Leftism is individualism, Rightism is order, which is inherently contra-individualistic. The Left, if given power, will suspend social order and structure so that each individual can feel powerful. Over time this inverts because productivity drops and therefore triage kicks in, sort of like with socialized medicine now, but what seduces people is the promise of being little gods and kings subsidized by the herd.
This great compilation of statistics shows us how post-diversity America is disintegrating. If we are honest, we will admit that only WASP America was functional and everything since has been an inferior imitation.
SATs are IQ proxies. Now that affirmative action is not legally protected, these colleges are going to demand scores but give massive breaks to those who come from lower socioeconomic status, which will be a proxy for minorities since even poor Whites and hwites must have systemic power and therefore be advantaged. In reality, this is just a time-waster; White people are going to replace Blacks with Asians/Hispanics/Amerinds as soon as possible.
Do not trust the diversity ships. It is also unlikely that diversity America can rebuild this bridge at the same level of quality and reliability.
All of the modern miracles are coming tumbling down. It turns out that common cleaners create neurological conditions.
Smoke and mirrors. The real event will be the amnesty that Republicans, urged by Christians and corporate lobbyists, will approve of a few years later.
Moron Republicans want to lose this election by campaigning on abortion because Boomer Christians send them money if they do this, and it is easier to lose and have zero responsibility as a result than it is to win and have to fix a mess that at this point is unfixable except through brave, focused action. These people are just careerists. They do not want to rock the boat. In the meantime, who cares if Milfprednisone kills one in twenty five women who use it? That means fewer abortions in the future. Even more, with eight billion people on Earth, we are screwing up when we fail to abort, not when we do. If we abort the Christians and liberals, we might even have a future.
The usual lying scientists point out that grade inflation is caused because we now assess students against a universal norm instead of relative to the performance of their peers. What they do not tell you is that as average IQs have dropped, the difficulty of schoolwork has also dropped, and so “normal” now means retarded.
Productivity has fallen because you imbeciles spend all your money on a doomed underclass while farming people out into make-work jobs that pump up the productivity and growth stats but contribute nothing to society like most email jobs.
Leftists want a future where all of the diversity have government-created jobs and therefore are wealthy, making the statistics look good and preserving the false appearance of unity that allows the narcissistic individualist to remain in solipsistic reality-suspension.
In politics, one rule is never proven wrong.
Why is this anyone’s business but that of Israel and the Palestinians? Neurotic Westerners are not helping when they intrude. This is just more colonialism. It’s also a great way to distract the moron voters (but I repeat myself) from real issues.
It turns out to be another MeToo event, which means that another rental woman who finds life did not pan out as she hoped is looking for someone to blame so there can be a payout. Ironically this is no different than the Polish and Jewish demands for Holocaust reparations or African-American demands for slavery reparations.
Why do football fans keep showing up if their teams hire minorities? Bail out and do something real with your lives.
They are trying to keep them from sending money back home. This will last exactly sixty seconds until someone comes up with a service they can purchase which sends fixed amounts of money back home.
The flood continues as they expect amnesty, subsidized housing, welfare, free healthcare, free education, free daycare and school meals, and guaranteed email jobs from which they cannot be fired.
Asians take over former Anglo neighborhood and promptly, by being individualistic, fail to notice changes in clientele, allowing idiots to take over and turn it into a party zone because property taxes are too high to pay without AirBNB income from the predominantly African-American people who like to party on lower Westheimer.
Russia-China, failing because of its diversity, wants to blame the West for all of its moronic failures. In reality, Russia failed to win quickly in Ukraine and China is watching its economy wither now that the American manufacturing boom is over.
The Christians, liberals, and Asiatics unite against the far-Right. Why do they fear order instead of individualism?
Societies based on cooperation are easily manipulated by individualists, and since the third world is individualistic, this means that it will take over from the superior social order.
France ships its migrants to the countryside so that it can look like a functional first-world nation for the Olympics.
Drive the Leftists and diversity out of your state and you can thrive as an Orania among Mexicos.
Scientific papers by women are cited less than those by men, according to this study, but half of science is fake anyway, so….
Natural aesthetics and design have a higher entanglement entropy than boxy, equal, square, rigid, and linear human designs.
You taxed them to death so they stopped breeding and now regime change is on the horizon. Democracy is suicidal in its stupidity and greed.
If everyone in Russia and China died tomorrow, would life be in any way worse for anyone else?
Statistically, people who are from ghettos, related to or friends with criminals, or are unable to maintain any kind of income stream are more likely to be repeat criminals, so the justice system tries to lock them up for longer. Why not simply adopt eugenics at this point?
Wet streets make rain. In reality, workers with better mental health arrange their lives so that they have better flexibility and therefore, job security, because if there is competition from other employers, your employers want to keep you happy.
Amerind diversity clown kills Hispanic woman in Michigan, press goes into overdrive to deflect and distract.
Bacteria suffer just like we do. Time to let them in, give them welfare, and ensure they can vote.
Black people are not fools, and figured out early on that soccer is boring af and only appeals to guys in skintight taper pants.
Lots of bodegas, lawn services, and painting companies.
No, it means that more migrants are coming illegally than ever before, therefore your Official Numbers are low, which makes the number of deaths seem higher in proportion.
Arabs belong in Arab lands. Israel is for only Jews and all Jews, and the rest of the world is excitedly waiting for it to calm down so that we can ship our Jews there.
Diversity in a single image, only made perfect if gypsies then stole his wallet, Jews warmed their hands over the fire, and Anglos harvested his toennails for some obscure scientific experiment that even its funders did not understand.
More of us are realizing that Bud was right all along. “I don’t want no Communists in my car. No Christians neither!”
This is because they have devolved halfway to Bonobo status. Italians are mixed-race people like Irish, Slavs, and Jews.
This is basically the entire neo-Nazi movement. Fetishize Jews enough and you become one. And who can forget Frank Collin?
Dominican Republic builds a border wall.
Coeur d’Alene residents figure out that if you scream racial slurs at minorities fewer of them settle there. Diversity creates enmity wherever it goes.
Diversity is responsible for “racism.” Reverse “racism” merely makes the problem worse.
Wet streets make rain. People with low self-control, high procrastination, and low quality analytical judgment therefore poor decision-making end up poor. This is natural selection, nitwits.
Tags: diversitywatch, news