Leftists have one mode of behavior: create victimhood drama so that others will give them whatever they want in order to end the social chaos. The very notion of “equality” leads to this; no one needs equality except those who are blaming their problems on scapegoats through a perceived sense of victimhood. All of Leftism flows from this.
The West is swelling itself with diversity on the back of its debt. What happens when the money runs out? Equal poverty divided among many more people.
School head enforces French anti-burqa law, and the not-terrorists diversity promptly make terroristic threats against him.
How dare the people who created most of the scientific research write in their own language which thanks to the English system of government and law working best has become a worldwide standard.
As democracy flounders in failure, totalitarian methods return and no one seems surprised or outraged.
Genetic trees branch more than run straight, so most likely Neanderthals were already hybrids with modern humans or an ancestor of them, and the modern humans focused on civilization instead of hominids living in bands with no wider loyalties, so they quickly dominated the Neanderthals. This is what happens to all pacifists, communes, and libertarian Utopias.
Clever propaganda designed to bind people to the status quo, this article argues for defending the human world as it is now instead of improving it.
More legal delays from the Left, who just wants to smuggle in enough voters to keep the scam going.
“Fatphobia” is the new “racism.”
Democracies after diversity cannot stay in power without constant surveillance, propaganda, and censorship.
When you hand out free stuff to whoever gets off a boat, who cares what vapid signaling you make in public? Your actions speak louder than your words.
The content of diversity — what groups are involved — does not matter. The form of diversity — more than one ethnic group in a nation — does. The groups enter a codependent relationship where they hurt each other, then subsidize each other, until they merge and culture is lost.
Without the subsidies, how will schools achieve the United Colors of Benetton?
The Trump policies seem to work better than the current disaster.
Aristocracy saved the green belt, but democracy will destroy it for more diversity housing.
Casual sex, sexual freedom, and tolerance of promiscuity and pornography have led us to a sad state where pedophiles are wandering around everywhere looking for access to succulent children.
The utter stumbling bungle that was the COVID-19 response was the first wake-up call for many people that told them that democracy had become inept, inflexible, and pathological.
All facts that diversity in any style, shape, or mixture is terrible aside, influencers are pretty terrible too. Deport this guy to the middle of the Atlantic.
We are drawn to those who are genetically similar to us. They understand us without communication. There is less manipulation as a result.
Big Commie M5M hints at how to work around that pesky Supreme Court ruling.
Diversity not working out so great in Germany, but the international press has yet to pick up this story.
Angry pedophile Irishman rants against man who could make his money outside of government.
Hint: you are going to need a separate movie industry for every ethnic group. That way, each group can see positive representations of itself.
Autonomy, including property rights, is becoming more important than civil rights.
Google seems to be the major source of censorship on the internet at this point.
You cannot force equality upon a population; many human empires have died in the attempt.
They need the anti-majority voters in order to advance one-party rule.
Imagine what conserving human genetics would do for our health, sanity, and economies.
Diversity government leaves bankruptcy, crime, poverty, corruption, and disorder in its wake. New taxes are coming. Check out the demographics of Houston.
Keeping diversity away preserves unique adaptations that we will need at some point.
Leftist campaign to accelerate the diversity takeover seeks to “register animals, dead people, infants and felons to vote.”
Iraqi Christian decides to show democracy how its promises of “freedom” are false whenever enough people complain. Mob rule is dominated by guilt, shame, lusts, greed, and stupidity.
Half of South Africa’s municipalities are blighted by corruption. Fairly typical diversity result.
People are over the diversity preferences, but still are too slow to realize that any diversity means wealth transfer will be on the agenda because of unequal results.
As democracy winds down after ruining everything, the Water Wars begin.
Republicans love opposing abortion because then they can reel in those Boomer Evangelical dollars, but they are outvoted by the women and diversity.
When democracy wastes all of its money, as it always does given enough time, it goes to war. Prepare for another big war, probably 200m dead and limited use of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons.
It turns out that Southern, Eastern, Irish, and Mediterranean Europeans were not up to WASP standards in academia.
Democracy will always choose pacifism over confronting problems. The innocents pay.
Tags: diversitywatch, news