
Furthest Right

For the Content of Their Character

It is well and good to be a race realist. In fact, if you are going to be sane, you should probably be a realist, and if so, there is no point leaving race out of the equation.

There are two dimensions to this. First is recognizing differences between groups, including behaviors and average IQs. The second is noticing that diversity obliterates every group over time. First it displaces culture, then genetics, and soon you are left with a mishmash.

In my view, the latter is more important than the former, because no matter what groups are involved in diversity, the fact of diversity existing is itself destructive. This tells us enough that if we are sane, we will want to avoid it.

Race-realism leads to other forms of realism. We recognize quickly that ethnic diversity is as destructive as racial diversity where culture and genetics are concerned. The original groups are destroyed. We also see that the bell curve applies to all groups, and this produces social classes.

In short, those who are most intelligent tend to be most prosperous because they are on average more competent. The least intelligent end up having trouble producing anything or building skills, so they work repetitive jobs as bulk labor. In the middle are people who can fill roles but have only moderate agency in developing independent actions.

If we are class realists, we quickly realize that we have thrown away most of this country in the interest of helping “the poor,” who remain poor except for where capitalism has reduced costs and raised quality. Government works against this by handing out free stuff, which like all free things then becomes a baseline, raising costs.

In addition, the taxes required for the free stuff get passed down to the consumer, which means that the poor spend more for the same results. Wealthier people are less affected. This creates a situation where our attempts to help the poor hurt the poor, but we accept no other alternative so we simply double down on the failing programs.

The current crop of internet gurus and media entertainers like to blame “capitalism” for their problems when in reality their boring jobs, low buying power, and chaotic cities are the result of attempts to save the poor from their own low ability.

If we are going to be race realists, we should be class realists, and that requires us to acknowledge that throwing money at poverty not only fails but destroys our civilization. Socialism does not work. You cannot beat the bell curve. What you can do is make a more stable society and give people a better chance that way.

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