This is a big first step. Suspending the “right to asylum” permanently would end the refugee crisis, and if they cut the welfare state, there would be no attractive nuisance luring immigrants here. They come here for the affirmative action jobs and entitlements benefits so that they can send money home to the third world. Time to stop the flow of cash.
Centuries later, diversity remains a constant source of violence and poverty. It is the same everywhere, no matter what the different ethnic or racial groups are. Mono-ethnic societies have a chance at prosperity, sanity, health, and first world status, but multi-ethnic ones do not.
Diversity tolerance attracts people to take risks that leave many of them dead. Stop the asylum, and none will come. In turn, this will encourage Cuba to solve its own problems instead of relying on the pressure release valve of emigration.
Again the USA gets lured into taking sides in what is essentially a diversity war between the third world Muslims and first-world Israelis. Support the higher IQ side.
Aging Irishman wants to seize control of the political machine that decide to replace him with someone higher on the victimhood group scale.
Perhaps conservatives need a sense of humor. Optional drag shows are not the problem; elementary school kids getting marched off to deviation-friendly sex education is. The only way out of that is to end the public school system.
Diversity organized crime has established an empire within Canadian diversity political tension nexus Quebec.
This paper presents strong mathematical evidence that “climate change” as measured is the result of weather stations getting older and absorbing more heat energy as their white paint fades. Much of our science is wrong apparently because no one took time and entropy into account!
They say he is terrible, cruel, and offensive but they never say he is wrong. If these immigrants were wearing uniforms, we would recognize that population replacement is not just occupation but genocide. This is why we refer to the Xenophile Occupation Government as the face of the political machine that occupies Washington DC thanks to civil rights law and Keynesian entitlements.
Mono-ethnic societies were functional in ways that are forbidden dreams today.
Unions destroyed Boeing and forced it to seek third-world and H-1B labor with disastrous results. Functional airplanes are an artifact of mono-ethnic societies.
America is not their culture; it is not their society; they view it and its historical people as an enemy to be eliminated. They have no choice, because their only other option is to admit that they are here because their societies failed from being diverse.
Cucks with Bibles chase the Utopian dream of “assimilation” yet again. Genetics matters more than anything you “teach” migrants.
Baltics are a different race than East Slavs, and so this diversity conflict is ready to kick off again.
Leftist DOJ becomes outraged over removal of stooge voters, despite it being really easy to get back on the rolls by submitting an ID.
The third world loves Communism. Communism is what happens when insurance, unions, and the bureaucracy fully take over and cement their power. It is tyranny, no different than a political machine, buying loyalty for votes.
Cole Gonzales had loyalties to some other nation than the USA.
We may find out whether Columbus was Spanish, Portuguese, Jewish, or Arab.
More diversity propaganda; note they do not address complexity. We taught Anglo-Saxon children Latin and Greek for that reason.
People with a genetic origin in the third world have a higher rate of mental health problems.
These old laws exist for a reason and resisted repeal for the same reason. Remigration is back on the table. Anyone without papers is going back. Then we need to look at diversity, realize it is death, and remigrate everyone but the founding group of ethnic Western Europeans. Sorry Africans, Asians/Hispanics, Arabs, Italians, Jews, Slavs, Spaniards, and Irish but we need a society for Us.
Gender medicine gets revealed as the usual runaway egalitarian insanity. Egalitarianism is a virus and mental drug that promotes pathological behavior.
Stop firing people for their political opinions. Embrace dark pluralism which means that we do not need to tolerate each other or like each other, but we must hear all viewpoints. Only when Nazis and Rabbis walk the same streets will humanity have begun the conversation it needs to have.
If you allow egalitarianism into your country, it will take from the strong to give to the weak until everyone is equally weak.
Third world societies are dygenic because of their egalitarianism, and this produces a higher rate of crazy people. Ordinary Black people do not do this stuff.
Leftists will do whatever they can to normalize censorship, surveillance, propaganda, and repression.
For diversity, this will never be their country because their people did not create it and cannot maintain it. As a result, Heritage Americans™ will always be targets.
Unions continue their work making sure our industries are no longer competitive. Those union organizers seem to have fat salaries though.
So then where are these jerbs coming from? They are either being taken from White people or are a new circular Ponzi scheme where we hire migrants to sell stuff to migrants.
This seems to be what most Leftists want in any case. They hope to use the diversity vote to stay in power… forever.
New vote-stealing epidemic just dropped?
The quest for more White Guilt struggle sessions continues despite no tangible signs of abuse.
Employment agencies are making huge profits off of immigrant labor in jobs where the treatment is often bad. Repeal protection for unions, and stop this abusive charade.
Diversity America cannot defend itself.
Female empowerment under liberal democracy has caused populations to crash worldwide, but less so in the third world than in the higher-IQ first world.
Told you so, years ago.
The Irish, a mixed White-Semitic group like Ashkenazim, resent their middle eastern cousins.
More diversity conflicts erupt, at smaller levels, as national governments become unstable.
Living in harmony with nature means embracing Darwinism, so no socialism, foreign aid, or humanitarian policies.
With diversity always comes guilt, and with guilt comes illogical actions.
Ordinary people of all races use ethnic slurs daily, and it may be necessary to use them to preserve free speech against the onslaught of diversity.
Diversity is a subsidy program, which means a vote-buying program.
She said he is a “murderous dictator,” and she is right, but anyone who wants to rule Russia will be that, and the Trump approach of negotiating from strength is smarter than this passive-aggressive nonsense.
Tags: diversitywatch, news