Diversity starts as mercy, then becomes totalitarian, and finally the invasion is revealed. Did they intend it? Does not matter… it is happening.
Foreign influence of any kind is never good. Funny how they do not mention China.
They are doing the best they can do redirect from parallel evolution, while roping in climate change for bonus pity points.
Species persist by hundreds of millions of years by finding a niche, excluding all others, and then using internal competition to ensure they avoid both genetic stagnation and randomness.
When you use political correctness to filter out certain viewpoints, all points of view converge on the remaining accepted items.
“Inequality” is the nature of survival. Hierarchy benefits everyone below it as well as those in the higher strata when those are chosen for competence not obedience (education, viewpoints, peer pressure).
You get bigger money numbers from your job, but then confront bigger money numbers at the grocery, real estate, insurance, and power bills.
Diversity fails anywhere it is tried, with any ingredients. Only mono-ethnic societies have hope of a future, but they have to get some other stuff right too.
Google just paid out an antitrust settlement; now, rising companies are challenging the control exerted by government and Big Tech.
Bad behavior or discrimination? Depends on your perspective, which depends on your genetics and power interests.
ESG/DIE is just egalitarianism: take from the strong to give to the weak. It turns out that penalizing the strong reduces strength and increases weakness, so ESG/DIE is actively hurting business, education, and national competitiveness. Diversity never was our strength after all.
All of education favors Left-leaning students because once enough Leftists got into education they stopped hiring anyone but Leftists.
Murkans finally realize that foreign ownership of anything in our country and foreign trade have made us weaker and less prepared for the inevitable third world war.
Under Bidenomics, the overall inflation rate is 22% for ordinary items and 26% for food.
Denial of Darwinism is both the Scopes Monkey Trial and persecution of Galileo of our age.
Each person in the country adds more pollution; why are we still bringing in new people? America of 150m people would have few environmental problems.
Turns out the drama of people dropping dead because of a homeostatic peanut that once observed their plate in a dual-slit experiment was actually just overblown.
Minority groups are the swing vote in diverse societies. You are conquered and occupied, even if these minority groups do not intend it to be so.
Affirmative action produces corruption and a competence crisis wherever it is tried.
Migrants are getting desperate as Europe reacts to the crisis of immigration.
Western conservatives have made themselves Useful Idiots for Russia-China because of a perceived shared religion. This will wipe out most of them once the deception is revealed.
Air pollution, microplastics, tire and brake particulates… now drugs in the water. Everywhere humanity goes it spreads its chemicals and detritus.
Everyone is “racist” in the sense of wanting other tribes out of its lands. Some say it out loud. Netanyahu is willing to admit that he wants a Jewish-only Israel, and the rest of the world wants to send all of its Jews to Israel. This would make Israel stronger.
Like absurdly high minimum wages, unions raise labor costs above what the market will bear and force offshoring.
After the Christians, Muslims, and other foreign groups deleted many of the ancient texts, we were left with the view that the ancients were primitive. As more research increasingly reveals, they may have been ahead of us in many areas.
Open borders (to get more voters and taxpayers so the growth scam can continue) has chaotic consequences.
The solution to “hate speech”: more babysitters and guilt.
The guilt, shame, and peer pressure never end. Is there anything to modernity except a narcissistic mob manipulating people into being its slaves?
Women taught self-reliance have less use for “equality.”
Look who has been profiting from the dysfunctional immigration system in the West. Missiles to Moscow, bombers to Beijing. Cleansing nuclear fire!
Courts will have to decide whether they were thrown off plane for being “stinky” or because they were Black, and in the process, decide whether protected political minority status erases other attributes much like it did with forgiven and forgotten felons George Floyd, Rodney King, Mike Brown, Trayvon Martin, and Emmett Till.
Anti-Semitism is a mental health condition like anti-Whitism, anti-Royalism, and metaphysical dualism.
Not importing the best, are we? We do not want the best; we want criminals who reliably vote for free stuff and do unskilled labor.
Egalitarians take from the successful to give to the unsuccessful; that means you have a claim in inverse proportion to your level of success. Ergo if you are a victim group like Jews and another group comes into conflict with you that is browner, dumber, and poorer they are going to win the victimhood fight and you will be portrayed as an oppressor, ironicaly using the same terms that Nazis, White Supremacists, and Christian anti-Semites have used for generations. Political correctness inverted itself.
High-T men take the lead when confronted with ambiguous responses. Absolutely no one is willing to point out that casual sex itself is destructive.
Lack of women in the workforce is caused with conscious bias against women; it turns out that men select for men because they are easier to work with.
Childhood obesity is driving earlier and less stable menstruation among racial minorities and the lower income.
Gentrification drives out the criminal element.
Diversity causes tension everywhere once it goes from a novelty to normalcy.
Once it revealed its true colors, faith in diversity fell off a cliff. It turns out that the $40k/yr Leftists in academia, media, and government are not a useful target for advertisers.
Supposedly “fascist” Right-wing judges are leading the charge to restrain government from seizing your stuff on flimsy pretexts.
In order to increase diversity and equality, programs for high achievers must vanish. Diversity sure killed education dead very quickly.
In the eyes of the UIs it is “sexist” to make fun of a dead addled celebrity if that celebrity is female.
Why not? Everything humanity has done since discovering fire has been a form of transhumanism. Might as well become more than we are right now.
Social media does not cause depression, but depressed people tend to use social media a lot, which explains why it leans Left. In the meantime, diversity kills culture and creates mass depression because living in a dying society is really no fun at all.
Diversity supreme court in South Africa decides that “Kill All The White People” song is not a hate crime. If we flip the races, is the same true?
Consolidation happens when an economy is deeply ill. It turns out that diversity was not our future after all.
People should ask: why is it illegal to have a preference about who you work with, rent to, sell to, and buy from? Only the 14A stands in the way, and it was passed using fraudulent means so can be easily revoked.
Stopped for window tint 30% darker than is legal, woman is sure that racial discrimination is to blame.
Tags: diversitywatch, news