New jobs numbers just posted at an unimpressive minor gain, the Ukes are finally getting the weapons they need to push back on the Russians who are getting ready to unleash thousands of conscripts piloting 1950s gear upon them, and the states are pushing back against the new COVID-19 drama, which is going nowhere because the new mutations as predicted are less dangerous. The furor over the most recent schizophrenic African-hater shooting has died down, and we are left with the ugly campaign for 2024 that shows Trump leading everyone because he has ideas other than doing what we did before, but harder. China keeps imploding as its fake numbers bite it in the posterior, and most of the world is living paycheck-to-paycheck because when you “generate” money as a government, you devalue that money. Costs are shooting up because imposed costs like regulations, unions, lawsuits, taxes, and affirmative action get passed on down directly to the consumer. Keep your powder dry.
Democracy is failing, so time to drum up some helpless scapegoats for struggle sessions.
People blame The Jews™ for this but it is more likely that democracy is simply slandering its alternatives in order to try to stay in power.
Politics — the necessity of manipulating others brought on by equality — more than politicians is wrecking us, since no one can act decisively and instead need to scribble out more rules. No one wants diversity except the neurotics.
California has always been our diversity canary. It seems that diversity always brings censorship, propaganda, and cancel culture.
Without private partners compelled by law to remove “harmful” content, diversity and socialism would stand revealed as the massive failures they are, which is why people no longer trust Google.
Civil rights laws exist to force diversity upon you, starting with the 14A.
While they wait for their cases to be heard, they are living here and producing children who will be amnestied by some Republican or another.
Turns out that higher education is dependent on Chinese money.
Large investors want to stay on the right side of government, and want to replace the White people dying out with new warm bodies who never supported massive investment back in their home countries.
He opened the storm door, assuming he had the right house, or so he says. Democracy needs a scapegoat.
While the NumbRight focuses on Africans, we are being replaced by Asians (including Amerinds, who are Mongolian in origin).
The Left needs this fake insurrection in order to scare their base into being compliant.
We have a border control that functions but it is being sabotaged by the White House. A total moratorium on immigration and immigration approvals would end this flow.
Democracy is a Leftist ideal, being individualistic and not aimed at social order. As democracy fails, its champions want to move on to the next stage, which looks suspiciously like Communism with consumerism, driven by the foreign vote.
The problem with the third world is not lack of money per se but corruption; their leaders take loans, pay off their underlings, and run away with the cash, leaving the debt for the future.
Without affirmative action, Asians dominate higher education, causing its collapse, and diversity stands revealed as the farce that it is, so the usual kicking and screaming tantrums by Leftists have begun.
This week’s talking point: how if you do not vote Democrat, the orange Hitler will take over and enslave you again, although he has shown zero inclinations toward that direction.
“Ideological expressions – none of that has surfaced in these writings,” Mr Rausch told a religious news site. “It’s really unfortunate mental health issues that you can see as you read through the journals.”
This casts doubt on the media narrative, so you have to read it through the BBC, who are often tone deaf on particularly American issues.
Book about how the “dictatorship of minorities” (a type of special interest and single-issue voting) has wrecked the West, at least what was left after democracy and its disastrous wars.
Without constant censorship and propaganda, the failure of DEDS (democracy, equality, diversity, and socialism) becomes too visible for our current leaders to avoid Regime Change.
As Robert Putnam warned us, diversity means that people “hunker down” and become alienated from everyone.
Even Leftists are noticing the Uniparty, forgetting that it was created by diversity which imposed a civil rights positive viewpoint on both parties.
As its diversity program fails, Germany follows the Trump model. After this, they will have to cut social services, making Germany less attractive to the migration wave.
New change in how democracy manipulates: instead of doing things directly, government regulates private industry until it does what government wants.
Tags: diversitywatch, linkpost, news