Democracy was always a bourgeois venture. The city-dwellers — who have no direct contact with nature — wanted a world based on the human social order of equally important individuals so that commerce could run free.
In doing so, they set off a runaway chain reaction. “I want to be able to do whatever I want, and have society clean up and pay for it” became a pathological addiction like obesity, gambling, alcoholism, or promiscuity. It intensified every generation.
Eventually it became clear that it had been based on the Mongol System, where everyone was equal so long as they honored the Khan, and that it was driven mostly by contact with invaders like Huns, Muslims, and Asiatics who surged in over our borders.
It turns out that equality and individualism started in diversity, where otherwise people were content to live in a traditional order and focus on their own sanity and doing a good job of wherever they were in the hierarchy of nature, which included within it a feudal human hierarchy with aristocrats on top.
All along the goal of the bourgeois has been to replace the kings so that the proles can rule by consensus, which means focusing on the trends of the day and not what is eternally true, real, and good.
After all, most humans have an inbuilt solipsism which says that the world will not change from how it was when they observed it at the end of puberty. “Nothing will change” is the core of the bourgeois mindset. They refuse to believe their actions have consequences.
This is typical thinking of those in the city, where someone else cleans up after any mess you make and most people are anonymous, so if one interaction does not work out, you just go somewhere else and find new people and then project upon them your vision of yourself.
With diversity, culture and tradition can be abolished in order to make room for the newcomers to have their cultures and traditions, which enables the solipsistic individualist to engage in his primary activity: destroying the real so that his needs can be projected as strength.
The entire Leftist movement from the Peasant Revolts through the French Revolution and Communism can be summed up as contrarianism: a desire to destroy what is real and natural so that the individualistic self can be more important in a social setting.
Diversity is our misfortune.
Even mainstream sources have noted how destructive this is, but with the 14A no one is going to do anything about it. The multipolar order we need consists of the ability to have alternatives to modernity — democracy, human rights, mixed-economy neoliberalism, diversity — not a removal of the USA. Whatever country gets rid of modernity and replaces it with a less top-heavy system is going to rule the world.
The family have requested a translator, which suggests that this is yet another diversity shooting. In the meantime, diversity killings languish on the back pages, like this mass shooter and this mass stabber.
They hate you, but see it from their perspective: they either have to admit that White people did something that no one else could do, or they can rationalize Whites as bad and claim that our new diverse order is “morally” better, which like all moralism means total opposition to what is real, so that they can rationalize taking over so that they are not ruled by foreign White people.
Not our country, just another oppressor we live under for awhile until we can vote them out and making the USA into Mexico II: Electric Boogaloo.
White-owned businesses would be taxed to provide reparations to minorities. As usual, diversity takes from the strong to give to the weak, like all egalitarian programs. Anyone who supports egalitarianism, conservative or liberal, is not fit to make decisions.
It seems that gathering armed followers and refusing to accept notices from the courts is working for this fellow. If you want a “parallel economy” (lol) you are going to have to seize land and be ready to shoot cops.
Genetic continuity has its benefits.
Reparations are the latest trend, but what happens in twenty years when the wealth gap is still there? Oh right, more reparations.
The poor will always be with us. It is a question of IQ, not “marginalization” as Leftists allege nor lack of “hard work” as the conservatives bloviate on about.
Monarchy built the West; this is why your average urban middle class selfish idiot wants to tear it down, and all the manipulative bullies and neurotics in media hate it like skinheads. Democracy, individualism, equality, diversity, and socialism destroyed the West, but mostly diversity, especially [[[ potato “people” ]]].
The headline states the cope, but the buried lede is that 100k illegals just got amnesty. Biden needs more Leftist voters to ensure our continued transition into failing socialism.
Is this ableism or transphobia? Either way, it is hilarious.
Black people need Black spaces and Black authority figures. At that point, we are where segregation was in the 1870s. Maybe we can get to continental racial and ethnic separation (send the Irish back to North Africa!) soon as reality keeps pounding small doses of sanity into our solipsistic, egotistic heads.
How to deal with lunatics: treat them like amusing lunatics.
A quick reminder that the fact-checkers are not telling you anything like the truth. Immigration under Biden has been a flaming disaster.
The right way to handle this: instead of trying to take over traditional brands, homebrew your own. I might get some to support the LGBT community that wants a space of its own instead of the Leftist LGBTHIVBBQ+ people trying to seize cisgender and heterosexual spaces. It cannot be worse than Bud Light, which has always been soda pop with a beerish flatus in it.
Even celebrities are figuring out that the growth market for attention is in those being contrarian to the New World Order of democracy, human rights, socialist mixed-economies, and diversity. We are not all the same, and there are logical reasons for that, but this offends those who want to obliterate nature so that peer pressure and the human social ego can rule.
It is a Leftist world takeover as they rush to gain total power before people can notice the failing system, just like the Communists did. When do we admit that all egalitarianism is egotism and leads directly to Communism?
