As mentioned elsewhere, every group acts only in its own self-interest alone, therefore diversity is paradoxical and perpetuates conflict. Under Ted Kennedy, the Hart-Celler Act transformed America into a battleground of third-world quality levels where White Genocide is openly celebrated. All of this dates back to the 14A, which forced civil rights on the population and gave government a mandate for control, owing to diversity conflicts dating back to our early conflicts started by Amerinds (Mongols).
Putin responded by deploying troops to Crimea and weapons to the southeast Donbas region on behalf of ethnic Russians who felt their president had been undemocratically overthrown. While this backstory does not justify Russia’s invasion, it explains that it was hardly “unprovoked.”
Cause-to-effect, that effect becomes the next cause… the Soviets settled these ethnic Russians in Ukraine in order to seize it. You are literally arguing for Stalin’s plan. If he is as smart as I think he is (no indications otherwise) Trump is negotiating to end an out-of-control situation that could become WW3, not to try to fix the situation that O’Bama and O’Biden botched over the last twenty years.
No different than the Thurgood Marshall court:
As a long-time civil rights litigator for the NAACP, Marshall had won most of the cases he argued in front of the Supreme Court in that capacity. Arguably his biggest win was the case of Brown v. Board of Education (1954), one of the true landmark decisions in the Court’s history, which invalidated the concept of segregation at public schools under the Fourteenth Amendment. “This Court should make it clear that that is not what our Constitution stands for,” Marshall argued successfully.
Oh look, it’s the 14A again. That amendment fundamentally changed the Constitution from natural rights to government-enforced equality. If anyone is going to save the Constitution, they are gonna hafta repeal the 14A:
Trump’s appeal lies in the fact that he made clear he understood how our federal government had strayed from the original design of limited and enumerated powers to become, in effect, a gigantic monstrosity of redistribution of income, or, perhaps, even more accurately, a colossal money laundry, taking money from taxpayers and funneling it—often through government contracts with NGOs—into the pockets of politicians and their cronies.
With enforced equality, the bureaucracy held all the cards. Somehow the voters slept through this except in the South, the last part of America to arguably have culture because it retained its Anglo-Saxon (WASP) roots.
Like invasive species, foreign populations offer lower-cost labor because they are less concerned with efficiency, resiliency, stability, and long-term health. You have to keep the foreign out and away or it destroys you from within.
The end result of “tolerance” and “peace”: insane drug addicts on the dole burn down your cities. It is natural selection, in the end; those who vote out of fear, and as a result demand “tolerance” instead of realistic good results, end up dying in fires. Oh well.
Funny how altruistic and pacifistic cover stories always conceal the worst of the power grabs. The USIP was caught disproportionately supporting Democrats and spreading CIA propaganda around the world under the aegis of academia.
DEADS (democracy, equality, atomization, diversity, and socialism) has failed because in the name of peace and tolerance, it turned thriving first-world places into rotting infrastructures underneath unstable societies which quickly reverted to third-world levels of quality. Now that its failure has been recognized, people are interested in removing it from law and cleaning up the mess through remigration.
People from foreign lands who come here to criticize us are neurotic busybodies like most narcissists and will do nothing but hurt us.
The new Ukraine strategy resembles the Allied WW2 strategy, namely to blast anything of significance in Russia until Russia comes to the peace table. Let us hope the Ukranians strike the power stations, ammo dumps, oil refineries, and factories next.
How humans adapted to the landscape and made it prosperous despite having little in the way of soil and water resources.
As we noted in the study of Crowdism, the herd rewards those who both conform and stand out in harmless ways, in this case emphasizing “diversity” and “charisma.”
The law finally hit a court with enough mental iron to figure out that it was unconstitutional.
Scientists argue that cognitive variations are so small we can ignore them. The bigger question is whether women should be forced to deal with the outside world during this time because it seems to make many of them physically miserable.
China is coming, and Trump demands Vietnam and other nations defend themselves. They allied with the Chinese once and will be ruled by them again.
The USA is tired of admitting German communists who want to wreck the place.
Trump seems to convince people that he means business.
Trump is moving from demand-side economics to supply-side economics; in the former, demand for the dollar determines its worth, in the latter, production value does. This will be like the Carter-Reagan transition, two years of misery followed by intense growth as obstacles are removed.
These were effectively loyalty oaths to Communism.
More diversity-on-diversity violence.
The easy years enabled by early technology are over. If this kills off most of humanity, it might save the species that is poisoning itself with its own reckless individualistic behavior.
Alz may be an autoimmune disease, where the immune system attacks itself, like how virtue-seeking Westerners attacked their society through class warfare that invited in diversity.
The countries with the least diversity are the happiest.
Areas where a lot of the cops are diverse seem to dislike enforcing immigration law. Funny that.
Race-mixers are not the most mentally stable of people.
Stop jailing, firing, censoring, and ostracizing people for their opinions. Open the minds instead.
Everywhere diversity goes, poverty follows.
It took tool-using apes a million years to get to the point of making their own tools.
China kills parasites and opposes diversity. They want to win, while inducing us to support fatal mistakes like diversity and tolerance.
Tattoos are self-vandalism and indicate unstable childhoods. Shout your pain at the world; it does not care at all. But the self-pity will destroy you.
The only way to hold off WW3 is to be strong enough that it will hurt the other guy — BRICS — too much to try.
The administrative state — DOE, FDA, EPA, FTC, etc — is the unelected bureaucracy and per his election promises, Trump is shutting it down.
The years of escaping consequences for destructive protests are over. Good intentions are not enough.
Churches want to destroy American culture and replace it with Christianity. Republicans should take pains to avoid doing the same.
There are no harmless highs — a substitute for satisfaction with life itself — including jogging.
Not tired of anti-Whitism and anti-Semitism, Leftists double down on Japanese Genocide. Recognize the pattern? The herd hates high-IQ happy populations because the herd is united by a lowest common denominator, namely a desire to blame someone or something else for its own failures.
The past is far less distant than we like to believe.
Tags: diversitywatch, news