Third world culture has lower requirements, therefore is cheaper to make, therefore wins out over first world culture by the numbers.
Older adults whose cholesterol changes over time may be more likely to develop dementia than people whose cholesterol is stable, regardless of the actual cholesterol level.
Another media lie debunked. How long until they debunk diversity?
[M]odern humans are the result of a genetic mixing event between two ancient populations that diverged around 1.5 million years ago. About 300,000 years ago, these groups came back together, with one group contributing 80% of the genetic makeup of modern humans and the other contributing 20%.
Science discovers genetic backflow and pegs the date of modern humanity at 1.5m years ago. Humans arose in parallel in Europe, formed Homo heidelbergensis and resulting developments, and this steadily flowed back into Africa and Asia, modernizing Homo erectus and Denisovan/Australopithecus populations. “Out of Africa” is now well and truly toast, as multiple sources confirm.
Hamas refused to honor peace terms, so Israel is bombing them back to the table, but everyone has realized that remigration is in the Palestinian future. Boats!
Parasites limit populations. Europeans struggled for centuries to understand parasites and how to counteract them. Many did not make it, like Beethoven who likely died from a chronic Hepatitis B infection.
At this point, the damage caused by whatever the truth is will be far less than the damage caused by keeping secrets of any kind.
The third world is the cause of its own problems, and the cause of that is people constantly looking for scapegoats instead of solutions. Consequently, they all want to get to the West; that is the “easy answer” for the third world. In the long term, it benefits no one, but will continue as long as the entitlements states do.
Jobs are tedium created by the need to tolerate mediocre people and use them as tools.
Zelenskkkyy knows that Russia will never cede territory, especially if its losses are bad.
All of nature is geared toward producing life; why? Life provides choice agents for an otherwise linear process. It is a natural culmination of attraction, gravity, magnetism, and all material existence, which itself was necessary for time which was necessary for ideas to avoid stasis. The universe originates in idea, like the Platonists argue, not the Word as the Abrahamists do.
Better to die a hero than live in fear or regret.
Migrants are there for the entitlements, so they see any imposition of laws or duties as literally stealing from them.
Violence spreads as parasite removal intensifies.
There are no “good” or “bad” diversity groups; all of them come to conquer, and if you let any foreigners in, they will work to subvert your government.
During the postwar years, minority contributions were systematically exaggerated to try to argue that diversity was going to work, when diversity — in any form: ethnic, racial, cultural, religious — is suicide. Remember when every presidential candidate began their speeches with “diversity is our strength”?
Diversity from centuries ago, when a Muslim ethnic group invaded, continues to plague India today and hold it back.
Afroasiatic meatbeast was making good money shilling China-Mexican products in the US.
Trump wins again as Europe contemplates rolling back the entitlements that both attract diversity and require diversity labor to keep the KcPs scam going.
Europe readies for war with Eurasia, again. We have to end it this time by Holocausting the Russians.
When you try to make a product for a diverse audience, you will end up slighting some groups to appease others.
During the zombie liberal years, showing that you were an activist suggested to schools that you had interests outside academia, which separated kids from the Oriental Horde with high SATs and grades.
Like northern Amerinds, southern Amerinds like to drive around after a Modelo Especial or six. The Hispanic DUI surge in North America has not yet been reckoned with.
With diversity comes human trafficking.
The face of assimilation.
Worldwide leaders are switching to the new platform — religious nationalism, anti-socialism, and anti-bureaucracy — because it works, but in the long term, ethno-nationalism and pro-capitalism will replace even this. Socialism and diversity are “one drop” problems in that if you let them in, even in the smallest amount, they take over because they are easy answers for distracted, apathetic, and selfish people.
Another third world diverse republic collapses into chaos.
Some members of minority groups are succeeding on their own merit, and they are tired of hearing the grievance scapegoat excuse from their peers.
