
Furthest Right


The problem we have on the Right is that we have a lot of very stupid people here, and they say things that other very stupid people agree with, and then we all get lumped into a collective of stupid to do whatever the latest grifting Christian or edgy civic nationalist demands.

This is not unique to the Right; the Left, for example, built itself around a simple lie (equality) which hides a simple truth (desire to smash reality for conflicting with their individualistic desires, feelings, judgments, and emotions).

However, it is a challenge for the Right to overcome, mainly because most people on Right and Left understand conservatism only as Christianity or defending the Constitution, maybe support for free markets, and beyond that have no vision, therefore always end up going along with whatever the Uniparty wants.

Very few understand that the idea behind conservatism is Order. This means an order beyond the individual in consistent (not “objective”) reality, an order to the heavens and Earth in parallel, and a hierarchy here on Earth of people which indicates that the best by character and ability should rule, not the most popular.

Conservatism will never be popular because it rejects the “I Me Mine” narrative of the neurotic ego.

Leftism on the other hand is pure individualism: it is “me-first” with the caveat that in order to make this popular, it must be extended to the entire crowd, forming a collective that wants subsidized individualism in order to smash down reality and its inherent inequality.

Since few remember what Order means, instead we get “Christian libertarians” on the Right who want civic nationalism with extra strong rules to force people to behave like something other than what they are, whether that is assimilation, sexual morality, drugs/alcohol/tobacco laws, or a morality of weakness.

The Christians for example are against abortion and homosexuality. They see these things as sins, which means that no one should ever do them, in their view. They do not take into account that babies are not equal, so not all should survive, or that some people are born that way and need to do gay stuff.

For example, homosexuals have different brain scans than heterosexuals do:

Patterns important for classifying between males and females were less pronounced in non-heterosexuals. Predominantly in non-heterosexual females, multivariate brain patterns as represented by latent variables were shifted toward the opposite sex.

In addition, finger length serves as a useful proxy for homosexual status:

For 18 female twin pairs, non-straight (bisexual or lesbian) twins had significantly lower, or more masculinized, 2D:4D ratios than their straight co-twins, but only in the left hand. For 14 male pairs, non-straight twins had, contrary to our prediction, more masculinized finger length ratios than straight co-twins, but this difference was not significant.

These two together mean that homosexuality is an inborn, biological condition — possibly with genetic influences — that cannot be changed.

Even more, we have to admit if we are realistic that not all people are the same. A king needs different rules than a peasant. Traditional societies see paired duties/privileges instead of one law for the king, peasant, freeholder, and knight.

In the same way, our ancient pagan societies — and the smarter Christians — tend to recognize that some people are born gay and this is never going to change, so forcing them to behave as heterosexuals is dumb, like trying to humble a king with laws made for peasants.

In the pagan view, they are free to be gay and we are free to make fun of it, and that is a natural order that makes sense. Similarly the pagans recognized that diversity was a failure, socialism bred arrogant dependents, and poorer people were dumber and more criminal. This is just common sense.

The Christians want “good to the good, and good to the bad” because this is pacifism which makes everyone feel “safe” because their individualism is not threatened. Pagans demand that your self-esteem match what you give back to the world, and so would never support individualism, which they see as hubris.

This allows the pagans — a fancy term for “gentiles who are not Christian” — to see the world in a monist context: the same rules apply in the heavens as on Earth, so if something exists here, it is not error but has some purpose, even if that is simply to be a prey animal like Leftists are.

Pagans believe in the commonsense rule of “good to the good, bad to the bad” which means that you reward anyone who contributes, remove the destructive, and basically ignore everyone else. This is Darwinism and morality in the same expression.

Similarly, looking beyond morality to things which do not threaten civilization, pagans recognize that people are different and we cannot enforce means-over-ends logic to make them all the same so we can make them “good” in a moral sense which is detached from reality, something we know to express the divine.

Homosexuals are born that way and need to do gay things. You may think they are gross and make fun of them; that is fine, too! But trying to force everyone to be a good Christian who has sex with a fat spouse twice a month only for procreation purposes is unrealistic and therefore, blasphemous.

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