Neither the “anti-racists” nor “racists” will like this, but diversity forces people to exaggeratedly act out cultural signifiers that are passed on to them by the diverse anti-culture, so Black people see gangsta shiznit and figure that this is the best way to be 100% Black, leading people to destroy their lives like this kid who is only twenty-five and now facing a life sentence, even though that is like four years in the UK.
Diversity means society breaks into different clusters that hate each other, and by trying to make allies with some against others, you end up partnered with people who hate you.
We have told you for decades now about how police are downgrading serious crimes to vandalism, encouraging people not to file reports, and losing data in order to keep their crime stats low so that their jobs are safe despite being impossible. Now this scandal joins the others out in the open.
This is what diversity does to people by relocating them in host nations created by other ethnes.
Who factchecks the factcheckers? Who watches the watchers? We need smaller and more powerful government where character and intelligence, not popularity, matter.
Now consider what political correctness is doing.
Worldwide Leftist liberal billionaires — many of them Jewish — are funding the pro-Hamas movement. What a bizarre world.
As DEI falls, a whole industry that employs millions of do-nothing people threatens to collapse.
Ancient humans were smarter than we think.
We depend on trees, but diversity kills them off by building more low-cost high-density urban housing.
Why are we fighting natural selection? Let the self-destructive perish.
Diversity is demographic replacement.
Why? Encourage women to leave abusers. Society cannot fix every problem, especially not one caused by bad female choices of bad men.
I doubt this is true. Critters have more intense inner lives than humans recognize.
Bureaucratic state wants to register homeschoolers in order to force them to be vaccinated.
If our genes are 98% identical to those of chimpanzees, that remaining 2% must be pretty important, and even tiny differences in genomes between ethnes must have huge consequences.
Ukraine is best understood as an ethnic war by East Slavs against West Slavs. Various West Slavic and mixed Baltic-Slavic nations are mobilizing because they know that they are next.
Most of what we dislike about “capitalism” is caused by taxes, including shareholder greed. Georgism, the theory of using a land value tax to equalize society, would force the commercialization of all land and utterly erase history.
EuroLeftists want to force social media giants to pay for censorship of anti-liberal speech.
Who is really anti-science here? In the name of pretense, they want to repatriate human remains gathered during the colonial period.
Voters picked the “safe” option and got, surprise!, the same old thing. Now they have regrets, too late as usual. Voters are expert barn-door slammers.
Another cretinous diversity murder.
Trump splits the BRICS by offering a better deal.
Europe aggressively filtered out criminality for centuries; the third world encouraged it.
Another diversity conflict brews just under the surface.
90% of Alzheimer’s patients showed traces of HSV-1 infection.
Civilization decay, watching democracy make stupid decisions, socialism, and demographic replacement are all forms of trauma.
France agreed to take in some of its colonials, but the agreement expanded under Leftists desperate for more warm taxpaying bodies.
Communism eternally appeals to the alienated, young, and failing. Throw them out of helicopters.
We must force everyone to accept minorities everywhere, or the 14A will weep.
The revolt against socialism and the diversity it brings begins anew.
Diversity leaves behind many dead. Xenophobia does not.
The bureaucracy looks for excuses to act, not cause-to-effect relationships likely to produce good outcomes.
Despite neurotics wailing, ICE sends another one home.
Diversity means hating your host nation for being different than you, encouraging people to act out. Orientals cheat on their taxes. Hispanics pass off inferior work. Blacks tend to just punch you in the face. It is at least more honest.
We learn more about an ancient work barely known to history.
Diversity shakedown continues.
Man stands with his tribe, not his host nation. Assimilation is a fiction.
Savvy politician distances himself from the far-Left.
Diversity busy stealing houses.
More of the same.
Go after the employers and welfare. Then you will see an exodus.
Leftists want to fund the failing to create “equality,” not produce more of what made them wealthy enough to consider this in the first place.
Under diversity, vote fraud is a normal event.
Starving the beast is an effective strategy when one is swamped in parasites.
Diversity guy wants to after the presumed enemies of his tribe.
Many states are legally prohibited from asking for proof of citizenship when registering voters.
What else have they faked? There is a reason many of us refuse to use Wikipedia.
Tags: diversitywatch, news