Are these poor tired refugees escaping poverty? No, they are people coming here to break your laws, take your stuff, conquer you, and ultimately, destroy you.
Because our society is dying and everyone knows it, we must signal extra hard that we are somehow virtuous and progressive by removing all the names given to birds which might be “racist” now or in some future time.
The third world is not a race per se. It is what is left of many races after they were hollowed out and miscegenated by the relentless individualism (not commerce, although it expresses through that) of the type of people who proliferate like a waste pool in permanent agricultural civilizations because it is easier to live there by manipulating others than it is to face nature. China, powered by selfishness, invented empires designed to manage people for their comfort not its comfort by removing the influence of culture that creates a hierarchy of those who know better, and that, hybridized with the Mongol system, lives on today in its communist-consumerist (neocommunist) government.
The Trump magic worked indirectly as usual. The Left has been using its diversity workers, who have no allegiance to the nation and therefore are honesty-challenged, to drum up tens of thousands of votes from the elderly, alcoholic, dead, non compos mentis, insane, and incarcerated. Now that the disinfecting sunlight shines on this process, they are having trouble keeping up the charade.
The diversity economy runs entirely on government subsidies because it is no longer productive except in a technical sense of work-hours, debts-as-assets, and churn projects achieved. The diversity intends to drain the wealth from the former ruling group, the founding tribe of WASPs, before it consumes them.
Leftists realize that if a functional charter school program descends on public education, the White, Asian, and Jewish students will bail and leave the Amerinds/Asians, Africans, Arabs, and mixes stranded in public schools whose average scores will resemble those in Mexico or Russia more than Western Europe.
These nice well-intentioned people have no idea that to the Left, totalitarianism is considered ideal because it enforces equality and removes “racism.”
Spending all our money on an election-season COVID19 panic, BLM riots, and other diversity and anti-poverty expenditures has bankrupted us, and now the world is less interested in buying our debt.
As we say around here, “equity is the only proof accepted that equality has been achieved,” and on the converse, this means that “disparate impact” style thinking will hold that if results are different between ethnic groups, “racism” is the cause, when often rampant crime from low average IQ, alcoholism, and poverty is responsible.
The political controversy made necessary by diversity has made public communications inherently controversial, which means that art, culture, politics, and even business will do their best to avoid substantive issues. Our hollow cultureless plastic modern social wasteland has been created by diversity.
The business world sees all the signs of another world war brewing. It seems that the idea of worldwide democracy (globalism) and diversity has brought us worse conflict, not better conflict. Even more, it seems that Mutually Assured Destruction and nationalism — despite appearing to be harbingers of the Apocalypse to the Left — in fact kept conflicts at a manageable level.
The Biden scandals are stacking up, just as Trump warned. WW3 looms from the corners of fractured international politics. Racial and sexual resentment have intensified, not calmed down, with our appeasement efforts. Globalism failed with the COVID-19 panic, and the international order is struggling under the weight of Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. Diversity brought on mass immigration crises in EU, UK, and US. Every first world nation is laden with debt, facing a competence crisis because of affirmative action, and deeply in future debt to rotting infrastructure. Nothing is good; everything is screaming into the abyss. We are headed for Regime Change.
Communism is the latest name for tyranny, or a society where rulers exert control in order to remain in power instead of trying to nurture or enhance their civilizations, and it is an old order that we see everywhere in the third world, where warlords own everything and dole out little gifts to buy loyalty, since loyalty is more important than achieving anything.
As Morson argues, the militant “anti-colonialism” that is regnant today on our campuses and in bien-pensant intellectual circles is only the latest totalitarian ideology to justify the destruction of their “designated enemies.”
In other words, this is the same class war that propelled the French Revolution and Bolshevik Revolution, driven by the same resentment of successful people that unites human Crowds across the world, and its weapon is guilt powered by diversity.
The West could never afford the welfare state, and now it is trying to prop it up with a constant influx of migrants who pump up the economic activity to the point where the tax system stays intact. In the meantime, if your average worker had been able to invest the same amount of funds he put into social security, but in a tax free fund like a Roth IRA, 401k, or equivalent, he would have seen more money. Social security was a diguised tax because Congress regularly raided it in order to provide funds to anti-racism and anti-poverty programs.
Female defense ministers presided over European military decline, so of course the symbolists want to do the same in America, so that they might lose but they will go down Christlike in their absolute devotion to the god Equality.
Somehow wanting women’s sports to be for biological women is racist, sexist, classist, or otherwise bad because it does not enforce equality enough.
If they break one law, they will break more. The point of taking DNA samples is to identify any crimes these immigrants might be committing. Instead, two-thirds of them never get recorded.
Diverse democracy can only continue to exist through constant censorship, surveillance, and propaganda, scientists finally admit.
These accusations always get immediate credence and repetition by a lapdog media, but they seem to vanish when no proof appears or minor slights are interpreted as major problems.
This frenzy was never about justice. It is about erasing your history in order to retcon diversity into it, despite diversity being the means by which your civilization will die.
South Africa turned out so well that the rest of the world is following it to their doom.
Actual discrimination causes you to lose money or opportunities. A few people complaining about your ineptitude does not qualify.
Diversity causing backlash everywhere. It turns out that people do not want to replaced or to live in cultureless diverse societies.
It sure looks like an invasion. The invaders ignore our laws. They openly mock the beliefs of most of their new home country. They seem to apply an awful lot for government benefits.
At what point do we admit that this is strategic behavior? Diversity votes Democrat. Democrats (not surprisingly) want more diversity as a result.
Working mothers mean kids starting school without basic life skills and remaining behind for their entire school careers. Sexual equality and liberation seem as destructive as other diversity programs.
In Texas, you can often wait nine or twelve hours for care in emergency rooms. Thanks to a law called EMTALA, if an illegal alien makes it into the emergency room, he must be treated for all dangerous health conditions, which means that they go in for free hangnail removal and come out with diabetes medication.
Probably the easiest way to get the Red Army into California. Just give ’em sombreros and send them across the border!
Regime change is coming. Democracy is broke, dysfunctional, violent, corrupt, unstable, debt-ridden, and neurotic.
Allowing people to break immigration laws has attracted lawbreakers to immigration.
Ordinary people do not care if you are homosexual, but they do not want visible reminders of it either. They want bedroom matters kept mostly private.
Tags: diversitywatch, news