The third world sucks. Living near Mexico, we know lots of good people of Mexican heritage, but they are oppressed by the choices of the people around them. When the center of the bell curve moves too far to the left, tyranny by retardation ensues, and in the resulting individualistic dysfunction, bad people take over. This headline reads like a punchline.
Murray has no reason to lie, and wrote honestly about the Fenian Question (and the Italian Question) in Meatballs. It looks like the case against Nixon was at least partially fabricated. The tightly-woven lies are disintegrating as Trump blitzes the citadel of the symbolists.
Most likely, modern humans arose with Homo heidelbergensis in Europe and then backflowed into Asia and Africa, producing modern human hybrids with pre-existing sub-species of hominin.
The Left has been waging culture war against the Nordic ethnic Western European remnants (NEWER) for two centuries; Trump just won it by demonstrating that wealth transfer and diversity are toxic to civilization.
Trump basically said his campaign assertions about corruption were right and that the fact that he has found it in the data gives him a mandate to keep going harder and further. He wants natural rights back and a prohibition on wealth transfer and racial/gender/orientation quotas.
The world is slamming the barn door long after this O’Bama-O’Bidenberg screwup destroyed Ukraine. Demanding peace is as silly as blustering about war, but neither approach will change what is a fait accompli at the hands of incompetent Leftists.
Leftists want meritocracy and pluralism so they can quietly subvert the founding majority and re-insert racial/gender/orientation quotas. The only solution is forming an ethnostate of our founding population of NEWER people and sending every other ethnic group back to its native homeland, especially the Italians and Irish. Did I mention the Irish? For America to survive, we need remigration for the micks, wops, spics, spanes, snigs, wogs, zips, zhids, bohunks, frogs, and did I mention the micks on giant beautiful boats.
Women in the workforce has been a disaster; the two are incompatible. It does not matter why.
Wet streets make rain. Kids who come from dysfunctional homes generally have dumber parents, and so since intelligence is heritable, they generally test lower than kids from functional homes.
Europe cannot afford its social safety net, but coincidentally, that turned Europeans into marshmallow violet sparkle cupcakes.
Utterly corrupt DKE DEI mayor posts last complaint about Trump, then dies alone. RIP Turder
The bills keep rolling in for the expensive and destructive diversity experiment. People want it all — affirmative action, immigration, DEI, poly-ethnicism — gone through the magic of remigration boats.
As the population grows, GDP grows, but those at the top are isolated from anyone except other rich people. This means they are disconnected entirely from daily life. That in turn explains both the people supporting Leftists and the wealthy Leftists in government.
Christianity self-destructed by making itself irrelevant to real life, so people turned to symbolic secular religions like politics which are now also irrelevant to real life, to the point that European elites are chattering about how bad Trump is while the average person is thinking they might like a Euro-Trump instead of expensive benefits that always go to migrants first.
They are hammering hard on Out of Africa this week, which means new research is coming that is going to deliver a wallop to it. Most likely, modern humans have been around for far longer than we think, coexisting with hominin and ancient human sub-species and eventually — as happened with the Neanderthals — absorbing them, either by outbreeding or simply eating them.
You will only be safe in Israel when only Jews and all Jews are in Israel.
Immigrants live in cheap housing which is cheap because it is louder, filthier, and faces more light pollution than better places.
Diversity brought us together… on the idea of erecting walls to keep the diversity far away.
Diversity always means rape. This is not confined to one ethnic group, but is true of all foreign ethnic groups in a diverse society. They come to conquer.
Europe seems to be living off the American economy. When this goes away, and China loses its appetite for BMWs, what then? Probably another round of Christian sectarian wars.
Backdoor affirmative action produces yet another competence crisis.
Trump states the brutally obvious: much of the Earth is irrelevant to those of us in the first world. Then again, since you only get in the news by screwing up, it might be good to be out of the news. Let Lesotho know what you think.
An enduring mystery! — did they happen before diversity, too?
Political Correctness works. It shifted the country to the Left and created a large group of people who share nothing with others. Trust breaks easily.
Moronic whore-apes delight the Left, who consistently misread animal behaviors as related to human perversions. Throw them — Leftists, not Bonobos and chimps — out of helicopters.
Civil rights law created this illegal occupation.
They are born this way, and a lot of them have high mutation load, leading to statistically earlier death and higher homelessness. If we treat them kindly, the problem is lessened. Making them a political football as the Left did was not kind.
More of the human family tree expands.
When they find oil, the Marines will arrive.
The third world is relentlessly individualistic and therefore prone to corruption, which means that institutions are not functional. This is the future Democrats wanted for the USA.
The Leftist world order is coming apart, but any Right-wingers in bed with Russia-China are in for a rude surprise in the future.
These things happen. Tuesdays especially are stabby days.
Migrant musical chairs continues. Who will get stuck with the permanent underclass?
And gender equality has done nothing to improve quality.
“Scroller”-stype social media (Facebook, Twitter) raises stress while slowing heart rate, like being paralyzed in a dream.
Mondays are stabby too. If it were not for Mondays, diversity would be working great.
Even the cheerful Dutch are sick of diversity. This might lead to more quality Dutch death metal!
These are probably effigies, not puppets.
France asks why America should get all the cool crime headlines.
People love unreality and symbolism because they are cognitively easier to digest than real life.
Diversity means heaps of corpses.
The bureaucracy realizes the gig is up. No, not because of Trump, but because the high cost finally destroyed the economy and left it on life support through stimulus payments that increased the debt.
Democrats wanted to seize power through illegal alien chaos. We barely escaped a nasty coup.
DEI is DEIng especially since it failed to produce success after the subsidies went away.
Reopen the case. Reinvestigate the first report from the coroner. Exonerate, not pardon.
Using a foreign language or religion means that you are conquered.
Equality is the opposite of quality and leaves behind wrecked societies and giant landfills.
No one can beat the bell curve. This kills the liberal.
Science discovers that people have noticed that diversity sucks and are blaming economic indicators instead of pointing out that their societies are falling apart like Rome.
Scientists argue that learning “empathy” is more important than not attending a race war zone for a school.
Eurasia is a competitor to Europe and blames Europe for the problems most recently seen through the Soviets.
On March 5, 1940, the Soviets decided to shoot and bury 22,000 Polish army officers.
Injecting weird stuff into your body has consequences. Why do you mention vaccines? Hmm.
UK wants to punish Whites more than minorities.
Tags: diversitywatch, news