Most chewing gum on sale is made from a variety of oil-based synthetic rubbers – similar to the plastic material used in car tires.
Another horrible prole habit debunked. People who need to keep their jaws working to stay awake may simply be sleep-deprived.
Xoidism is a replacement for culture, race, and ethnicity. It is an easy answer: everyone just finds al-Jewsus, and then everything is magically solved! But xoidism directs people to see reality as bad, therefore to deny it, therefore to pursue self-destruction, and therefore to rationalize defeat as victory. This is why Christians destroy everything they can and xoids tend to be insane — whether kicking in before or after their conversation — because the Judeo-Arabic faith of Abrahamism is based on rationalizing failure in order to steal from more successful people. It’s the religious equivalent of Communism.
Liberalism has an Asiatic origin. It is only fitting that like COVID-19 it returns to its homeland.
Do not fly the DEI planes.
Wonder how much money, time, and energy they tossed into this politically-correct abyss.
As predicted, the AutoPen scandal opened the door to other investigations.
Most of these Leftists belong on boats back to North Africa anyway.
McGregor said the Irish government had “abandoned the voices” of the Irish people and claimed rural towns in Ireland were being overrun by immigrants.
“Ireland is at the cusp of potentially losing its Irishness,” he said.
“So, issues need to be addressed, and the 40 million Irish Americans, as I said, need to hear this,” he added.
The Irish are not even White, but despite their primitive origins and simplistic potato consciousness even they recognize that any immigration means genetic replacement, which is why ancient cultures rejected it. Funny also how everyone recognizes that the Irish never “assimilated” and instead are dual loyalties people. Boats to North Africa!
Democracy took over in WW1, and a century later, has left a smoking ruin, so people are abandoning it despite this being symbolically incorrect.
Celebrities specialize in getting into the headlines. They are media creations and therefore, they have political beliefs in order to become notable.
Many kids are simply born criminal and the schools pass the problem on to the courts.
He misses the point: diversity brought in lots of people who hate Jews, Whites, and Euripids generally. The rise in “anti-Semitism” (anti-Judaism) corresponds to that.
Blatantly partisan judges seem to be a cornerstone of the Leftist strategy to take over. John Roberts argues ends-over-means instead.
Universities need DEI in order to graduate mediocre candidates and take their government grant/loan money.
Without DEI, what can they teach to their mixed-ethnic/mixed-race audience?
Academia systematically excluded conservatives, became a Leftist echo chamber, and now has made a business model of out of selling diversity degrees.
If you send everyone home, it should be easy to find them.
At this point, all we can do is send weapons. O’Bama and O’Biden bungled the situation to the point that our only response besides diplomacy is to start WW3. Maybe that needs doing, I don’t know. The Leftists certainly think it does, while Trump wants to build a thriving economy that leaves the BRICS eating shit in their own hugbox.
She had fair eyes and skin, so they wanted to sacrifice her in “traditional healing” practices.
Democracy is human individualism, which denies reality so that the individual can be more important, but as a result, ignores reality until everything falls apart. Leftism, the political philosophy of democracy, is the death-urge in the human.
Leftists are means-over-ends people, so they repeat obvious lies if this is necessary for them to achieve the method they desire, namely the equalification process of taking from the successful to give to the unsuccessful.
Damore was canceled like I and many others were for asserting Darwinism over humanism and explaining that woke/PC/DEI was a thought-trap and men and women are biologically different. Google destroyed his life for doing so, but history proved him right.
Means-over-ends people like Leftists decide what the “correct” conclusion is and then invent reasoning for it, inverting the thought process. They want reality to be equal, so they come up with endless reasons why this should be made manifest, despite these having nothing to do with each other. They are moving from conclusion to cause, instead of from effect to cause and through that, to conclusion. It is backward thinking for dishonest people. We see judges doing this when they decide the outcome in advance and then dig up what they consider plausible reasoning to justify it.
Tags: diversitywatch, news