predicament is the belief in human equality which forces decision-making upon a group ill-equipped to do it.

We can fix our problems rather quickly: abandon individualism. Realize that we are part of an organism called civilization which is part of a larger organism called nature, possibly part of a physical+metaphysical organism known as the cosmos. This system has an order, and where we work with it, we thrive; that is what the transcendental principles teach. This requires us to give up the pretense that we are gods in man-monkey bodies and instead look toward the pattern of the whole universe, and see in that our purpose. It feels bad, at first, but then it becomes warming. We have a goal again! We have a reason to exist! We have something to live for more than take-out food, new television, discount shopping and political shouting matches. Our problem is not blacks, Jews&trade, or anyone else; it is our own delusion, and we can fix it by thinking in a different direction. At once, our soul — and our futures — are together reborn.

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