More likely, they hinge on the fact that New Yorkers are sick of mentally ill minorities attacking people on subways. We have a new Bernie Goetz, as righteous a Jew (and pothead) as you will find.
Diverse countries have trouble keeping the power on and feeding themselves.
No, it signifies that under a Black DA, they know they are going to get Chauvined.
Funny how all these Leftist protestors have a lot of money behind them. Surely no foreign powers could be involved, even if we know that they were from the 1930s-1990s.
Serious “last days of Rome and Athens” vibe to this and the diversity riots plus transgender legal battles roiling the West, where conservatives have no response except to hammer the JESUS button while Leftists want a full mad dash into third world status.
Irish president turns out to be just as corrupt and inept as Irish-dominated Tammany Hall. You cannot outrun genetics.
Students feel best when their ethnic origins surround them and are promoted as good. Imagine what nationalism — one ethnic group per nation, continental separation of the races — could do.
As we said a week ago, Leftists vote for diversity and give it lip service in public but flee it as soon as possible.
The system only promotes those who think diversity is our strength, so those in power only hear from the “experts” who claim that White America is dying and its new replacement of ethnic diversity, atheism, LGBTHIVBBQ+, and trace admixture hwites is the future, therefore they must try to appeal to those with the same methods that worked with patriotic, culture-driven, and thoughtful WASPs. All of these efforts fail for obvious reasons, which just doubles the comedy.
Hober Mallow would be most interested. In the bigger picture: human groups move like yeast, consuming all resources and then dying, unless you get in place some highly capable leaders like aristocrats.
This is going to be a complicated legal case, but the more we relax the rules, the more the burden falls on ordinary people to clean up after democracy, often with extreme results like this.
Do you want to be able to have your own opinions, notice things, and speak about them? You cannot do that in a diverse society.
Diversity means that every ethnic group vies for control, usually through crime and claims of victimhood.
If Trump held back in order to let Biden show us the Democrat-Diversity Alliance and how destructive it would be, the voters are now weaponized and ready for him, as well as ready for him to get radical to fix this problem.
Another diversity candidate who refused to prosecute the diversity and plunged her city into chaos steps down.
He is correct. All of our environmental problems come from having too many humans and urbanizing them; a world of a billion people living in villages and towns would not have this issue.
To them, you are the enemy and rape is a weapon of war.
It is unlikely that anything big will come of us; if you promote diversity, the Clinton-controlled DOJ will overlook minor sins like starting recessions.
He tweeted support of Kiss rocker Paul Stanley’s tweet:
“With many children who have no real sense of sexuality or sexual experiences caught up in the ‘fun’ of using pronouns and saying what they identify as, some adults mistakenly confuse teaching acceptance with normalizing and encouraging a situation that has been a struggle for those truly affect[ed] and have turned it into a sad and dangerous fad.”
This is a pro-transgender quotation that simply says that we are over-applying a therapy, much like what was done with COVID-19.
It turns out that multiple types of animals are now using stone tools. Did they learn from us, or did they always do it? Either way: the requirement for “intelligence” has been kicked up a notch. How many urbanites can figure out stone tools?
Capitalism promotes the higher-IQ over the lower-IQ, therefore it is bad, and we will using the power of humanity ban it, even if it means we will all starve int he future. Good reasoning, guys.
In a transfer society, only victims receive the transfers, so people will find a way to justify, excuse, and rationalize themselves as victims in order to get free stuff.
“Two simple words: more immigrants.” How about an even simpler idea? Get the good people out of nonsense jobs and yeet the bad who are draining us. That requires ending affirmative action and legal protection for unions. Doing that would also save us a ton of $resources and let us reinvest in infrastructure.
Conservatives wax fervent about “hard work,” but the reality is that we need quality work, which requires smarter people who tend to be more alert.
With diversity, there is always a shakedown. Somehow the higher-IQ rising above the lower-IQ is a sin against man.
It pays to be part of a diversity group. That way, the transfer economy transfers wealth, power, and status to you.
Whatever we do is never enough, because as soon as one group pulls ahead, the herd will yank them back down into the comfortable mediocre average. This keeps us mediocre instead of allowing us to pursue excellence.
Very few people realize how radical Biden, LBJ, Clinton, JFK, and FDR really were. Decades later when things fall apart, they flap their fetus hands and blame Satan.
Kennedy is the Leftist plan to split the vote and defeat Trump, like DeSantis. They have a few strategies going to game the system.
The alleged corruption belongs to another country other than China. Well, that is interesting. Typical diversity “president” finds new benefactors.
Quit blaming Blacks for the failure of diversity. We have seen racial grievance politics from the Irish, Italians, Jews, gypsies, Hispanics, Arabs, and Asians as well, in addition to wealth/IQ grievance politics from the poor and middle classes.
Tags: diversitywatch, linkpost, news