Prosecuting cops for shooting minorities is the latest trend. Bureaucrats seem like ultra-normies who believe what they read in newspapers and respond exclusively to what is popular.
Foreign nations are always trying to manipulate the West. We have to finally admit that their self-interest cannot coincide with ours.
Foreign agents infiltrate us through commerce as well as immigration. When you control the router, you have a great deal of control over the data passing through it, even from voting machines.
They are not British and it was arrogant and manipulative to ever refer to them as such. They need to feel pride in their own people, but this is not going to happen outside of Africa.
Diversity means constant surveillance, propaganda, censorship, subsidies, and socioeconomic exile for those who do not toe the diversity line. This is “freedom” and “equality.”
Nothing is innocent in diversity, and everything is politicized.
As predicted here before, we are back in the 1840s, with the same cause: non-WASP ethnic groups controlling coastal cities through democracy.
Election 2016, 2020, and 2024 come down to one issue: diversity. Biden wants more of it, but Trump wants to support the historical American founding population a/k/a the WASPs. Consequently the media, government, academia, and much of industry are united against Trump, even though he is a moderate who just wants to shave off the Leftist excesses from the Clinton second term to the present day.
It is looking increasingly like the USA is a nation occupied by lobbyists from foreign powers, big industry, and diversity special interest groups of victimhood actors like MADD or BLM.
Diversity candidate with zero significant real-world impact, appointed to her position to curry votes from her special interest ethnic group, ends up talking about lip syncing for most of the article. Surreal.
It was so easy when all Leftists had to do was talk in airy emotional terms about abstracts like refugee status. Now that diversity is punching them in the mouth, they are starting to fall quiet.
Most of this is diversity “crime” i.e. retaliation against the host population.
As predicted by Robert Putnam, diversity destroys trust and makes people atomized.
Hindus in India are like WASPs in the USA: a founding population trying to defend itself against death by a thousand cuts from many special interest groups of ethnic, ideological, corporate, and social agendas.
Loser magnet Reddit implements X-style user accounts that pay out money but demand a lack of anonymity, paving the way for more censorship in defense of diversity, something Reddit has done for over a decade.
Europeans ended slavery and their thanks is getting blamed for it despite it existing for thousands of years before colonialism.
There is free stuff across the border, so all the gamblers, criminals, and grifters embark.
Diversity requires constant and accelerating propaganda.
The powers that be always claim benefits are not available, then walk that back when it is discovered that most diversity are on them.
The Leftist method: sabotage the system until it no longer works, then do what you want in the ruins.
More quotas for protected groups as the competence crisis accelerates.
Choosing a more competent colleague with fewer credentials and experience is somehow “sexism” now.
Diversity means lack of social order.
Leftists sure flipped quickly from “sanctuary city” to NIMBY.
Addicted to easy answers, the West refuses to see the obvious threat here and respond systematically.
As DEADS fails, Germans are feeling bolder about pointing out that whatever the Nazis did wrong, they were right about diversity and democracy.
Diversity tensions boil over yet again.
They won the war but retained diversity, and now it is destroying them, like WASPs in the world wars in the West.
In a Black ethnostate in Africa, all of your professional help would look like you.
Electric vehicles set to get more expensive. Most EEOC suits, like most employee suits, consist of people passed over for low performance who are blaming their lack of success on more visible factors.
Biden got elected by the diversity vote. The impeachment will go nowhere, but this shows us the South Africa style future of diversity in American politics.
Tags: diversitywatch, linkpost, news