
Furthest Right

Falling Glass

Recently we had some big-ass storms hit town, and they hammered home why anarchy and its various forms like democracy are total failures. The weathermen got it wrong, the city got it wrong, and then it fell onto ordinary people to self-organize and fix stuff.

If you ever live through an emergency like this, you will see hierarchy emerge immediately based on capability. Someone knows how to cut trees; he is in charge there. Another person knows a bit about electricity, and so she picks up insulating the downed lines and tying them up on fences.

Still another has a boat and is good at boat things, so he becomes the person rescuing people out of flooded houses. A couple guys who are notoriously good shots take their deer rifles up into the trees and watch for looters. The good thing about shooting looters in a flood is that the corpses float away and the catfish do the rest.

In any case, you do not hear anyone talking about equality. Those who can do, and if they do it right, they get rewarded with more goodwill and trust. This is how hierarchies are built: through shared combat against things that endanger all of us.

The “official” institutions did less well. After the sudden storm appeared out of nowhere and the weather maps did nothing, the internet squawked with commands to stay inside. The power stayed dead for up to a week for many and in some areas, no crews were seen for many days.

Downtown remains closed in large areas. Apparently the big buildings got hit and there is worry about falling glass. If anyone drives or walks beneath, they might get hit by random falling shards and then someone would get sued, so the cops shut down a third of downtown instead and kept it that way for days.

This is a far cry from what happened during Alicia or some of the other older storms. The city came together, people worked eighteen-hour days, line workers did overtime, and ordinary citizens pitched in to clean up the mess. Culture won out, because back then it was a WASP town and everyone else is along for the ride.

Diversity has not only abolished culture, so none of that people coming together thing happens — no one knows what is expected or how to interact — but also trashed self-reliance. People wait for government to tell them what to do or the media industry to puke out some homily or another to make them feel better.

At this point, passivity takes the form of “safety.” Be safe; glass might fall; someone might get hurt! Since there is nothing worth sacrificing ourselves for because culture is dead, that can only be viewed as a massive inconvenience and loss of earning potential.

The safety mentality has created the goal of saving every last idiot on Earth from the consequences of their actions. If they do something insane and walk through a tornado, it is a tragedy and they died as heroes; if they walk under falling glass and die, our society has failed to be equal somehow.

Idiocracy of this nature means that society undoes natural selection. Its goal is to save idiots from themselves. This causes it to subsidize idiots and pass the bill to the non-idiots. With each generation, fewer non-idiots survive and reproduce, therefore gradually the idiots take over.

If you wake up and suddenly your society is a third world style wasteland, this is what happened.

People refuse to study what “isms” are. Humanism means humans first before all else; fascism means the unified group first before all else. What does individualism mean?

Individualism means the individual first and before all else. That “all else” includes common sense, wisdom, nature, history, culture, the divine, and any other intangibles. The individual is tangible; everything else is assumed to be optional and arbitrary.

Individualists in groups form collectives. Collectivism is individualism that has made an economically-viable decision to be mutual. That way, the Crowd enforces individualism and the individual does not have to appear selfish and defend that notion to the herd.

In a collective, the individualist does not stand out, and therefore he faces no potential criticism for being me-first selfish (which is what individualism really is; the bourgeois philosophy is based upon it). He is not stealing from the group, in this view, but giving them the gift of individualism in exchange for his own.

This pattern arises in any human group that does not have strong leaders. Humans naturally tend toward entropy much like animals do. They cannot stop themselves from becoming individualistic and failing to work together, so society falls apart and the herd reverts to pre-technological living.

Nature is enforcing a quality gate here. That is, it wants to allow only those in possession of their faculties and common sense to rise, and wants to push everyone else back down to hominid status. When a group gives in to inertia by losing the power to control itself, nature self-destructs it.

Leftism is simply a rationalization of this impulse by individualists who want to dedicate that energy to themselves instead of fixing their civilization. By claiming the moral high ground, they justify decay as progress and therefore do not have to change their thinking and take on the task of fixing civilization.

This is why Leftists reject power, strength, health, sanity, wisdom, and depth in all forms and replace them with rigid political categories designed to control thinking.

The are anti-realists, including anti-Darwinism, because they fear adapting to their environment, since this would raise the question of how to make civilization work, since civilization is innate to the human experience.

They prefer to sit in judgment on nature, instead of adapting to nature, simply because this makes them feel powerful with the energy they have conserved by failing to tackle the obvious, persistent, and eternal real problems, and instead crusading after symbolic victories and fears.

In nature, animals which do not avoid falling glass tend to be removed. The remaining animals are hardwired by genetics to be more alert and perceptive.

To sit in judgment on nature is to say that this process is bad, so we need to block off much of downtown since some idiot might die, and if the weakest idiot among us dies, then the equality that binds us together like slavery and greed combined might be at risk.

Realists aim instead to be within nature. That is, we recognize risk and accept it as part of life. We tolerate mystery and danger. Our response is to be more alert and perceptive instead of hiding behind judgment and pretense.

In the end, everything based on anti-realism comes apart slowly. When it does, watch out for falling glass.

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