
Furthest Right

DiversityWatch (May 16, 2023)


Humanity is slowly facing the inevitable: regime change is coming.

The nation-states, states, cities, corporations, and citizens are all living off debt. Signs point to a long-term recession, triggered by our COVID-19 spending in order to steal an election, but powered by decades of anti-poverty and anti-racism programs.

Everywhere millions of immigrants gather, ready to invade our shores for the free stuff that we naïvely and stupidly hand out in the name of “equality” (the opposite of quality).

Diversity does not work and the impact may be hardest on business: they have no idea how to market to an audience composed more of niches than majorities. The old brands are going to go down, and the new brands will be transient.

The abyss that Generation X saw while growing up is here now. All of the things based on illusions that people thought they were so cute and smart for supporting are now headed into receivership and collapse. There are only two paths available now.

Either we go to dictatorship in the Communist way, or we realize we made a wrong turn and get back to monarchy, culture, realism, and good breeding. Christianity, patriotism, Israel, classical liberalism, meritocracy, and growth economies will not solve this question for us.






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