Numerous Leftist sources are stating the obvious, namely that the European welfare state is dead and with it, so is European Leftism. They need the money to defend themselves. Trump yanked their cord and now they must dance.
Our uniparty simply had no need to end illegal immigration; the high tax, regulations, unions, and affirmative action load on the economy made warm bodies labor necessary, but now everything is low-quality.
Distinct from shareholder capitalism, stakeholder capitalism resembles insurance, unions, and socialism: everyone involved gets a vote even if this does not produce profit. That guarantees that companies get converted into subsidies and soon falter, making everyone equally poor.
The story behind the story is that these companies are killing off their propaganda organs because they are no longer getting government money to keep them open, but this death was made inevitable by the fact that very few people believe them anymore. The propaganda failed.
Everything bad in humanity comes down to individual fears amplified by groups. People fear the power of culture, so they try to destroy it with diversity. The smarter people are seeing that the scam is up and it is time to move on.
We do not have a shortage of talented people; we have a shortage of talented people willing to work forty plus hours a week in bullshit jobs. End all immigration, cut the excess law, gut the taxes, end the affirmative action, defang the unions, and people will come back to work.
Since the Clinton era, government has done most of its work through private contractors, making them rich while starving the economy.
Many of us favor a primal religion: this is a benevolent world, there are more layers than the visible, there is an afterlife, and some divine force animates the whole thing. We want to affirm that and then engage in social rituals and practices to connect with people and nature. Anything else is just a control system like internationalist “organized religion” from the middle east.
“Contrary to previous beliefs, individual neurons represent the concepts we learn, regardless of the context in which we encounter them. This allows humans, unlike other animals, to establish higher and more abstract relationships, which lays the foundation of human intelligence.” The ability to see patterns distinguishes us sapient types. It also drives us mad at times. When combined with fear, the patterns we see become paranoid.
Humanity has covered the world in concrete and not surprisingly, this is causing The Ecocide to destroy most creatures.
End ethnic diversity as well as racial diversity. If they are not NEWER — “WASPs” in American parlance — they need to Go Back Home.
A high price of diversity: people with the brains to be able to do so move out of their native lands, and their languages die.
The bigger we grow, the less space there is for nature. Half Earth is the solution.
Societies that organized found themselves rising above the others, who promptly attacked them.
More hidden subsidies.
Cities rediscover broken windows policing.
All of Europe is officially united against Russia, which stops the Russian advance into Western Europe.
He is making his moves for campaign 2027. However, his point is a good one: Democrats have become the party of nagging nannies that people ignore for its constant alarmist hyperbole.
We slowly learn more about an ancient past that was forgotten in the zeal for new things like Revolution and Abrahamism.
“Make politicians afraid again!” the mob crowed, then quietly added, “but not that way.”
Affirmative action implodes as people notice that it is discriminatory against talent.
Leftists hire Leftists and soon your entire organization is a propaganda organ. Trump wants to change this.
Affirmative action penalizes men, who would rather play video games as NEETs than bow before these neurotic institutions. We see similar results in the USA.
Leftists are arresting Right-wing politicians in order to delay populist counter-revolution.
Being part of the ongoing evolution of existence through thinking forms part of a healthy mind, which is why the democracy establishment tries to squash it.
Yet more subsidies discovered.
Sexual liberation continues to be disgusting.
Tags: diversitywatch, news