Most diverse city in America ran itself into bankruptcy despite record cash intake under diversity mayor Sylvester Turder.
The Soviet Union shipped a diversity group (East Slavs) into a native population (Baltids) in the hope of subjugating that population, using immigration and diversity as a weapon. Now, in the first major domino of remigration, Estonia is strongly urging these ethnic Russians to go back home. Since this involves a “white” group from a hostile Eurasian nation, Europe will accept this, and the policy will gradually expand to repatriate other Other groups — Arabs, Africans, Orientals, Turks, Jews, Americans — from Europe as well, no matter how long they have been there. The principle stands: mono-ethnic nations alone have a chance of survival, and poly-ethnic ones are doomed to the diversity swing vote, cultural abolition, and eventually, genetic erasure through outbreeding.
Decision fatigue refers to the gradual decline in the quality of decisions after a prolonged decision-making period.
Once this energy is depleted, individuals struggle to make sound decisions, often resorting to impulsive choices, avoidance, or indecision.
When diversity replaces culture, there are no traditional ways to go about life, so everything becomes a conversation, a negotiation, and a decision fraught with risk lest any of the diversity cultures be offended. This fatigues the population who eventually give up and self-destruct.
“This study investigates researcher variability in computational reproduction, an activity for which it is least expected,” begins this report, and goes on to show that even in the most STEMy of STEM fields, error and forgery run rampant. “Science” is paid propaganda like everything else.
While wailing about the war in Ukraine, Europe is funding it by buying Russian oil and gas instead of being dependent on Americans. The solution is lots of nuclear reactors and a saner political system, like monarchy.
The presence of large animals alters an ecosystem to be able to store more carbon. Since human civilization eliminated most of these animals, our ecosystem has become standardized and low-performance.
Remove socialism and its blank-cheque universal justification, diversity, and suddenly the WASP core of America has made it prosperous and sane again.
Ultimately, diversity is illiberal, since it constrains the individual to obey an ideological objective, but it was necessary to “prove” equality. This threw the Left into paradox from which they could not escape, so they are self-destructing and taking the rest of us along with them if they can.
Leftists turned social media into a massive propaganda organ in order to complete the socialist-diversity takeover of the USA. DOGE is cutting back the choking vines of the swamp.
Military lawyers, using the 14A as their blank-cheque universal justification (BUJ), forced diversity propaganda into every level of the military, mainly because Leftists defend the individual against the power wielded by those who are more realistic (“Might” in the Redbeardian sense).
Leftists fear strength because to have strength one must embrace the hierarchy inherent to nature. Therefore, they oppose eugenics, which is pure common sense: encourage more births of intelligent, healthy, genetically balanced, sane, and moral people, while removing the worst (retards, career criminals, insane, perverts) from the gene pool.
Everything modernity loves seems to turn out to be toxic. When do we admit that DEADS (democracy, equality, atomization, diversity, and socialism) are the same?
Trump blurts out the blunt truth: very few people in the West have ever thought of Lesotho. Too bad, seems like a place that is rising. However, the West needs to butt out of Africa and let it stand on its own two feet.
Conservatives slowly begin chipping away the layers that surround the new Tammany Hall that runs America as a shadow government out of Chappaqua.
Genetics is demonized because it is unequal but suddenly becomes relevant when medical stuff requires it.
Catholics are hostile to conservatism. Religion is a replacement for culture and ethnicity.
This could make heritage relatable to more people.
People believe what justifies their self-image. Democrats believed the insane dipsomaniac Christine Blasey-Ford, where Republicans thought Kavanaugh was mostly innocent. Regardless, decades-old charges that only emerge during a political process are inherently suspect!
We are going to find that a Biden loyalist added the reporter to the chat stream, and possibly that Team Trump knew and used this strategically to their advantage.
A commonsense law that should have happened centuries ago. If you sneak in, you are a criminal, and we do not want you. In the bigger picture, America is overpopulated and needs to be mono-ethnic, so they are discouraging immigration.
Vietnamese diversity transgender attacked a conservative student with a bike lock and should face aggravated assault charges.
Microcredentials are academic certificates that prove the acquisition of specific knowledge or skills in short courses. Employers are very positive about the flexibility of these certificates, as they enable professionals to train without interrupting their work. The online learning format also provides access to top-quality international programs, and broadens the range of training options available.
Translation: universities are no longer separating the qualified from the useless, so employers are going to a fourth tier (high school, college, graduate, credentials) to avoid the mess that was created by “ending poverty” by granting more people college degrees through government grants and loans.
Shades of WW1 and WW2 come forth as Europe wants to station troops in Ukraine to discourage further SovietRussian advances.
Affordable housing means ghettos near your nice suburban home, so people oppose it. Scientists think more authority is required.
No one wants diversity, but almost no one can blatantly say that like we do here, so they rely on pretexts and conspiracy theories. Silly humans.
USA stops the free medical care for migrants that bribed them to continue their journeys.
People who are happy treat their jobs as means to an end.
Insane democracy keeps importing people who hate it.
Ancient Muslim diversity remains a problem centuries later.
Green venture goes bankrupt, dumping unemployed migrants on small city.
In our egalitarian zeal, we portrayed natural elites as selfish throughout all of time, when in fact people lived better under natural elites than they do under “meritocratic” bureaucracy/democracy elites.
Keeping abortion legal makes sense, but there is no reason for government to fund it.
Illegal diversity that preaches hatred finds itself on a boat back home.
Sodomy, microplastics, seed oils, or glyphosate? One wonders.
For diversity, we accept the “I am incompetent” legal defense in courts.
Forgotten history comes to life in Judean desert.
More evidence that clogged lymphatic systems are causing the senility outbreak in the West. Microplastics? Seed oils?
Ability to use abstraction to deal with sonic, visual, and symbolic data made the human brain unique. Like most traits, this is probably unequally distributed among humans and human groups.
We have dozens of assaults on White and huwhite kids posted weekly, but somehow this one gets all the media attention.
If you cut the freebies, fewer will come.
Americans are tired of criticism by smug foreign liberals.
People who behave like rabid animals belong in cages.
New York wants to re-fight the Civil War.
Judges are re-writing law; this was never the intent behind Marbury v. Madison but the 14A gave them loicense to do so.
Tags: diversitywatch, news