We all know the normie: the bourgeois liberal who just wants to be liked — so he can sell more stuff, get promoted, get elected, or be the hip man in his social group — and therefore will rationalize any negatives as positives so that he can believe things are going well.
The key to the normie is that he is an individualist. He wants to do whatever he wants to do and have as few impediments as possible. He fears his eternal enemy, culture, because it says that memory is destiny and what worked in the past will work in the future, so we should conserve that knowledge.
Conservatives, realists, and other non-normies believe the opposite, which is that reality is more important than the individual. What we want has little role in the big scheme of things; rather, we each have a place where we can find what we need, and we will discover that most of what we want is illusion.
Your average normie dreams of a big lottery win, but if it happened, it would deconstruct his personality. He would have the big house, lots of fancy cars, exotic vacations, trendy restaurants, and be able to hobnob with celebrities and billionaires.
After this is achieved, however, he would fall into the same decadence borne of boredom that afflicted 1980s rock stars. When you have it all, toward what do you strive? Even more, is buying the thousandth wide-screen television or iPhone somehow more rewarding than getting the first?
For this reason, the normie is a creature moving in two directions at once. He has his wants, but realizes that achieving them might destabilize him, so he embraces what he has and defends it as the best possible outcome while blaming others for standing between him and his wants.
Future generations will realize that French Revolution was not an “evil” motivated by some external malevolent force, but a giant mistake not only because it removed our best natural leaders, but because it gave in to our scapegoating and paranoia and denied our need for role.
A shopkeeper, after all, needs to be a shopkeeper: it is where, by his biological and genetic wiring, he is most effective and below the level where he is limited by his wiring and will start to screw up.
The defining notion of the individualism (similar to narcissists, solipsists, and egotists) is that they want their problem to be your problem. With the French Revolution, the inability of the herd to manage itself was blamed on the aristocracy and made a problem for society itself.
When you lose your aristocrats, you default to bureaucracy, which is the standard human blockhead method. You form a line, hand everyone the same thing, keep records, and then you have an important job as hall monitor even if you hate yourself and your boring, repetitive life.
When culture rules instead of the individual, people aim for having a place in the ecosystem of civilization. This is both hierarchical and personalized, meaning that each person has a place defined by both their optimal function and what makes them unique.
To a bureaucrat, all plumbers are equal. To a practical person with a church council or local business, some plumbers do better at installations, some peak out at basic repairs and cleanings, others are more personable, and still others have specializations like water heaters or sump pumps.
In other words, plumbers excel at what they enjoy. The guy who really likes smooth pipe joins and seamless soldering is the right guy to install a whole pipe system, but the cheerful fellow who likes to sniff out weaknesses and patch them is perfect for day-to-day maintenance.
Normies are the creation of individualism and the equality — stand in line! — that bureaucracy brings. They want their problems to be handled with a phone call, whether to a plumber or big dumb government, so that they can go on their merry way of self-expression and dreaming.
As realists, all of us here can recognize a salient fact: most of humanity were born to be normies. It is in their DNA and at the core of their personalities. They are not competent to do more than this. When given more wealth, power, or status, they become like our lottery winner: bored and destructive.
The key to the endless popularity of Leftism is that it appeals to the normie mind. Instead of a complex world, it offers a moronically simple solution, which seems to be like in a bureaucracy that everyone stands in line and receives the same thing.
It makes their problems into your problem because now society must fix everything because they finally have someone to complain about. The bureaucracy was just not fair and they want more of something or something different.
At that point, the bureaucracy shows the nature of jobs and careers. A bureaucrat can only get promoted for doing something new, so he invents a complex job-creating solution where every person is considered in terms of their situation, and given whatever brings them up to equal standing.
In this way, equality is only proven by equity, because otherwise someone is complaining. Well, they will complain anyway, but that is beyond the point. The bureaucracy promises equality but can only show that by a line of grey, faceless, equally-situated generic citizens.
Leftism will always be more popular than conservatism. Leftism says that someone else handles your problems and is to blame for your failings; conservatism says that we each have a place in a social order, including a social hierarchy, and failings result from being in the wrong place.
In other words, the Left focuses on the individual first, where conservatives focus on social, natural, and divine order first. The former are individualists, narcissists, solipsists, and egotists; the latter are realists, but in varying degrees.
Normie conservatism exists because it is a good product. In a market of varied consumers, a good product captures a plurality by being acceptable quality for its price to a substantial cache of those consumers. It does not have to be good, only good enough for the price as far as they can tell.
Your average person thinks that the way to be liked is to pander to others. Tell them that their illusions are real, that they are important, and that everything will be fine with one simple fix, and they are yours. You can sell them whatever you want at that point.
The risk here should be obvious to everyone: when the normies take over conservatism, it becomes a good product but not a good path. That is, it leads to failure like everything else, but it is easy for people to accept because it does not require them to change and promises an easy solution.
Actual Conservatism
Fake Conservatism
Most of what we write here is not just upsetting to mainstream conservatives but taboo to them. They do not want to admit that they are just slower Leftists who want Christianity and mixed economies instead of full atheistic, scientific, and socialist regimes.
Analyzed properly, these mainstream cons are being seduced by the bourgeois dream of a life in which we the individualists are in total command and what we want is more important than culture, nature, or the divine.
As it turns out, this is not just unrealistic but sociopathic, but because it is popular with the voters, it has won out consistently since its introduction, although we are now seeing that it ends in global poverty, WW3, and the fall of empires, so perhaps that is about to change.
Tags: bourgeois, conservatism, leftism, liberalism