Major cities across America have the same problem that the West has generally: in order to make diversity work, they adopted massive social programs and as a result, raised taxes to unsupportable levels, therefore have no “wiggle room” for actual real-world problems they encounter like repeated flooding.
Houston has always been in the hurricane zone and being at sea level, has always flooded. However, until it grew to four times its size under the Anglo-Saxons, it was able to manage this flooding through reservoirs and surrounding land areas that could absorb the water.
During the last twenty-five years, the city has quadrupled the size of its metro area and population, although it is hard to estimate since so many are illegal aliens or garage-dwelling NEETs that do not show up on the census. During that time, it has had a series of diversity mayors that have bled off its wealth and left it with debt.
Nature called in its loan in 2017 with Hurricane Harvey, a giant storm which parked itself over the city to rain for a couple days, resulting in massive flooding since the water no longer has any place to go; Houston is a Death Star like spread of concrete that extends for fifty miles in all directions.
During that storm, Mayor Sylvester “DEI Candidate” Turner made lots of assurances, but managed to spend all of the money Houston had, leaving the city in debt, while doing absolutely nothing about the need for a flood tunnel like in Tokyo to take floodwaters out of the city:
Congress is ordering the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to complete its years-long study of a massive tunnel beneath Houston that would divert floodwaters like those that inundated the city during Hurricane Harvey.
The move stands to end a long disagreement between Houston politicians and the Army Corps, which had earlier raised concern the $6.5 to $12 billion cost of tunneling beneath the city was too expensive.
When you spend your billions on diversity, like Turner did, you leave yourself open to real problems for which you then have zero funding. For an example of the Turner administration hiding budgets, diverting funds, and robbing flood control budgets to subsidize cronies and co-ethnics, just look to recent history:
Since voters approved the drainage fee, the City has collected about $700 million. To put that amount in perspective, that is three times the money that was needed to complete Project Brays. But instead funding projects like Project Brays, the City began paying for 500 Public Works Department employees from the fund in the very first year the drainage fee was assessed and has continued to do so ever since. Few of these employees have anything to do with flood control. Since then the money has also been used for bike trails, traffic control and miles and miles of asphalt overlays, which in many cases make flooding worse.
Before Turner became mayor, the City budget included a list of the employee categories that were being paid from the drainage fund. About two-thirds appeared to be bureaucrats working at City Hall. After Turner became mayor, the City stopped including that information and other details about how the drainage fees are being spent. You can compare the level of detail provided by the Parker administration to what the Turner administration now publishes [here – 2015 Budget] and [here-2018 Budget].
While many of us have tired of the constant ethnic slurs and racial hatred spewing across the internet, diversity does not work not because of the groups involved but because of diversity itself; each group works in its own self-interest alone and diversity destroys any culture — something which we now realize is mostly genetic — in common.
That leads to cities where each ethnic group steals as much as it can and no one is watching the road ahead for big risks like floods.
Tags: diversity, houston, hurricane harvey, sylvester turner