Democrats reveal their long-term plan: turn North America into South America then rule in perpetuity through the socialist entitlements state.
To the Leftist, anyone desiring that society itself have a purpose is a “fascist,” “Nazi,” “racist,” “ableist,” etc.
Germany bet large that it could keep its economy thriving by selling luxury goods to China, but China adopted EVs made domestically instead. For some reason, the Biden administration was pimping the same thing in the US.
When you batter everyone else into submission, you can then claim a consensus exists among those who remain and are willing to speak up, but you get yes-men who repeat whatever the going trend or dogma is.
You would have to be insane to vote for this do-nothing candidate whose policies have savaged the country, right? Democracy teaches us ideology, and ideology teaches us that symbol is more important than reality. Kamala offers more of the symbol of equality, so goodthinker democracy zombies are expected to vote for her even though results will be horrible (again).
Diversity does not work anywhere regardless of the racial groups involved; more than one ethnic group means a divided society and the usual third-world instability. France stands accused of supporting the majority government in the region when diversity conflict broke out.
Leftist control of social media led to deplatforming, censorship, surveillance, and propaganda for decades. One guy steps out of line with that and they blame him for the problem as a whole. The Leftist cries out as he strikes you.
When democracy ended democracy in order to save democracy, the voters found themselves connecting a lot of dots and supporting the “anti-democratic” forces who simply want to save the nation from diversity and socialism. The party bosses lost out to the rank and file who accepted the inevitable instead of standing on symbolic distinctions. Human societies are apparently either motivated by guilt or rage, and the voters have rejected guilt.
Diversity conflict breaks out on the border between India and Pakistan. Pakistan was formed when the descendants of Muslim invaders were partitioned off so that Hindu India could survive without the constant crisis of diversity.
Organized crime exploits the charitable impulse. Surely the same thing could not be happening in politics.
Creepy Reddit guy with Spanish last name asks fourteen-year-old girl for her number, so thinking quickly, she gives him the number of a responsible adult, and now he will be getting a free bull in prison.
You can thoroughly loathe Putin and what he is doing in Ukraine, but keeping communications open is a better way to avoid further war than ignoring him and what he says his actual needs are.
Egalitarians take from the strong to give to the weak, and this requires that they demonize and scapegoat the strong. They hate you for being White.
After the SCOTUS affirmative action ruling, any program designed to benefit one racial group at the expense of others is likely illegal. This reverses sixty years of American law.
Someone finally figured out that using low-flush toilets to flush six times for the equivalent of one conventional flush will not reduce climate change as long as people keep flowing into the nation. However, big business wants more warm bodies because unions have trashed the domestic labor pool.
The Chinese and Soviets have been accusing us of being racist fascists since the 1950s, and the Leftists who came a generation before them did the same. For some reason, American Leftists listen, as if following the advice your enemy gives you is ever a good thing.
Surely it is just a coincidence that her looks have faded, her career is going nowhere, and she remembered this two weeks before an election. The Anita Hills keep coming.
They must keep the White Guilt narrative together in order to motivate their base, which seems to be driven by revenge against the Haves in the name of the Have-Nots but secretly simply wants anarchy and subsidies. This requires blaming someone else for the lack of success by these groups.
Rare article sacrificing a liberal sacred cow emerges to point out that the Eastern practice of meditation drives about ten percent of users to a psychotic break, sort of like marijuana.
Leftists do not care how many communities they obliterate as long as whatever remains votes blue. This is how political machines operate.
Irish resentment of Jews and vice-versa shows us how these assimilation success stories are in fact part of our ongoing diversity crisis.
Cheap migrant labor means periodic outbreaks of E. Coli in your produce.
People are fleeing the failing public schools which are funded by property taxes taken mostly from wealthier citizens. How about a flat access fee instead for anyone with kids in the system?
As long as they control the immigration system, Democrats will sabotage it so that more illegals can stay and vote Democrat using IDs from the senile, dead, and dipsomaniac.
If they have a chance of staying, they will come and face the risk, since benefits shoppers like illegal aliens are going to gain a lot through free things and higher salaries they can send home where they buy much more than they do here.
Almost all of the people in the legal justice system are there because they are mentally broken and enjoy victimizing others, so any “soft on crime” policies produce more crime of a more intense nature.
Europe no longer has this money to give away, but for the optics and to keep its ideological fellow-travelers onboard, the giving keeps going. When the giving ends and the benefits are turned off, diversity collapses and the parasitic immigration system dies.
Political correctness takes over and replaces cultural institutions botched by government interference.
Egalitarians always talk about freedom when it suits them, but to them, freedom means the ability to be venal but not to have higher standards. They hate higher standards! The Democrats have staked this election on abortion, an issue which reliably gets the miserable single women out to vote, since without the power of sexual attraction they would have no power at all except their jobs and credit cards. Most of us want abortion to be legal, but when it is available a state away, it is not important to force every state to legalize it.
California is the model of diversity politics but as it shows its age, faith in a golden future of diversity declines because of what it does to our political system, among other things.
Migrant hangs himself after family finds out about his alleged pedophiliac indiscretions with members of the family.
Gun culture is natural like any use of tools or weapons, and because the Swiss have a (mostly) high-trust society, they are not threatened by guns.
Daddy Trump points out the obvious: if we tell other people what is expected from them, reward good behavior, and punish bad behavior, we can get along with them without having to shape them in our image. Narcissists everywhere freak out.
Job insecurity of any kind harms mental health, which is why aristocrats aimed for stable economic systems with predictable cycles instead of radical growth and taxation.
Civilians who are willing to hang around combat zones often are not civilians.
Legacy media lost the aura of legitimacy it built in the 1960s because it too easily became a propaganda organ for the political machine.
The economy runs on cheap immigrant labor because unions, taxes, and regulations destroyed our ability to make anything ourselves, and most people are only to happy to tool themselves in pointless office jobs with cushy air-conditioned do-nothing offices.
With ideology, your actual goal gets replaced by an ideological goal. You start out wanting to promote health, but the ideologists determine that this means promoting health through equality (means-over-ends), so now your agency works to promote equality with health as an afterthought, and soon health takes a backdoor to doing what every other government agency is doing, promoting equality so its power grows in a time when equality is trending in the war of Have-Nots-versus-Haves.
Accusations of fascism, Nazism, and racism no longer disqualify candidates from winning because voters have come to see those things as realistic and therefore, an antidote to the educated “elites” high on their own supply of symbology and therefore, addicted to denying reality and commonsense values.
Young men have tired of diversity and gender politics excluding them from the future, and they believe correctly that the quota candidates are generally inept and corrupt.
In an echo of the purchase of Manhattan, Amerinds sell their lands for housing developments on the site of former Indian villages.
Despite “successful” “assimilation,” ethnic minorities like the Irish create crime syndicates on our shores.
Tags: diversitywatch, news