
Furthest Right

How Western Intervention Killed Kids in Africa

A daily reminder that well-intentioned Western aid often ends in catastrophe, as in the case of the killer vaccine in Africa:

Whole-cell diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis (DTP) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) were introduced to children in Guinea-Bissau in 1981. We previously reported that DTP in the target age group from 3 to 5 months of age was associated with higher overall mortality.

Although having better nutritional status and being protected against three infections, 6–35 months old DTP-vaccinated children tended to have higher mortality than DTP-unvaccinated children. All studies of the introduction of DTP have found increased overall mortality.

The West has a projection problem. Its system is not working well, at least since the regicides. Instead of admitting that, Westerners pretend that all is good and to prove it, they export their system to others. This process makes Westerners feel better but often costs third-world lives.

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