
Furthest Right

Exposing the Nature of Evil

As discussed previously, external evil remains a spook, as does the imposition of the category of “evil” to intent; more likely, what we think of as “evil” arises from error plus an individualistic refusal to admit that the path taken is wrong.

In other words, evil has an internal cause, and it is not intentional evil, but willful ignorance of the world and how it works — a condition called individualism, because the individual comes first before all else — and then a refusal to accept new data, change mental state, and correct the issue.

We might see several forms of evil among humans:

  • Projection: we encounter partial data about a situation, our brains fill in the rest, and we act on our mental image instead of taking in new data about where the reality differs from our idealistic model.
  • Pacifism: in order to avoid conflict, we use categorical logic to classify some things as “good” and some as “bad,” then refuse to look into nuance and internal variation (the Bell Curve) in these things to differentiate individual instances from what we see as the essence.
  • Simplification: to give our brains a handle on some tangible vision of an aspect of the world, we turn it into a cartoon of itself, ignoring the many details which point to an unseen structure which reveals part of its nature.
  • Symbolism: talismans, scapegoats, excuses, rationalizations, and universal ideals all serve to manipulate others, therefore we bring them into our own heads, and as a result see only what we think represents a complex issue not how it is as it is.
  • Defensiveness: out of a sense that we as individuals must come first, we turn on the world which does not feel the same way, and become preemtively defensive, leading to greed, resentment, and an impulse to destroy.

There is no “evil” as a cause; rather, error leads to illusory thinking which creates an effect of “evil,” or a pointless destruction of all good through a failure to recognize the source of good and nurture it.

In my garden, “evil” occurs when a problem goes unnoticed, like poor drainage. That results in an outbreak of mould, which then kills off the strongest plants since they have the most roots and are the most hydrated. Did Satan do this? Did someone intend evil here?

Intentional evil is as illusory as intentional disease or decay. These things happen when growth, health, sanity, balance, harmony, and other forms of maintaining health fall short. Humans seem evil when they perceive that their need can only be solved by these methods.

As usual, methods come after goals, and goals come after comparing causes to effects. We know past effects; working backward, we know what causes produce them. We then choose the best effect and the cause to match and make that our goal, achieving the state that produces the best outcome.

Was Hitler evil? He believed he was doing good, and in many ways, he was; most world leaders, even the worst of them, mostly do good in keeping order and function. Was Stalin evil? He was amoral and served only the interests of his own power, in part because that is what his competition did.

To become good, one must rise above choosing effects-as-goals, or having a symbolic belief in something like dictatorship, equality, diversity, or socialism. Those are effects: a healthy society has good leadership, treats its people fairly, has internal genetic variation (not external), and is prosperous enough that all can eat.

The cause of those things is the healthy society, and that requires certain goals to be met which are associated with healthy societies, namely structure like social hierarchy, removal of the defective/dysfunctional, rewarding of the good, and saving toward the future.

Notice none of these say catering to special interests. In reality, special interests tear down unity and misdirect us toward looking at the negative instead of the constructive. A society with a purpose sees special interests as needs that individuals should meet.

Humanity is slowly learning that mentally satisfying concepts do not work out well in reality. For example, in our minds, we delight in the murder of our enemies; in reality, this does little to advance us and creates secondary problems.

Similarly people prefer to simplify the world into symbols, but these characterize all objects in a category as having the same behavior, when the individual objects are more varied and often, parts of the category are needed to keep other parts of reality operating.

It seems likely that the prophets of Christianity and the Judaism upon which it was based never intended evil to be an external thing. They saw evil as error, and believed that this made people twisted as they contorted their minds to accept a destructive failing thing as good.

With that definition, we can see how most of our world is in fact evil. It is based on illusions like equality and the benevolence of commerce, politics, and socializing. In reality, some people are good, some are bad, and most are in the middle caught between opportunism and benevolence.

For us to move on from the age of symbolism, we need to abolish the difference between evil and error, and start seeing all uncorrected errors as the greatest form of evil. This includes especially those which influence the big picture, but also all of the details, since those conspire when numerous.

This requires that first we dispatch with scapegoats like Satan, the Jews,™ the Rich, the Whites, the Illuminati, and the Davos/Bilderberg group. These people are at worst symptoms of our decline, at best individiuals like ourselves trying to adapt to a diseased and unstable system.

External evil allows humans to cast aside responsibility for fixing our own perception, and to offload it onto some scapegoat, much as they offload their hopes to a talisman like their vision of God, hoping that someone will save them from themselves.

On a more practical level, we the human species are in command of our future and no one is coming to save us, but no one is subverting us, either. We do a fine enough job with that ourselves through our pursuit of Utopian illusions like equality.

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