When people got out of college in the late 1980s, political correctness — mobilized as a weapon against Reagan — was raging and so “equality” was achieved as it always is, by taking from the succeeding to give to the failing. That meant that back then in sotto voce conversations ensured that White males did not get their stories published or books signed, while inferior women, minorities, and Catholics were easily able to get contracts. As a result, the WASP vanished from the literary landscape and they all became surly far-Right writers instead.
In pursuit of power and trying to yell “stop” at a world that was zooming past Leftist ideals, Leftists put the brakes on abundance and as a result, have made a dysfunctional society, two micks and a Jew argue. In reality: the WASPs were driven out and the newcomers are far less competent.
Everywhere Leftism goes, it favors other Leftists, and ends up impoverishing everyone.
Whenever you have one ethnic group in an area, the presence of its members enforces its culture, and there is no doubt about what is the right way to behave; if you let in even one member of another group, suddenly any interaction is a roll of the dice, and uncertainty spreads like a plague. Then those groups start fighting because no one has a divine or innate right to power anymore, and power up for grabs is worth money and will start a war.
Everyone was following precedent and so, when that precedent was revoked, people are falling in line to get away from the stuff that they swore was morally essentially just a few short months ago.
As we say around here often, your bill goes up because you are paying for yourself and nineteen illegals. We never could afford socialized medicine anyway, but the rise of the illegals has made it even clearer how doomed we are.
Trump makes a deal to keep the rate of outflow high.
Democracy snatched defeat from the jaws of victory by following the Soviet path to diversity and an expanding bureaucracy. Now the alternatives present themselves, but until you go back to the kings, you have only changed degree of the system not changed its fundamentals.
How do you sell yourself to others? Show that you are “safe,” non-controversial, and accepting of everyone by signaling vaguely against the far-Right even if you have no idea what that is.
Trump cuts off BRICS-Soros access to national secrets.
Italian throws Anglo-Saxons under the bus yet again in his quest for diversity bucks.
They are undoing all the clever plans of the neurotic Leftists.
People with genetic health tend to make certain choices, which enables scientists to proclaim that those choices not the genetic health led to the results of the genetic health. Complex “wet streets makes rain.”
Hacker identifies SAT scores of students by race, pointing out that Hispanics and Blacks can score far lower than Orientals or Whites and still get in.
Why bother interacting with a society that will call you a “racist,” pass you over for every promotion, work you in an entry-level job for forty-five years, take half in the divorce, and then toss you into an old age home with low-cost staffing for your final zombie years? Just play video games, smoke weed, and post ethnic slurs to the internet.
“Random” is a great way of describing these purposeless people who drift around looking for easy scores.
Does anyone even take Russia’s Rightward shift seriously? It seems to be aesthetics only. There is also nothing Right-wing about trying to regulate homosexual behavior.
Jewish guy wants to make sure other migrants have the chance his parents did.
They spent the money on diversity instead of maintaining the infrastructure built by superior people from the past.
People who want function more than equality are in the process of leaving the Left, but so no reason to jump over to the public Right which is mostly Leftist anyway.
Glyphosate: the next DDT? DNC: the next CCP? History cycles and rhymes more than evolves linearly to a perfect Utopian state. There is no perfection, only constant adaptation.
Far-Righters get trolled by their own propaganda. Guys, we have one goal: mono-ethnic societies ruled by kings. Everything else is window dressing and armchair activism.
The high cost of regicide is revealed centuries later. Your kings protected your culture and the genetics to match; democracy erased it all and ruled over the ashes.
Anglo-Saxons unite. If we get to be an associate member, does that mean we get cash back anytime someone clicks on our links to the UK?
As condos replace this antique synagogue, people question whether capitalism is just anti-semitism with an Austrian economics face.
Nonsense. Democrats want equality, which requires taking from the favored to give to the unfavored, and this means that White people must be consumed by the rising grey race third-world horde.
Gosh, RICO convictions are easier than I thought. And you can even bring private civil suits using RICO! Sure is weird for this to enter the news cycle now.
Diversity utopia is soulless parasitic existential void despite growing in population and diversity.
Ew. Ick. Ugh. Like in most things third world, feces is involved, giving rise to the horrible name, with shades of what happened in Rotherham and Rochdale.
Tags: diversitywatch, news