For years now, officials and experts across the Atlantic have debated the merits of providing security guarantees to Ukraine. But the practical reality is that the Trump administration is not inclined to do so, not if it would obligate, de jure or de facto, the US to go to war on Ukraine’s behalf in the future. That this is the position of the president of the United States should be understandable.
Security guarantees were once called mutual defense pacts, and these launched WW1 with Russian help:
Because mighty Russia supported Serbia, Austria-Hungary waited to declare war until its leaders received assurance from German leader Kaiser Wilhelm II that Germany would support their cause. Austro-Hungarian leaders feared that a Russian intervention would involve Russia’s ally, France, and possibly Great Britain as well.
On July 5, Kaiser Wilhelm secretly pledged his support, giving Austria-Hungary a so-called carte blanche, or “blank check” assurance of Germany’s backing in the case of war.
You can see why Trump will not make such a guarantee. He wants Europe to take over its own defense, which will in turn destroy European entitlements programs, reversing global Leftism. When Russia took Georgia, the West had a chance to intervene, but just like in the Hungarian Revolution, fear of WW3 held them back.
Defending Eisenhower’s reticence to take stiffer action, including covertly assisting the Hungarian rebels or threatening to use tactical nuclear weapons on supply routes into Hungary, the study notes his concerns about inadvertently touching off a nuclear war with the USSR. At the same time, the author points out that Eisenhower “let the matter slide” by early in the crisis rejecting a recommendation that he convene a special meeting of the National Security Council to consider possible responses, which “undercut the urgency for action.”
Democracies tend to tiptoe backwards into war by doing piecemeal aid and interventions instead of making it clear to the other party that consequences will occur. The US did the same thing in Vietnam and Cuba under JFK. When Russia took Georgia, POTATUS O’Bama backed down, and Russia became emboldened, but UN/NATO became resentful and therefore laid a passive-aggressive trap for Russia in Ukraine. After decades of Russian and previously Soviet meddling, Ukraine took the deal, but then got betrayed just like the Hungarian rebels did. As a nationalist, I support Ukranian independence, but the time to achieve that may have passed while the EU bickered and took no action.
Regardless of the party in charge, federal spending is mostly composed of four familiar categories, which we can call “The Big Four.”
- Medicare and Medicaid: Makes up approximately 23 percent of annual spending, or about $1.4 trillion.
- Social Security: Makes up approximately 21 percent of annual spending, or $1.3 trillion.
- Defense: Makes up approximately 12 percent of annual spending, or approximately $750 billion.
- Interest Payments: Make up approximately 11 percent of annual spending or approximately $700 billion (Note: $700 billion is a historical average, the current value is $1 trillion).
Collectively, these four expenditures make up 67 percent of annual spending or $4.1 trillion out of the total $6.1 trillion dollars on average.
As we opined a few years back, America could never afford the Keynesian socialist entitlements programs that make up the circular Ponzi scheme. Europe could never do so either. We let our nations rot in order to pay for healthcare, retirement, welfare, and anti-“racism” programs for Boomers.
Ideally we would be 100% self-sufficient, but that requires tackling unions, affirmative action, high taxes, and regulations. N.B.: this, like fixing the deficit, is actually a job for The Congress. The President cannot do it, but he is leading us to the realization that this is what must be done.
Leftists — unhappy people who scapegoat and blame Reality for their woes — want to make off-Narrative commentary illegal. Following the Jacobin and Communist playbook, again.
Europe adopted diversity and immigration in order to pay for their entitlements benefits welfare states, but now increased military spending has made entitlements a dead letter. Unlike free money, money paid to the military goes back into the economy in productive ways.
Start seizing the businesses and this will change overnight. Because of our high taxes, businesses have slimmer margins, and they have made up the difference with cheap third-world labor, but the resulting decline in quality has savaged the consumer. Which is better, someone paid $20/hour who gets the job done in an hour, or some illegal paid $5/hour who takes four hours and does an inferior job?
End the diaspora; Africans will be happiest in Africa.
They oppose immigration, and therefore, they win elections. Now that Denmark will be unable to afford an entitlements state, the liberals are going to look a lot like conservatives.
Back to zero days since a jihadist terror attack. Diversity is our something, but it is not our strength.
Democracy realizes that the Right means limits on democracy, which is itself a Leftist idea created by the bureaucracy to take the place of actual leadership while allowing the bureaus to centralize, standardize, and regulate methods so that people must do only what benefits the democratic establishment.
It is long past time for the ADL, SPLC, and other fear-mongers to go away. Anti-Semitism is free speech. While scapegoating Jews for the problems the West created for itself is not logically correct, neither is expecting poly-ethnic societies to be functional. Jews will be happiest in Israel when only Jews and all Jews are living there. End the diaspora.
Civil rights laws basically neutered all borders, but now the situation is raging out of control.
POTATUS O’Biden liked soft power: long speeches, moral condemnation, sanctions, and passive-aggressive background warfare. Trump likes negotiation.
Enforcing standards works. Mexico benefits as well from the reduction in crime.
Following the Stasi model. All Leftists are the same; we are going to have to physically remove them.
Free speech is the new battleground; you can either discuss controversial topics with zero repercussions, or you cannot and everyone starts lying all the time.
After years of symbolism, Trump is bringing back Realism and with it comes a supply-side economy that is badly needed after the O’Bama-O’Biden stimulus disasters.
Leftists — pro-bureaucracy people — hate it that cutting government spending restores the value of the currency and results in an economic renaissance.
Europeans have different biology, therefore different effects of PTSD.
Tags: diversitywatch, news