As Late Stage Democracy fails, people prepare to “tribe up” and defend their ethnic groups.
All attempts to appease diversity conflicts have failed.
Diversity not working in Pakistan either.
According to some of the experts, up to 1500 species show same-sex pair bonding, although this may not be sexual.
Without knowing the cause, it is hard to know who or what to blame, but the magic scapegoat of “systemic racism” will no doubt be unveiled here shortly.
There is no way out but slamming the doors and sending home all diversity. Until you do that, more will come.
Rationalizers transform obvious decay into symbolic victories that do not apply to known reality.
Worldwide, people are noticing the failure of diversity, and then being called the same nasty names by Leftists that they called WASPs here in the US when they objected to diversity.
Eurasians and Asians form alliance against Caucasians again. This headline is totally not propaganda, but on a non-sarcastic note, it is also mostly correct.
Another diversity hotspot unable to govern itself.
When you spend eighty years telling people that Hitler was terrible, and then you turn out to be terrible, the backlash will be absurd and intense.
Diversity is comedically failing everywhere.
With diversity, exceptions must be made for every protected group.
Once the diversity has the demographic advantage, democracy turns on you and heads right to Marxism and genocide of the host population.
Diversity means you accommodate and subsidize the ways of other tribes.
Modernity is failing worldwide. Democracy no longer functions, diversity threatens normal life, and globalism exploits everyone to feed government its tax base. Consequently, people from poor nations go to Europe and America for the Keynesian socialist handouts.
We do not want White immigrants, we want third world Leftist voters.
Another diversity conflict erupts in the northern countries because a Slavic aspiring superpower wants access to northern seas.
Few people like the communist diversity holiday. Fewer still think living among Mongolians is a good idea.
To be part of the elites, you must repeat the dogma, which is how they achieve an aura of moral superiority over that which is functional. Morality is great when it reflects Darwinian adaptation; when it does not, it is another fetish of a dying society where flattering others is more important than not being wrong.
When they can make $10k/head, the smugglers get very creative.
Everyone is terrified of saying that the equality emperor has no new clothes, diversity is paradoxical and therefore a failure, and that this means modernism has failed, since to a Leftist — and most of Europe are indoctrinated Leftists — this is equivalent to screaming “Heil Hitler” while “Dixie” plays in the background.
Voluntary solutions to diversity like this, where the outlier ethnic population relocates itself, will be popular in this century.
Welcome to the logical extension of civil rights law. Anyone can do anything except murder, and then if they are from a politically protected group, they will face no prosecution.
They do not understand that equality goes in only one direction, taking from the strong to give to the weak. The idea that the strong are equal too and deserve a fair shot is rejected time and again because the results are inequitable. Equality can only be “proven” by equity, therefore all equality programs are equity programs, and conservatives in denial of that are retarded cucks.
The civil rights revolution strengthened administrative agencies in Washington, which now have immense power and form the “deep state.”
Beware of signaling. It is always fake. If they actually had a certain emotion or ability, there would be no need to express it for others. The really rich people in the world keep it quiet. The poor pretending to be rich conspicuously spend money.
Black cops would have done a better job of talking to Black witnesses, who do not trust White (and whitish or hwhite) cops.
People who are willing to break the law to illegally enter a nation are not going to follow any laws subsequent to that time. For them, the host population is an enemy to be subjugated.
Diversity means that foreign groups are here to lobby for favorable treatment of their nation of origin, and when you get a grifter like Biden in the White House, the scam goes into overdrive.
When you do business in foreign countries, they change their laws to force a quid pro quo where you end up doing their bidding in exchange for them not obstructing or confiscating your overseas business.
With diversity, you cannot arrest people from protected groups lest they die of fentanyl like George Floyd and you get Derek Chauvined. In the same way, you cannot point out the misdeeds of foreign powers that have a heavy voting presence through their people in your homeland. Democracy becomes tyranny under diversity.
Diversity in generalists means an averaging of traits, which results in lower IQs and lack of specific talents like, say, governance.
Nothing that can be achieved except through repatriation to Mongolia. They have mid-90s IQs on average and will always end up being poor in a society of 100+ average IQ.
Add more people and housing prices go up, followed by a building boom on those nice green spaces you could formerly enjoy, at which point the local overpopulation bomb detonates in reckless breeding to outcompete other groups and individuals.
Leftists want to destroy the American energy industry in order to transfer that wealth to the third world.
You are under their thumb. Trump started the conscious decoupling from China and it has been gaining momentum as the CCP reveals itself to be more manipulative than free markets can allow.
As we say here, it is back to the Carter years. When government spends a ton of money on its diversity underclass, who then spend it on marginal products, the core of the economy collapses and everyone experiences a grey socialist Utopia in a less extreme form than the Soviet Union but with the same basic symptoms.
This censorship exists to stop people from noticing the failure of diversity, how diversity is being used to turn democracy into tyranny, and how government has no plan except more of the same.
Chaos means lots of cheap labor flows into the country to keep GDP up without doing anything productive in the core of the economy, more Left-leaning diversity voters, more taxes to fund benefits promised to Boomers, and an expansion of the welfare state, making government more powerful.
The Keynesian socialist welfare state spends its money on anti-racism and anti-poverty programs, which go disproportionately to diversity, and so the only thriving states are those which minimize the welfare state. If any country ever abolishes it completely, it will dominate the world through brain drain and higher productivity.
American history began as a race war between English and French, with the former adapting proto-diversity policies in order to swell their numbers and win.
Tags: diversitywatch, linkpost, news