When on the Right, it helps to remember that everyone else wants to steal your legitimacy, assimilate your ideas, and then use you as a cordycepted zombie to serve their own goals. As a result, you will see many people pretending to be “more Right than thou,” usually by adopting extremist ideas tinged with racial sadism, and these will then serve as an entry point for others who will subvert, co-opt and redirect the movement.
William S. Burroughs — a writer every conservative (realist/physical consequentialist + transcendentalist/Germanic idealist) should read, despite the disturbing amounts of drug use, sex and murder — shows us exactly how these false flag entryists operate through the parable of Clem and Jody:
Clem and Jody, two oldtime vaudeville hoofers, cope out as Russian agents whose sole function is to represent the U.S. in an unpopular light. When arrested for sodomy in Indonesia, Clem said to the examining magistrate:
“‘Tain’t as if it was being queer. After all they’s only Gooks.”
They appeared in Liberia dressed in black Stetsons and red galluses:
“So I shoot that old nigger and he flop on his side one leg up in the air just akicking.”
“Yeah, but you ever burn a nigger?”
They are always pacing round Bidonvilles smoking huge cigars:
“Haveta get some bulldozers in here Jody. Clean out all this crap.”
Morbid crowds follow them about hoping to witness some superlative American outrage.
“Thirty years in show business and I never handle such a routine like this. I gotta dispossess a Bidonville, give myself a bang of H, piss on the Black Stone, make with the Prayer Call whilst dressed in my hog suit, cancel Lend Lease and get fucked up the ass simultaneous…. What, am I an octopus already?” Clem complains.
They are conspiring to kidnap the Black Stone with a helicopter and substitute a hog pen, the hogs trained to give the Bronx cheer when the pilgrims show. “We try to train them squealing bastards to sing: ‘Three cheers for the Red White and Blue,’ but it can’t be done….”
…They unload a shipment of condemned parachutes on the Ecuadorian Air Force. Manoeuvres: Boys plummet streaming ‘chutes like broken condoms splash young blood over pot-bellied generals… shattering wake of sound as Clem and Jody disappear over the Andes in jet getaway…
These guys are hired by the Soviets to discredit Americans, so instead of presenting themselves as Russians and attacking Americans directly, they dress up as Americans and behave like utter horrible boors as a means of getting the herd to hate Americans.
In the same way, there are some on the alt right — of both cuck and sperg varieties — who are sheep in wolves’ clothing: they want to appear to the world as the alt right, and then use their resulting ridiculous behavior to discredit the alt right.
On that level, it is impossible to mention the “1488” types without mentioning the “alt lite,” since they are both the same thing. They are parasitic opportunists who hope to use the alt right to advance their own agenda, consuming the alt right in the process.
Tags: alt-right, alternative right, entryism, false flag, william s. burroughs