Diversity making carnage as well. When the world no longer tolerates nation-states of more than one ethnic group, this problem will decrease.
Most of the people who vote at the UN are from third-world countries. They detest the first world and want to conquer it and steal everything it has.
Envy is a sin for a reason; you have to make what the White people made for themselves. Keep in mind the White people suffered Mongol, Muslim, Hun, and barbarian invasions that would have quickly overwhelmed Africa at the time.
Racial handouts come under fire under the new interpretation of the 14A offered by SCOTUS in its affirmative action decision.
The impoverished get fooled by “reformers” yet again, pay dearly for their perpetual mistake. Any politician promising to end eternal problems like drugs, poverty, “racism,” inequality, etc is simply using altruism to con the credulous masses. Humanity’s problem could simply be stupidity.
Wealth transfer through water rights being assigned to Amerinds sets the stage for future shakedowns as others need to buy the water that falls from the sky.
It turns out that as our ancestors warned, DEADS makes people passive and helpless just like Communism.
The abortion issue caused Republicans to lose in 2022, but like all dualists, they do not expect to win, only die on a cross and be delivered from a world they hate.
Orcs and goblins gather at the gate but still Gondor sleeps. Democracy is a drug of apathy and selfishness that destroys anyone stupid enough to become addicted to it.
The Leftist revolutions failed, and now we are finally undoing the 1960s despite massive damage.
The masses want to come to Europe and they will destroy it with their greed. It is the same old story: someone makes something nice, everyone else shows up for their share, and equal poverty results.
She objected to the skirt being pulled up to show too much, so she pulled it down, and now the neurotic and unstable society in which she lives is persecuting her as a sex offender.
Half Earth gains momentum in Mozambique where momentarily sanity has won out over the usual human muddled thinking.
Now that diversity has failed just as catastrophically as the Nazis said it would, people in Germany are tired of guilt from the war.
Bucking a trend, Hungary prosecutes a Leftist activist for attacking far-Right marchers.
Redistricting happens by grouping together areas that vote similarly, giving them clear solid victories for one party in those districts. If done for reasons of the vote and not race, this is legal says SCOTUS, even if minorities vote in a monolithic fashion.
Racial quotas destroy competitiveness.
Hard to see any respect for our needs, much less our laws, here. Selfishness is winning again.
Another diversity war gets fairly exciting.
No one wants an open-air asylum in their neighborhood.
While we fight over the selfish have-nots versus the alienated haves, the universe awaits outside of our grasp.
Egalitarians use only one insult: you are not egalitarian (enough). All those made-up terms like sexist, racist, classist, ableist, lookist, homophobic, Islamophobic, fatphobic, transphobic, anti-Semitic, bigot, and redneck come from that root.
Deliberate sabotage disguised as incompetence has been the Biden method of approaching border control. He wants more voters and taxpayers to overthrow the Heritage Americans.
At least with multiple partners working they may be able to afford the bills.
Probably has to do with who goes to single-sex schools, which eliminate a lot of distractions and fears.
Trying to make America safe for diversity did not work; upholding the Anglo-Saxon ways has worked best, although diversity still remains a giant open sore.
Tags: diversitywatch, news