Moss said the wild animals have always been there. “They’re not new, it’s just that their areas are getting smaller and they’re just kind of getting squeezed so of course they’re gonna pop out,” he said.
This is why (a) Half Earth is necessary and (b) diversity makes overpopulation problems worse.
According to Samuel Huntington, democracies — like religious revivals — periodically have periods of “creedal passion” where people become obsessed with their own beliefs in a closed-circuit feedback loop, intensifying those beliefs in an attempt to both assert and project them. Reagan was the moderate but aggressive leader who reeled everyone back in the last time people went insane with democratic passion, and Trump is following in the steps of Reagan to try to save this country from democracy yet again.
Hopefully not, but the tendency to work with the system — means-over-ends logic — will always be part of humanity. We simply need to produce enough intelligent and strong people to push it back because the herd is always stupid, and the herd is comprised of me-first individualists.
The Biden agenda was the Tammany Hall agenda: rule forever on the diversity vote, giving out free stuff to buy favors, until senility or jailarity overtake us. Amen.
Gangs are a byproduct of diversity. End diversity, and gangs go back to being fistfight groups between Our Block and Their Block because fuck those guys.
Trying to oppose diversity without appearing to oppose diversity, Sweden tries to filter out the poor, who tend to be dumber, more arrogant, and more violent. However, the problem is not violence; the problem is that diversity erases Swedes. The West needs to stop hating itself and start trying to survive instead of dying of righteousness like al-Jewsus or Emmett Till.
Yes, we must keep every Arab who hates us in the country because then we can show that diversity is working.
If you let none in, none will come, and none will die.
Leftists disguise ethnic crime as regular crime whenever diversity is involved. “Oh that, it was just vandalism, when he painted KILL THE BOER on the wall over the dead family of eight that were his victims. Like a typo. Just a glitch.”
The Ukraine war has stalled Russia and is apparently killing a lot of Russians. This is convenient for Europe, so they will keep sending Ukraine weapons while buying Russian oil and gas.
Pure theater. The point is for the Chinese to know that we are planning to counter their force with stronger force if they do something typically Asiatic and Communist like ineptly try to take over the world.
Africa, like the West, has a caste system, and its aristocrats look, think, and act different from the hoi polloi and the bourgeois.
Any parent with a clue has pulled their kids out of the failed public schools.
Government provides stimulus programs so the diversity can steal it and therefore, become financially equal.
The Left has found a way to make lawfare work: raise dubious accusations, but try them in kangaroo courts, and then apply additional penalties as a way to keep the Right-winger out of office.
It is ludicrous to have Lutherans and Methodists sharing the same state, much more absurd to have Baptists and Presbyterians involved, and untenable once you toss in Episcopalians and Evangelicals. But Catholics, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, and Neopagans? Now everything is a mess. We did well with one religion per culture, and that religion came from the culture, therefore was a “fit” for that biological/genetic group. Satanists have always pushed the limits of religious pluralism by making it entertaining, thus with any luck they will get to have their Black Mass at the statehouse despite xoid opposition. Turn that cross upside-down in the Luciferian Twilight.
Apparently “terrorism” is a term White people use for non-White people who are trying to kill them, just like “White Genocide” is a dog whistle for the new Jim Crow.
What is this judge hiding?
The past was individualism; the future is realism and group unity.
Wealthy people trust money and cash for goods and services, so would rather buy their way to privilege. Governments enable this. Thus you know the truth about all taxes, fees, and penalties: they benefit wealth because the people involved (government) are only interested in your money.
Noisy, ugly, and crowded societies turn people into schizoid sociopaths too.
“I think the idea of using free speech to allow him to speak here is kind of a cop out. It’s an easy way to dismiss people’s very real concerns,” said senior student Olivia Donahue. “The university’s guidelines do explicitly say that hate speech is protected speech. But they also say that speech that incites harassment or violence is not permitted on campus. And I would argue that white supremacist views are inherently violent.”
[[[ DONAHUE ]]]
Every. Time.
The long fallout of election 2020 vote fraud is coming to fruition.
Foreign aid, like domestic entitlement, is just paying off parasites to keep them out of the way.
What we thought was “discrimination” was mostly commonly a lack of qualifications or odd stuff in the application process that made the candidate look maladjusted.
To these people, the American justice system is like stealing candy from retarded blind disabled children.
It seems the Left is run by foreign billionaires.
“Racism” (xenophobia + noticing group differences) is normal everywhere because it is a sane survival strategy. If it is foreign, it wants to kill you, especially the wops, micks, and spanes.
Hispanic guy thought it was funny to urinate in water bottles, gave people STDs.
Diversity of any form has similar results everywhere. Importing Vietnamese to China is as silly as importing Blacks to Europe or Irish to the USA.
They are biologically/genetically different from Whites.
If trees “fix” (store) carbon, which they not only keep in their bodies but inject into the soil, then why not plant more trees? Half Earth is the future.
We learn more about crittertelligence and reconsider our treatment of animals.
Good borders make good neighbors.
Mickey turns to The Godfather for inspiration.
Keeping foreign ethnics out has its advantages.
Best USA was always an Anglo-Saxon nation, and now we may renew these ties, strengthening our bond to ethnicity (not race).
White men sided with Trump in 2024, while white women went with Kamala Harris; white voters who don’t have college degrees strongly backed Trump, while those with at least bachelor’s degrees backed Harris.
People who depend on the system ( = less than equal, naturally ) support the system, which will subsidize their wealth, power, and status.