Say what you will about the death of America through diversity and socialism, which interestingly parallel metaphysical dualism and moral egalitarianism, since it is going out like the Soviets and Jacobins just a little slower, but at least it is entertaining.
We could simply be seeing genetics in action here; Democrats are peasants who breed with other peasants and produce peasanty, arrogant, and oblivious offspring.
The debt bomb is stalking the USA and will likely detonate in late 2025. All those entitlements for diversity and anti-poverty have a high cost.
Ethnic Russian Vadim Yermolenko has dual US-Russian citizenship. All diverse groups are dual citizenship; they have their homeland, and then they live in and oppose the WASP homeland of America. I will say it again, nice and slow: America is only functional as a WASP ethnostate, and a “white” racial state will not be sufficient.
So you mean to tell us that diversity voting patterns are holding our elections hostage? Well, that’s good to know.
Leftists and liberals have always wanted only one thing and that is enforced minimum equality (EME) which translates to subsidies that take from the successful to give to the unsuccessful. Diversity and transsexualism are just their latest methods of getting to that point.
DNA test everyone and anyone who is not 100% ethnic German gets on a boat. This solves the diversity problem forever.
Baby formula is mostly sugar or corn syrup, but the doctors recommended it so that inner city babies could get nutrition too.
More importantly, this quota perp was seen grabbing her buttocks. Dude I was fourteen once and would not want to revisit those years in any form. There’s something whacc about pedophiles.
The herd always scapegoats the king because they cannot blame the weather, although maybe they should blame human overpopulation, oversocialization, and overurbanization.
Another exciting diversity murder. Islam is a spook; this is an ethnic war, not a religious war, and Samuel Paty was a civilian casualty.
Too little, too late perhaps, but the fall of affirmative action in education is having ripple effects.
Socialism and diversity wrecked the country; Milei wants to make it a libertarian paradise in order to restore prosperity. The far-Right should consider a merger with the libertarians because their economics are sound, being supply-side like Reagan’s and Hitler’s economy, but without the civilization-killer that is socialism (and the consequent instability which caused most of the extreme behavior in the Third Reich).
Migrant musical chairs continues in Europe as DEADS (democracy, equality, atomization, diversity, and socialism) destroys another once-prosperous civilization.
“Once polls close on Tuesday, a winner may not be projected for several hours, days or even weeks.” Remember when we were a functional society and had results the night of the election?
Diversity has taken over your government through the power of the vote. This was always the plan, and Ted Kennedy sold it to America.
This is a symbolic issue. Given time, it will go away, since the states are going to decide this and most of them will legalize abortion.
The Democrats are not fascists, but Communists. That may be even worse.
More exciting diversity doings.
In diversity cities, people avoid public spaces and go instead to paid services. This includes restaurants. The more diversity you have, the less of a city you have; you simply drive between places where you buy things in order to have activities.
Diversity politicians blatantly sell influence through “sponsorship” program that reaches out to big corporations.
Diversity teachers in diversity schools found faking the numbers just like Democrats and the third world.
There seem to be many suspicious connections between Democrats and China.
You either want the third world takeover or not; same issue as with the BRICS. The nuance is that we are not doing this out of “racism,” but a desire to preserve our people against genocide.
Tags: diversitywatch, news, overurbanization