More wealth transfer to the third world. Western countries will raise their own costs, more jobs and production will go to the third world, and the real culprits — container ships, do-nothings on the welfare state, immigration, and plane flights — will continue while people buy increasingly expensive and unreliable EVs. America with a hundred million people is not an environmental risk; America with four hundred million is a climate crisis.
Diversity politicizes antitrust law in order to force more egalitarianism on the population in the name of racial, sexual, ethnic, and gender minorities. The diversity lawyers behind it are more clever than intelligent and have read the law outside of its context and purpose.
Former federal prosecutor derails lawfare case.
Diversity violence has become normal throughout the West.
It turns out that international alliances are not actually to the benefit of the poorer countries brought into the alliance. Diversity of any form is destructive, and this includes ethnic diversity like the United States of Europe.
Europe gets involved with lawfare seeing how it was going so well in the United States when they planned this a week ago.
The flood of political refugees grows.
Tammany Hall tactics are legal on the surface but obviously counteract the intent of all of the laws. The Left however just needs to end one more election before it has the foreign voting base that will keep it in power forever.
It turns out that “non-profit” journalism is simply paid advertising with extra steps.
This misstates the true depth of the problem: egalitarianism is a mental health disorder. Marxism is just one of its many heads. Quit striking heads of the Hydra and go for the throat. Overthrowing the kings was a disaster.
International Leftism knows that it has screwed the pooch. It attracts neurotic people who want to blame their lack of satisfaction in life — they are not gods, after all, and this pisses them off — on nature for being universally fair in rewarding performance and punishing antirealism/obliviousness. The bourgeois middle class are the tyrants we were warned about. Now they are trying to prevent the farther Right from getting any toeholds, despite it being a Left-Right hybrid destined to fail in the long term because of that instability.
Intra-racial ethnic diversity is as unpopular as inter-racial diversity.
As its enemies gather, democracy dreams a little individualistic dream, together. Heaven awaits.
The recent panic over antisemitism provides a handy pretext and rationalization for raiding longstanding terror groups.
While America wrings hands and clutches pearls over Blacks and transgenders, its Asiatic enemies form tight military alliances.
As Frank Cotton says in Hellraiser, “It’s never enough.” No matter what you do, the infinite void of diversity demands more money, power, time, energy, and blood. Even when you are dead on the cross like Jesus, they will curse your name and hate you for having risen above the mediocre human norm.
It does not appear that race was a factor, but still we must have the national teachable moment struggle session so $40k/year failed liberal arts majors can sneer at us.
A property is worth only what someone will pay for it; a law is worth only a court that can enforce it. Biden, an inflexible thinker, believes that his short-term plan for wealth will have no consequences in the long run, such as a second Mongol invasion of the West.
Diversity has driven out anyone who can escape the public school system. Time to abolish it.
When they want you to avoid looking at something in the background, they wave their hands in the foreground. Foreign interference is not our problem; the domestic Federal Tammany Hall (FTH) is.
Must make sure the diversity swing vote remains intact. The court is probably correcting past attempts to make sense of America’s increasing voluntary racial segregation.
The quest for evidence of a second Amerind genocide continues, even if the first one was just the early Anglo pioneers clearing out their Gaza strip.
Another diversity riot.
By calling it a “crisis,” they are pretending that this is not an ongoing and subsidized process.
South Africa approves socialized medicine plan which prohibits people from buying private healthcare. The rise in taxes remains to be determined. Another wealth transfer from first world to third.
If you click on something that is deemed “misinformation” by this office, you are considered to be part of a political campaign. That means campaign laws apply to you, and there will be other consequences from that.
The propaganda regime continues, irritating people worldwide and spurring anti-American sentiment.
In an overworked and undersupplied portion of the UK healthcare system, Lucy Letby was connected to these deaths often only by being part of the team involved, sometimes only in an administrative role. In the meantime, the diversity-run pediatrics department continues to struggle despite a high budget.
Belatedly, Google acknowledges that AltaVista’s lexical search was always the better product. We are run by bunglers.
People bitched up a storm when we talked about “realism” on this site. Now suddenly others are taking up the cause.
Getting off social media makes people less likely to believe fake news. However, Leftists run social media; this means that not just Leftist but also Rightist news on social media is controlled by the Left.
Tags: diversitywatch, news