Egalitarianism takes from the strong to give to the weak so that the weak are “equal” or at a universal minimum of wealth, power, and status designed to eliminate causes for conflict so peace can reign through “agree to disagree.” This retarded insane childish fantasy creates a Victimhood Scale on which people are ranked by how poor, non-White, and low-IQ they are. Jews used to be the winners, but now we have the third world, which ranks in the 70-90s on the IQ scale so is the ultimate winner of the egalitarian pity Olympics.
The diversity does not want to hear about your suffering; they want to tell you about their suffering, which is how they get free stuff from you, and to a sociopath a victimhood story is like winning the lottery because stupid sops like democracy just hand out the dosh.
We were told that the problems encountered by diversity were caused by the Ku Klux Klan and National Socialists beating up on minorities. It turns out that minorities beat each other, and the problem is diversity itself. There are no good groups or bad groups; every group acts in self-interest according to the conditions under which it has evolved, including IQ and time preference. This means that only one ethnic group can inhabit any society.
Remember this? Average IQ scores drop when you bring in lower-IQ groups to vote Democrat. Hispanics have an average IQ somewhere in the low 90s. Now we are seeing the competence crisis across the board. Diversity is literally suicide for a civilization.
Mainstream media continues deflecting from the released manifesto which shows that the shooter intended to kill White people, especially those of higher-than-average IQ and wealth. Leftist resentment periodically reveals itself in its raw form and it appalls most people, but they keep voting for Leftists because they are the “safer” choice than actually tackling real-world problems. Democracy is doomed because most people are cowards who prefer the simple lie to the complex reality.
The authorities do not want this manifesto released for some reason, so they are trying to terrify the leaker. Guess what? After the unpunished Supreme Court leaker, no one cares anymore. We know you are suppressing information that goes against the Leftist Diversity Narrative (LDN).
The Herd resists change through denial, which requires scapegoating those who notice something is wrong. Finally, the problem reaches observable levels. Now the herd is slowly releasing its illusions because Herds are comprised of individualists who fear, hate, and deny the need to change their thinking.
The Republicans ran a Mexican and all of the Democrat candidates are crazy except the Jewish guy, replacing a crazy Democrat African-American who stole everything and left the city in debt just like Kwame Kilpatrick did to Detroit. Republican voters are going to stay home because the GOP chose to pander to diversity instead of getting a WASP candidate out there.
I hope she remembered what bin Laden said and screamed out “ALLAHU ACKBAR!!1!” as she pushed the transmission into reverse and tapped the pedal. Watch this case disappear with the charges plea bargained down to littering.
…so what has changed since 1965, and especially since the Clinton years when “diversity is our strength” became the official government mantra?
This article makes an important point: mainstream media is not dying of social media, but of lack of faith by the consuming public. This process began in the 1960s when media obediently recited government lies about the promises of diversity. Accountability means that when your conjectures are applied in reality, if they fail, people stop believing you.
Bill King is a RINO who has a talent for financial forensics. In this case, the problem was not light rail per se but demands from the minority community that the light rail serve impoverished minorities first, resulting in the city building an absolutely useless transportation system.
Even the Left is starting to notice that cancel culture is just bullying, and that in diversity, conflict is inevitable. Maybe next they will reject the victim-oppressor narrative of egalitarianism generally and recognize that Equality is the Big Lie.
The moron herd blames “capitalism” for its problems, not realizing that our deep dive into diversity and socialism over the past eighty years has made us all poorer, more alienated, atomized, isolated, lonely, paranoid, and angry.
Democrats made themselves the party of diversity and socialism. The former leads to civilization collapse, the latter to equal poverty. People are slowly fleeing these symbolic ideals and turning toward realistic ideals, like recognizing that mono-ethnic societies survive but polyethnic ones end up as third-world wastelands.
Most “hate crimes” have been fake since even before Bill Clinton ruthlessly investigated Black church arsons in 1996 only to find out that most were insurance scams. Consequently, people do not trust stories like this, even though as we get more diverse, minority-on-minority violence rises.
Poles want conservatism without a fixation on banning abortion, as we told you years ago here. Conservatives get elected to make civilization work. Leftists get elected once civilization works and the nitwit somnambulant voters decide they want to pursue symbols instead of reality. We need the kings back because as a Herd we cannot rule ourselves.
It becomes clear that the new complex Biden immigration system exists merely to release immigrants into the country while insincerely demanding they show up at court, which few of them do.
Diversity means division. Demographics determines destiny. When you create a diverse society, it will always go with ethnic sympathies instead of sound policy, which is why South Africa cannot keep the lights on.
Government and Big Tech work together to censor anything that threatens the diversity initiative because without the massive subsidies program, the consumers that Big Tech relies on will be doing a lot less consuming. Keynesianism naturally leads to diversity subsidies.
Race guilt destroys lives, but democracy will do nothing about it. They are afraid of the optics, you see.
Everywhere it goes, diversity leaves behind an environmental, economic, social, and political crisis. When do we learn that we needed natural selection, and that with it, the third world and most of the first world would not be in existence?
Hitler may make you sad, angry, and despairing — he does for me, anyway — but he was right about diversity being the total downfall of a nation.
To appease the gods of democracy, we must always emphasize equality and its extension, diversity, constantly or someone might notice that the Regime is failing.
Desperate proles, having impoverished themselves by voting for free stuff, look for a new scapegoat to shake down so that they can keep the free stuff coming, despite it killing them. This society needs to decriminalize heroin because it is obviously less destructive than democracy.
Five people in offices in Washington, San Francisco, and New York want you to think this is a big deal. In a more relevant discussion, people who lash out at cops generally get taken down, and by doing so, they take the risk of chokeholds and ketamine injections.
This is fairly typical of refugee populations. The weak run away, and the strong stay to make things work. If Germany honestly assessed its non-German refugees, they would find similar numbers; most of the “jobs” worked by these people are like affirmative action jobs in America, on paper only.
Slowly, slowly democracy discovers the commonsense and obvious truth: they are coming here for the benefits, and the voters fooled themselves into thinking refugees would work and pay for all the Keynesian socialist welfare state policies that are already broke and careening toward ruin.
This guy is guilty as sin, participated in the attack, and rode the post-BLM racial guilt wave to riches and fame. One wonders how the victim feels.
Failed democracy programs are like hand grenades with fuses of random length. Everyone keeps passing the grenade around, hoping not to be holding it when the fuse runs out.
The recent deceptation of the Speaker has made Republicans more aware that the mood has shifted against immigration, diversity, and socialism.
Having mixed heritage, even within the same racial group, leads to confusion and difficulties understanding who one is. Culture is genetic. Ethnicity is even more important than race.
Terrified that democracy will be held accountable by its mistakes, especially when the opposition gets a look at the books, Democracy Inc is continuing its path of suppression, propaganda, censorship, and surveillance.
The people who made their way through the educational meritocracy into comfy jobs by preaching DEADS — democracy, equality, atomization, diversity, and socialism — now find themselves horrified that someone else has a differing opinion, and the more this opinion is suppressed, the more virulent and extreme it becomes.
The constant propaganda must continue. Those who went to college in the 1980s and 1990s remember the nascent Political Correctness movement which banned talking about race except to fawn over diversity. Now this has been weaponized into constant Soviet-level propaganda because anyone who fails to toe the Party line gets fired.
These incidents — with perpetrators unknown, therefore their tribe unknown — are designed to provoke struggle sessions where we all come together and agree that diversity is the best thing ever and it is only failing because of those evil “racists.” Somehow, the message does not resonate as far these days.
Tags: diversitywatch, news