Anything the media, government, education, or entertainment tries to meme into reality is categorically toxic.
Diversity thwarted the US war in Vietnam, and our diversity military cannot do much right, especially not under the command of diversity “president” Joseph Biden.
Diversity does not prevent extinction. When numbers drop too low, inbreeding takes over and population quality declines, at which point the next threat carries it off.
Sexual freedom has made the sexes hate each other. No doubt pornography is also no good.
Leftists argue that properties in minority districts are taxed at higher rates, but the question becomes what the total tax bill is, since those nice White neighborhoods have higher home costs. If they can, they will shift the entire tax burden to the rich and then wonder later why they have so few rich people.
Trump gets it right as usual. After WW2, Jewish “intellectuals” believed diversity would save them from future Hitlers. Instead, it took over and made three-quarters of Jews into typical Leftists who hate whoever is succeeding so that they made defend the underdog.
The diversity unites against the West. This is the same mentality as “tax the rich,” in that it unitues the many discontented against the relatively few who are functional.
The new Communists intend to take over by forcing a diversity agenda, erasing White and hwitish culture in the process.
The Streisand Effect bites back. The more you censor things, the more valuable they become. This is why your average American is now in bed with the Great Replacement, Holocaust revisionism, End the Fed, and probably chemtrails and gay frogs.
Why would the Left ever allow this narrative, that Hispanics are leaving the Democrats, to get out there as widely as it has? The only realistic answer is that they want to mute criticism of the Hispanic invasion, which means that all of these headlines are describing a blip as a trend and therefore are not true at all.
Even among Europeans, diversity means constant racial guilt shakedowns and wealth transfer.
If government does not enforce its rules, then the states can step up. Next part of this process involves getting the feds to pay for it.
ESG/DIE is another attempt to get money from government and luvvies to shore up industries without realistic future prospects.
The same thing happens in America, but with national lobbying groups instead of local factions.
Why is anti-Semitism a sin but anti-Whitism is not? Jewish “intellectuals” really screwed the pooch supporting egalitarianism instead of nationalism.
The diversity vote has now overpowered the famously moneyed Jewish lobby. Hint: this also means that Evangelicals are outvoted, which is why Republicans want to tie their wagon to that horse, since this will let them lose “with principles” which has always been their goal.
It is difficult to tell how much of this is “racism” and how much is fury against the constant crime and how easily accountability is evaded. Sort of like Republicans trying to impeach Democrats.
This would defy the media machine, which has been flogging a Black James Bond for years and years of diversity propaganda
Diversity judge wants a conquering guerrilla army.
Irish diversity forms alliance with Black diversity again.
When the Underdog rules, he rapidly becomes the worst tyrant, and society is on track to Full Communism and third world status.
Democracy would rather cut the baby in half than give it to the Right, even as the risign vote suggests this is the future.
In Detroit, the diversity goverment stole everything and neglected infrastructure, so now that must be classified as “racism” in order to keep the Narrative operating.
Cosmopolitanism leads to misery, but most voters are retards with the attention span of a retarded goldfish so they will not translate this into political action. Bring back the Kings!
People are a lot less freaked out by the Whites Only town than they were five years ago. At this point, everyone knows that your ethnicity is your uniform.
Diversity means enemies walk among us.
The neurotics want to warn you that a preference for having hair is, in fact, “racist.”
Wherever diversity goes, tyranny follows.
The Democrats need more voters, so the Border Patrol was told to open the border.
“Comfort Women” revisionism is a gateway to Holocaust denial, realizing the Civil War was not about slavery, and other historical mythbusting that terrifies the neurotics.
Conservatives want to use civil rights law to enforce their vision of “equality” (fairness) instead of the Leftist version (uniform minimums). This will backfire because civil rights are the method government will always use to achieve total rule.
Lawfare against populists continues; as Leftist policies fail, the luvvies realize that any competition must be kept off the ballot until total one party Leftist rule is established.
Diversity in Europe turns out to produce the same problems as diversity in the USA. Guess the problem was not “racism” after all.
Democracy hitched its horse to diversity and has consequently failed.
Subsidizing the poor leads to socialism. Now that we have given up on having a functional economy, culture, legal system, or political system, might as well buy the votes directly. That is how you get to socialism after all: societies adopt the third world system of warlords trading favors for loyalty.
Liberals went after Musk, so now he is endorsing the opposition that they fear.
Media keeps trying to pump up interest in Haiti, but the fact is that no one cares and no one expected things to turn out differently. It was wrecked even before the Clintons got to it.
Rumored to be a “hate crime,” turned out to be diversity-on-diversity murders. In the meantime, more people are noticing that American Indians, Hispanics, Arabs, Vietnamese, Jews, and Italians look very similar because they have similar admixture.
Europe begins the remigration process with a whisper.
This is what tolerance, equality, compassion, altruism, and pacifism bring: an environment where abusers prosper and cannot be stopped.
Small race riot ends in a female Reginald Denny.
It is now fact that our government colluded with big business to create propaganda to deceive Americans. However, the problem is not one that courts can resolve, since that would involve restricting rights that others need, but a question of leadership.
Trump is going to force them to take Trump Tower, setting them up for both horrible optics and the mother of all civil suits.
But we are the most diverse! Surveys like this always are heavily influenced by media opinions about a country.
Americans believe in democracy like a crutch. If it fails, they will have nothing to believe in, which shows us how democracy has destroyed everything else.
Diversity spending bankrupted everyone, so you get roommates with benefits and Costco ramen.
How dare anyone oppose globalism everywhere?
Nationalism comes about after diversity wrecks everything. Consequently it tends to be rather fervent.
Raping the elderly and children as a weapon against the majority.
The agenda behind climate change, revealed. Take out the White people, the rich, and the intelligent. Then everyone can finally be equal.
China wants a world with Biden-style censorship and propaganda.
Pride in your homeland is bad. Have humility to average humanity instead.
Democracy means “freedom” for all those who are not too critical of increasing democratization. It’s a virus.
Typical late stage democracy citizen: drunk, neurotic, addicted to her job, promiscuous, and incompetent.
Erasing the indigenous to promote the illusion of unity and equality.
Abolish the rules and the bad take over.
DEADS (diversity, equality, atomization, democracy, and socialism) destroy culture and make rootless, directionless people.
Reality, biology, and nature are better forms of centering than ideology.
Diversity cannot keep the power on, nor the communications up, and it also has problems with water supply. Then look at what it does to government and law. No nation can survive it.
Immigration is driving population growth, driving up housing prices, and increasing taxes. This is why humans come to a place, make a bunch of rules, and then flee that place when it becomes ruined because of those rules.
Tags: diversitywatch, news