
Furthest Right


Were a move on the horizon, my preference for a future house would include a Faraday cage. You either wrap the plywood shell in copper mesh or spray it with refractive metal paint, and either way, it absorbs and dilutes electromagnetic frequency (EMF) signals.

The reason for this is simple. It is not to block specific radio signals, but to protect against the aggregate effect of any radio signals. You do not want your genes getting rearranged by bursts of energy from afar, so you build that Faraday cage and protect yourself.

Immigration — a form of genocide — and diversity are similar. Our problem is not that migrants are bad people, although maybe they are if you listen to certain Right-wing sources, but that any immigration replaces who we are, either by displacing us or through outbreeding.

White people plus other races equals something that is no longer White. WASPs plus trace miscegenated Europeans (Southern, Irish, Eastern, and Mediterranean or middle eastern) makes a new group that no longer has the abilities framework that WASPs possess. This is genocide: one population is destroyed and a new one takes its place.

Diversity is like EMF. We are not trying to block one specific group, but any group other than our own ethnic group. Even if they are from the same race, they are not Us, and they will replace Us. Especially if they are the same race, but have trace miscegenation, they represent the end of Us and We will never exist again.

The only Faraday cage we can construct is the end of human rights law, and through remigration, return to mono-ethnic cultures. Choose your founding ethnic group — in America it is the ethnic Western Europeans or WASPs: English, northern German, Scots, Dutch, Scandinavian, and northern French — and send everyone else back home and never let them in again.

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