All you hippies better start to face reality
All your far fetched dreams of anarchy
Better start to see things the way they are
’cause the way things
Are going they won’t be goin’ far
KYHIV wins if it manages to make this war expensive and slow enough for Russia that Russia will negotiate, sort of like the British did in the US, the US did in Vietnam, and Russia did in Afghanistan. The world is so fixated on scapegoating the West that many people like to believe that the BRICS are a better option, forgetting that the BRICS have the same problems as the West but far less competence and subtlety.
Germany questions law imposed by the victors of WW2 because it seems to have domesticated Germans into hamsters who listen to schlage music while driving around wearing Adidas and drinking hipster IPAs.
Diversity-on-diversity violence arises after Whitey can no longer enforce laws against theft of metrosexual technology products.
Suddenly people are realizing that the appears of invasive species means genocide of the indigenous species and the loss of what makes an area unique. We are all red squirrels now in the West.
Socialized medicine tumbles into failure as demand expands to meet supply and corners must be cut in response, mostly through hiring diversity staff and delaying vital care.
Religions are now the only way to externally justify common sense opinions.
Victimhood competition gets heavily politicized.
Diversity turns out as it always does, as expected by everyone but the voters and shareholders apparently.
ProTip: living around foreign groups changes the bacteria in your gut and makes cancer more likely.
The BRICS and their Clintonite allies are using diversity as a weapon of war and ethnocide.
Diversity makes these exhibits into political hot potatoes so museums are shuttering them and dodging the issue.
Despite being widely lauded, Darwin’s ideas have still not filtered through to the normal mainstream.
Educators want to include everyone at the expense of the majority culture. Thus always goes egalitarianism.
They have one magic “blank cheque” word to use for any difficulties they encounter.
Suddenly Dark Pluralism — the idea of accepting different viewpoints without endorsing any but enforcing mutual tolerance — gains prominence again as the fight for free speech intensifies during the Hamas-vs-Israel protests.
The federal government wants to import diversity and take away any chance you have of defending yourselves against them.
Lots of us celebrate Juneteenth because slavery was insane and stupid, but this does not mean that diversity is not just as bad.
How to save a dying race: breed them for capability, then unleash those into the wild to stop genetic collapse within dwindling populations.
All the Leftists are trying to buy votes.
Mixed-economy Liberal Democracy (MELD) is about to collapse from debt and bankruptcy arising from diversity payments.
Democracy inverts itself because it cannot handle the inequality of natural life.
The Left has one insult, and “Nazi” is one of its heads.
The UN shows us the lowest common denominator among all human groups, which is mediocre at best and criminal at worst.
If your election was legitimate, you do not have to attempt to jail or bankrupt those who challenged it.
Dualism is an individualistic philosophy based on the presumption of humanism, and for this reason all dualistic religions will follow secular humanist trends.
Criminals always pay their taxes. Stolen guns in minority hands are most likely to be used for crimes.
Tags: diversitywatch, news