
Furthest Right

How The Far-Left Took Over

The internet melted down and normies are foaming over it. Apparently something called “CrowdStrike,” which is a moron management tool (MMT) which allows centralized control of Windows computers so the morons cannot wreck more than their own data, in fact went full moron and ate half the internet. Crowd… Strike. Two of my favorite things.

Currently the feint for which Biden is well-known is playing out. He said he would never quit, then said he was considering it, and he waited for the news pocket to fade. Last night people were talking about him; today he is forgotten because all the computers crashed and normies are fascinated. Humans are monkeys.

In the meantime, people are slowly waking up to how far down the hole of the Age of Symbolism we have fallen. Symbolism makes people feel powerful because they can manipulate the symbol in their minds and adjust it to see only the parts they like; this is called rationalization.

Rationalization seeks to accept something negative by telling a story (in our own minds) in which the bad is not so bad and the good is really Utopian. This parallels egalitarianism, where the good are rewarded as well as the bad, instead of the old pagan morality where the good are rewarded and the bad punished or removed.

Symbolism puts the power in our hands. Instead of adapting to the world, we find a way to make ourselves like the symbols, and use any exceptions as an excuse to act selfishly. Exceptions seem to us like a failing in the concept and therefore its reversal; it is not complete, so it can be rejected. Our minds like this excuse for acting selfishly.

People love democracy because they feel no direct pain for their actions. If Joe Biden screws up and blows a billion dollars on donuts, we all pay a small fraction of that cost, if we even pay it at all since it probably just gets shifted onto the debt/deficit pile. We can rationalize the screwup as good or at least “okay.”

In the future, people will view the Tea Party and MAGA as the same movement: a desire to pick up where pre-Clinton America left off. They will view Trump as a moderate, at least in comparison to what came later. They will view Clinton, FDR, JFK, LBJ, and Abraham Lincoln as con men.

History will record that we went down the rabbit hole of symbolism through Political Correctness (PC). PC is a variant of the oldest human failing: if we cannot rationalize something as good, we claim the symbol is bad, and refuse to let anyone mention the symbol.

We ostracize anyone who brings the bad symbols into our world. Our superstition is that these symbols bring about what they stand for, and that makes us upset. That makes it easy to turn the herd against the bad symbols people. Exclude them from life and they pose no threat.

PC weaponized this by first defining as “good” only that which fit with the civil rights imperative. You either were working to make everyone equal, especially minorities, or you were a good-for-nothing ignorant uneducated impoverished low-IQ bigot redneck who needed to be purged from the gene pool. This is how binary/categorical thinking works.

In the categorical thinking of PC, civil rights was good and anything but that narrow category was bad. This made it easy for the far-Left to exclude anyone who was not far-Left; they had to use rationalization (again) to find some way to explain any contrary views as somehow hating minorities, and then the herd attacked.

Their greatest success was on social media. A few dozen of them would flag the same post, it would get removed, and the user would be banned. Why? He caused controversy, even if only from a few people, and he was being un-PC. In the same way academics got fired, people were deplatformed, and whole genres of knowledge censored out of existence.

Censorship and propaganda became the norm, and in order to avoid risk, surveillance also became commonplace. This made it easy to eliminate the wrongthinkers so the goodthinkers could get together and agree that instead of everything failing as was abundantly obvious, we were living in the best timeline.

Goodthinkers are rationalizers which means that they will explain away any failings as long as the symbols that make them feel good are there. They like equality, altruism, empathy, compassion, love, peace, and celebration. They are afraid of anything else and will do their best to make sure it cannot be mentioned.

With the rise of PC, the far-Left was able to even drive away the moderate Left. If you were not Leftist enough, you had no defense against accusations of being un-PC, so anyone who wanted to keep a job, have friends, be married, or have housing started repeating the same sad old Jacobin/Communist lies.

This gave the Left its ultimate victory. Trump merely asks that we step away from that abyss. This has enraged the far-Left, who were moments away from seizing total control like they did in the Soviet Union and China. They had no plan past total control; Utopia would arrive magically, their superstition said, because the right symbols were there.

In this way, neo-Communism — the modern form administered through civil rights and regulations onto a free market — resembles a religion more than an ideology. It is there for the worship of happy symbols and will destroy anything else. This makes it pathologically unrealistic and prone to self-destruction, which is why we are now resisting it.

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