Undead government agencies siphon money from the productive to give to the unproductive, ensuring a slow transition into diverse socialism.
Volokh, a lolbert, has been correct about the direction the courts have been heading: away from the democratic-bureaucratic interpretation, more toward the limited-democratic one, including an originalist view of the Constitution.
“Anti-Semitism” simply means opposition to mixed-race people. Since most people are morons, instead of saying “diversity is illogical and therefore suicidal” they decide to scream about Jews or Negroes in order to parallel the Leftists morons who wail about the rich and the white.
Likewise, this reimagined Snow White has tried to please too many people, and in doing so has neutered the story of any bite.
Insightful, Ms Ellison. We could say the same about pluralism, diversity, democracy, corporate jobs, and socializing in general and also be correct.
It is unclear whether this leak was in fact not deliberate. If nothing else, it sure is a handy way of introducing the issues that Trump wants the media to talk about endlessly for the next fourteen days.
Several classics of Western literature were almost lost to time in the zeal for new religious fiction.
Catholics, like other Abrahamists, are universalists, or believers in the human mind as more real than reality; this is why people pogromized Jews, because this philosophy weakens any society (even if the response is pants-on-head retarded). Universalism is an offshoot of dualism which itself is a projection of human symbolism against the might-is-right Darwinism of nature.
The diversity shakedown continues, but free money means the giver has control. The West needs to just leave Africa alone for once.
Invasive species force native species to compete on the basis of the strengths of the invasive species, giving it an advantage. The same is true of diversity; White people are trying to out-minority minorities, and of course failing, with the possible exception of Eminem.
The thief cries out as he strikes you: Leftists learned the trick early on of projecting altruism in public to hide that they are doing the opposite in private. This is why they preach diversity but live in huwhite enclaves.
Die for Israel? Die for diversity! Jews are just one form of diversity invading Europe.
Yuck, but we should stop aresting/deplatforming/firing people for their words. Bonus: she looks like an m2f Elvis.
Rotherham on the Danube.
Democracy has failed, so those who benefit from democracy want to double down on the ideal of equality, which like assimilation is a fiction.
In democracy, everyone has special rights except those doing just fine without government help.
Their legal status is going to be ambiguous until Venezuela accepts their return.
Too many White males. Do not trust the DEI governments. They turned out badly in Brazil, South Africa, Haiti, and California.
Apparently huwhite and Asian workers were given better pay; no word if they were more effective, not that anyone will offer that argument in public.
Surely a prohibition on bans of white nationalists speaking will come next.
Unions and affirmative action burned down the USPS. Privatization will result in $5 stamps to pay off the pensions already promised.
In the midst of a housing crisis, Democrats were handing out free housing to illegals.
DEI propaganda that overstated historical roles has been scrapped. Most of the inhabitants of that cemetery are White and male.
When diversity tells you of its true nature, believe it.
If you want more babies, try a flat tax. This is the best eugenics plan: stop taking from the successful to subsidize the unsuccessful. That way, the successful breed more.
No wonder the Qanon people think pedophiles run the government.
JFK introduced affirmative action, and soon race-based subsidies and preferences became the norm through all of government.
We are in a new Cold War, with the third world uniting against the first, acting out the French Revolution narrative on an international scale.
Tags: diversitywatch, news