Biden administration blinks as it becomes clear that the entire West has shifted to a position against immigration, both legal and illegal, with many now opposing diversity itself.
Nonsense. The best place to be Black is in Africa, where you can have your self-esteem as well as a comfy life.
Let diversity in and it will ruin any organization, even if you are Satanists.
Social justice activists experiences covert race war violence on the streets of New York.
The Left, sensing its postwar order coming to an end with regime change on the horizon, has begun to move into its final stage.
Once upon a time, it was believed that “the things we share across identity lines are more important than the things that divide us.” But when the “vocabulary and the ideology of class struggle” fell out of fashion circa 1989, the cultural left swooped in to fill the breach.
In simpler terms, civil rights replaced class warfare. Diversity divides another nation.
Like their Mongolian forebears, Amerinds practiced lots of tactics that worked until they ran into an enemy capable of holding ground and striking at the center of the Amerind defense.
With enough pushback, the bullies retreat, which gives us hope for repealing all of the laws prohibiting honest discourse on diversity.
It is common knowledge in law enforcement that Breonna Taylor was involved in narcotics trafficking and that others near her were responsible for the events that led to her death.
Feels like the Cold War again because it never went away and the opposition are the same. Asians and Eurasians share heritage that Caucasians do not, therefore they constantly oppose us.
They do not want Christians in their lands. You do not want diversity in your lands. Send everyone home and we can get along.
It takes a long time in the bourgeois conformist world for anyone to admit the obvious, but the bigger story is that diversity does not work and all of our attempts to try to make it work have also failed.
As Western culture fades, the slow voters are belatedly rediscovering its value.
Diversity and tolerance mean that no one can have anything that someone else cannot have, for any reason. This means good things go away and are replaced with generic, Soviet-style dismal versions.
The thrid world (including Russia and China) needs us more than we need them. Fix our diversity problem, unions, and taxes and most of our worries go away.
Court decides US government can no longer coordinate on censorship with social media companies. When will this extend to criticism of diversity?
Giving any group victimhood status disadvantages all other groups.
Immigration crises hit everywhere as the poor of the world seek to move to where rich people are for the free stuff. This is why they are poor, after all; they lack agency and diligence enough to make themselves stable. The resulting migrant crisis is revealing that diversity was never a good idea, anywhere and in any form. This proves Hitler and the Confederates right on certain points, even if we dislike their methods.
Protected political groups weaponize their victimhood to victimize others.
Heading toward lightspeed wokeness.
Diversity starts as a plea for help, becomes demands for tolerance, then accelerates into strategic hamlets and constant race war disguised as crime, eventually becoming an actual military conflict.
The third world runs on crime families. They are simply a lower-quality version of government. As diversity expands, these structures come to the first world.
No one wants to admit that there is no way to fix the policy and that it needs to be entirely removed, which will lead to regime change as people realize the huge mess that democracy has created.
He has a puncture wound and is in intensive care, but maybe it was not typical Leftist or diversity violence, say police.
“Woke” police seem to have invented hate crimes, most of which were probably Twitter posts.
Based your economy on exports to China, and get owned when prices go up and they start buying local instead.
With diversity, you have a third world fifth column inside your first-world nation.
Blue states cannot handle what has been reality in Red states for some time.
Violence within the community is somehow the fault of another tribe.
Not much different from any Tik Tok trend. One thing that is consistent about poor people everywhere: they both blame the rich, and run to the rich, when they feel angsty, even if their quality of life is pretty good. These people have new clothes and cellphones.
Diversity fragments culture, and with it religion evaporates.
The old sad rules of the diversity grift applies. Any failure to praise the politically protected group, any criticism of it, and any disparate results are considered to be “proof” of “discrimination.”
The propaganda must continue until the herd accepts the narrative spread by egalitarian social engineering.
Wet streets make rain. Districts with engaged parents and committed curricula tend to be higher-IQ areas.
The welfare state damages Black families, but is needed for us to keep up the pretense of equality.
Paying people to stay home backfired, so now we are filling the ranks with imported labor.
Tags: diversitywatch, linkpost, news