Mass violence seems more like a diversity problem than a gun problem.
Angry third world hates the West for having risen above the mediocre norm for humanity.
Diversity makes Jews victims again. When Jews were diversity in Germany, it was a problem; Palestinian diversity in Israel now threatens them there; in the West, the diversity has united against Jews. The problem is diversity itself, not Germans.
Everywhere diversity goes, rape and pedophilia become commonplace. These are weapons of war.
The first step is to stop the inflow; next step is DNA testing and remigration of all but the founding ethnic group.
At least, now we know who started the Ukraine war to distract the West so that Taiwan could be invaded. However: nothing will save the failing Chinese system.
The more the people in power conspire to exclude the far-Right, the more they validate what the far-Right has been saying about the current political system.
Universities have trouble leaving affirmative action behind because without it, they will become almost exclusively Asian and rapidly lose value. Remember what happened to the UC system.
Catholic Church supports diversity, and now diversity wants to eradicate the Church. A classic case of natural selection!
Diversity leadership dissolving in a flurry of reports about patronage jobs, crony kickbacks, and other typical third world corruption symptoms.
Without constant censorship to hide the failure of diversity, democracy will implode.
How many Useful Idiots of the luvvy Left would house migrants in their own homes?
Diversity has always been an obviously bad idea, which is why it had to be enforced at gunpoint.
Trump never took sides but said diplomacy was needed. He will support Ukraine until a solution can be negotiated.
As the Green New Deal fizzles out, companies are slowing adoption, despite media having assured us a year ago that this was the future.
When diversity becomes the swing vote, pro-majority candidates become a rarity. Unfortunately for Jews, the diversity views them as part of the majority.
Tags: diversitywatch, news