After the COVID-19 debacle, people are slowly awakening to the fact that science — our replacement for religion, itself replacing culture — is in fact for sale like any other group of people. Now we should look at the near total ban on race science, class differences in IQ, ethnic differences in IQ, and human biodiversity that has blighted science since the egalitarian takeover during WW2.
The Left joins the ill-advised conservative chorus against automation by claiming that minorities and women face increased risk of being replaced by machinery. This leads us to ask, if they are so easily replaced, how important are these jobs in the first place?
People like to see attractive people in positions of power, but this seems to apply to men more than women which implies that people like to see males in positions of power. The biological separation of roles has become a new target for the Left, which wants to erase sex just like it erased culture, ethnicity, and social class, so that it has a fungible mass of equals that it can command in egomaniacal control.
Let us de-invert this “wet streets make rain” story: people who give children up for adoption tend to have mental problems, and those are mostly heritable at least, which leads to their children also having mental health problems. The Left, who want to believe that they are equal, insist that external influences alone and not genetics make all the difference, so they blame adoption (an effect) for the underlying mental health problems that necessitated it (the cause).
When even Boris Johnson notes that cheap labor drives support for immigration, you know the scheme is about to collapse. Absolutely no one asks however what made domestic labor so expensive that it is not market-competitive. If you remove the unions and socialist taxes, domestic labor becomes competitive again, but this scares people because they will have to actually produce instead of just shuffling paper and selling stuff.
Over the last five years, the public has received instruction in how diversity problems are only noticed after riots that involve lots of fire, so now the Irish are catching up after a diversity “hate crime” against the native Irish by immigrants was ignored as usual in a society that has experienced rapid immigration over the past generation. The response from the Left, whose policies created this disaster? Blame the far-Right and arrest the rioters just like on January 6th but not the BLM riots. Only non-diversity go to jail these days.
Everywhere diversity goes, in any form, the same problems result, and then more problems result from denying those problems, pushing everyone further into a corner until a horrible backlash results.
The war of the third world versus the first world starts to shape up as a third world made bankrupt by Western withdrawal during Trump and COVID-19 now must face its own unstable and failing systems for the first time, and chooses war instead of internal reorganization.
Egalitarian society — by forcing people to perform for others — probably does the same things to the humans in its grasp. When you merely need to survive, pretense does not visit your mind; when you need to use performative signaling to make others approve of you enough to survive, everything is an act and all symbols are false, which means that you live in ambiguity and tension.
Unions represent the ultimate means-over-ends thinking. Instead of caring about the purpose of the job, the task becomes extracting as much money from the job as possible, a type of dark organization. Given time, unions drive societies to go socialist because the only way to stop the constant grift is to distribute money, which results in lower salaries, and “in theory” allows the economy to continue.
Worldwide, democracy is under assault by its own incompetence. Some have dared speak the unthinkable and suggest we go back to the last functional system.
Call the opposition “crazy” while demanding they stop the “rancor.” This is not normal, but in diversity world it passes for sensible. The remaining Biden voters are people who either depend on the government, have investments that instability will shock, or just want to believe that everything is fine and they can go back to sleep.
The GOP saw that the DNC was anti-Russia, and therefore embraced Russia, but really Russia is another head of the Chinese attempt to overthrow the first world and replace it using a third world axis of opportunism. As if to clarify, Russia decides to validate its Eurasian roots by endorsing Genghis Khan and his Mongols, who last invaded the West, first buying allegiances in Russia in exchange for safety as vassal states. History repeats itself; the Chinese nü-Mongols want to take over the world and Russia is their vassal.
Almost all of the fawning “noble savage” histories of “indigenous” people were crafted by well-intentioned hwite neurotics.
More “wet streets make rain” propaganda: smarter families tend to become wealthier, and therefore their kids score higher on these tests. Intelligence is heritable. You can damage it, but you cannot create it where the potential did not exist.
Are they hurting, or were they just artificially subsidized? Business in Africa between Africans is probably the best answer, and reparations-with-repatriation offers a way to close the ugly chapter of slavery and civil rights, and replace it with friendship.
Cro-Magnid civilization — exemplified best by the Nordic groups like Angles, Saxons, and Vikings — was fully developed long before Christianity, back when the Greeks and Romans were blonde.
Enforcing laws results in more minority arrests, because minority youth are not only marginalized but view themselves as aliens in a hostile occupying power, and tend to have few financial prospects, so naturally crime becomes appealing. The Leftist solution is to limit law enforcement from doing anything effective.
The American Dream came about because of a mostly Cro-Magnid population able to make a new civilization for itself outside of the calcification and rigorous bureaucracy of Europe, but then the Hart-Celler Act came to pass at the same time civil rights laws from the 1860s required the development of a massive welfare state, and so now the dream is over for everyone.
Why would anyone support Ukraine, a corrupt third world country in Eastern Europe? This conflict is an ethnic conflict that has been going on for centuries and will only end when Ukraine definitively wins its West Slavic freedom from the East Slavs. Upholding the principle of nationalism — every ethnic group free and autonomous in a mono-ethnic society — is the only way to avoid constant diversity conflicts like the Ukraine war, Israel, Northern Ireland, Kosovo, and Myanmar.
They come for the easy life, but do not want to shoulder the burden required to maintain that life. Granted, the taxes are too high and this has driven up everyday prices, but an actual refugee or immigrant wants to become part of their new country; the freeloaders want easy living and free stuff.
As the beast that is diversity assumes its final form — this happens approximately when the population of foreigners hits twenty percent in some areas — the population of Europe, scared into compliance by the Hitler bogeyman for decades, slowly starts to wake up and wants someone to fix the problem quickly. First he will have to escape from civil/human rights law and the international organizations which enforce it.
Tags: diversitywatch, news