And the call goes out in Leftist-land that equality is being enhanced by Latinas running for Congress, and they need more money, and all of you do soft-hands work anyway, so open those wallets a little wider for equality. Praise the Lo– I mean, we are heading to the promising land of the shining city on a hill called Utopia provided by equality.
One would think pluralism would lead to greater freedom and free speech. Instead it turns out that it creates chaos because there is no unity of behavior, genetics, goals, or values, and as a result you get less freedom and more oppression.
Israel is now the only safe place for Jews, which is why it must contain only Jews, and all of the Jews of the world should go there. Diversity does not work and a monoethnic Israel is the safest place for Jews, and extends safety to the rest of the world, too, since something seems to clash with the Jewish lifestyle in at least 109 places.
So sleepy. Their heads are heavy and all they want to do is sleep. They do not want to hear about the world and its horrors. They just want to doze off, to exist in peace, to be content, and most of all, to feel far away from the struggle for adaptation and supremacy that is life. Even so, their sleep has been momentarily jarred, and for a brief instant they notice that reality does not align with the political symbols anymore, shortly before slipping into deep lightless slumber once again.
Wherever diversity goes, education declines, mainly because trying to design an educational programme for more than one group is impossible and results in default to the lowest common denominator, which since groups are dissimilar leads to randomness, permissiveness, and rote memorization.
Leftists and conservatives are two wings of the same bird named “equality” or rather, the idea of commoner self-rule after we unjustly removed our kings. The Leftist ideal of parallel pluralism failed, so conservatives have come in with the usual dream of integration or assimilation, both of which deny people their natural cultures, identities, and destinies. The Leftists are more correct here but both parties are wrong to think diversity can ever be anything but dysfunctional impoverishing wasteland.
It took White people many years to learn that diversity was a one-way street too. The world sure seemed to turn on Israel fast for retaliating against an attack that has allegedly killed 1,400 civilians.
Everywhere, Europe is under assault by the immigration invasion. Democracy cannot react, so people are rejecting human rights law in order to defend their homelands. Abrahamic morality itself may fall, replaced by a Nietzschean Darwinism.
Their employers want cheap disposable labor, and they are attracting people who are flexible with the truth, setting up the perfect situation for cruelty and grift to embrace each other in a sadomasochistic codependency.
The propaganda continues, even if no one believes, because the democracy people think they can brainwash the next generation successfully.
In a sane world, the filth/pigs do not spend their time removing posters stuck on a business in response to a social media tiff. But in diversity world, everything is a powder keg that could go off at any time, so police officers spend more time managing public perception and expectations than they do taking care of anything substantial.
Eastern Europe shows you what happens after you normalize diversity: the different ethnic groups interbreed, leaving behind a group that lacks the complete traits of any of its ingredient groups, therefore has problems with long-term thinking and defaults to the individualism (including corruption, egalitarianism, and obliviousness) that is standard across the third world.
If we are honest about the facts, stereotype bias often counts, and a diversity group is more likely to be alienated and commit more crime, lower IQ groups commit more crime, and cultures differ including in what they define as crimes or unacceptable.
They realize that Leftists are going to give them a pass whenever the issue arises, so why bother going to great lengths to fake legal immigration status.
As said here before, this is a world war of third world against first world, just like the West has been in the grips of a class war by the lower half against the upper half for centuries now. Egalitarians take from the strong to give to the weak because the weak cannot raise themselves, and egalitarians fear anyone who “knows better” than the weird delusional plans of the permanently-depressed malcontents who make up the egalitarian faithful. The third world wants to eliminate competition that makes it look bad, so it seeks to destroy the first world, which is consistent with its habit of trying to steal from others instead of improving its own productivity, organization, and stability. All third world nations are rallying behind China for the final push to destroy the first world so that everyone can coexist in equal mediocrity and not feel threatened by those who know better.
Open borders means more warm bodies to do the menial labor that keeps the consumerist industry running, but also more votes for more Leftism. In their zeal to let in as many as possible, the Left have also completely abandoned any checks on who is getting in, sowing the seeds of future terror events.
Jews support Leftists in part because their religion emphasizes personal moralism, but also because they think that defeating Hitler over and over again will prevent future Holocausts. Now they belatedly realize that the same third world that wants the Whites, Koreans, North Chinese, and Japanese dead also wants the Jews dead, and the Holocaust will be a small event compared to the greatest jihad of all time.
This has always been the modus operandi of the law. In an egalitarian system, only the underdog matters; this is the only person that they can “make equal” by taking from those who are more successful. For this reason, egalitarian systems are never going to favor wealthy, healthy, intelligent, sane, and successful groups; instead, they will penalize them, since egalitarianism always means taking from the strong to give to the weak.
The authorities are not even trying to stem this wave.
It sure seems as if someone who wants to use diversity to destroy America is funding our institutions, but Republicans forget that government programs have rewarded diversity and affirmative action for decades, resulting in a large build-up of anti-Whites in education.
Just end immigration. Half of your citizens are living off the welfare state anyway, might as well put them to work.
The race guilt crusade continues, with neither side realizing that the third world was poor and miserable before colonialism, often improved somewhat by colonialism, and really needs to focus on its own management practices in order to be self-sufficient instead of shaking down the West endlessly for events that took place centuries ago.
Without a consummate police state, no society can even pretend to manage diversity, but all they do is drive it underground where it will lurk before emerging in more virulent form.
These former men are bigger, stronger, and have larger bone structures, which means they utterly pound the stuffing out of these biological women.
As diversity continues to wreck everything, South Africa modifies its affirmative action rules to forbid excluding competent candidates simply because they are not members of a politically protected diversity group.
German police stumble on massive immigrant smuggling ring, discover just how violent these criminals making millions off human rights law can be.
Foreign groups do not assimilate/integrate. They keep their ways, and even if deracinated, eventually find their way back to the community.
We all know that mob action tends to result in witch hunts and riots, but what about immigration mobs? Human rights law does not let us simply reject them once they have one toe or nasal hair touching our soil.
To a lot of people, this incident looks like unpunished racial violence by a player known for excessive violence on the ice.
And then what? Then you have people pretending to be of a culture, resenting the control it has over them and their destinies, and planning for some day catching it off-guard with a counterattack.
In egalitarian systems, the bigger victim wins. The Holocaust was bad, yes, but what about colonialism? Somewhere, there is always a bigger victim, and the system encourages self-victimhood as a result, so the victims keep getting more extreme. Whoever is poorer, dumber, sicker, more insane, and less organized is assumed to be the “victim” and anyone who has risen above that level is the “oppressor,” which means that when going up against 90s avg IQ Hamas, Israel is now the new Ku Klux Klan or Adolf Hitler.
Key words: “We do not want to change our way of life just because we have guests.” Guests go home after some time. Germany is signaling that diversity is over.
Crowds can lose their minds and when times are tough, take out the non-conformists, eccentrics, and iconoclasts. They also probably used the witchcraft scare as an excuse to steal and possibly engage in eugenic removal of people who were known bad quantities but had not been caught for any specific crime.
Tags: diversitywatch, news