Trump has recognized the real threat to American survival and has begun remigration of the Irish, who are notorious for having empowered not just the Lincoln Republicans but Tammany Hall to use corruption to seize America through the dual-loyalty Irish diversity vote. Let us hope that he puts all of them on boats regardless of citizenship status.
Recent estimates from the Irish government suggest that there are as many as 10,000 undocumented Irish immigrants across the United States. Many have lived in the shadows for decades, waiting for a pathway to citizenship that may never come. And with a new president that has vowed to carry out the largest deportation operation in U.S. history, anxieties have been heightened.
“It’s definitely a concern, definitely a worry,” Mary, an undocumented Irish immigrant in New England, told CBS News. “I’ve heard of different people, you know, getting caught up in a swoop of undocumented people — some of them may be criminals, but some of them may not be, and it’s just a situation of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Get on the fucking boat, Mary. Next stop: North Africa.
The writer mistakes Plato for a dualist, but makes a good point: pagan-style monism is rising because we are starting to see the universe as a whole, either a calculating machine or a thinking benevolence. Christianity is fading as is liberalism. Continue the rise!
The French Revolution appears to have died; as this writer notes, “resistance” alone — scapegoating the winners to take their stuff — has failed, not just in America but worldwide, because it produces what crowds of envious and resentful people always do, namely failure and equal poverty. The self-pity herd does not act from policy, but from a desire to smash down those who have risen above.
For one hundred and fifty-five years, Leftist activist judges have “legislated from the bench” under the aegis of the 14A which transformed America from a free nation under natural rights to a total state under which government enforces equality by taking from the winners and giving to the losers under human rights mandates. Trump wants to reverse this, but it only happens when we repeal the 14A.
The waste is inherent to entitlements — welfare, subsidies, free school lunches, socialized medicine, social security — and cannot be eliminated without eliminating those programs which we could never afford. In the name of paying for them, we got diversity through our need for an economy which constantly grows over the inflation damage done by giving out free money.
Slavery seems to me to be a stupid form of labor and a system that must inevitably become cruel, therefore make life less beautiful, and for that reason, is probably toxic to everyone involved. However, it seems to be everywhere in the past and now, so maybe something like indentured servitude plus a pension would be a good compromise, especially since nine-tenths of humanity are genetically destined to be slaves born to serve.
Imagine how much of history has been lost or is only partially known.
Colleges got fat because government wrote grants and loans. End those, and colleges manage themselves instead of constantly inventing nonsense activity so they can graduate students of lower potential.
Guy with weird foreign name says that men should not be traditionally masculine because it might stress them. In the meantime, a century of psychology has produced nothing but more neurotics. Maybe first we shoot the psychologists?
The “free” society makes women slaves to the workplace and, not surprisingly, they stop breeding as much. Would not want to miss out on that latest promotion.
Casual sex lessens your ability to bond in a long-term sense. This means marriages break up all the time. People should just be honest about this, but they are afraid of opposing “fun” just like they are afraid of appearing “racist” by noting that only mono-ethnic societies have a chance to thrive.
Having been weaponized as a voice of Leftism, propaganda organ gets de-funded.
Liberal judge throws a fit over the border patrol deporting activist foreigner.
Germany realizes that to rebuild its infrastructure, which rotted while Germany was screwing around with diversity, and fund its military, it must get rid of its entitlements programs. Politicians fear doing this, so instead they are opting to permanently saddle the country with unpayable debt.
Law-and-order president in El Salvador built huge prisons for such people, and welcomes them in to a new orderly life.
Western powers need to quit meddling in the third world. It is even more insulting when you do so with paternalistic and altruistic justifications.
The first domino in the election 2020 crisis falls: having shown that O’Biden did not actually sign these orders, the current administration is calling to invalidate them, soon to be followed by anything else that President Autopen signed, including judge appointments and laws.
Europeans freak out because J.D. Vance notes that the biggest threat to Europe comes “from within,” as we see again that without their kings, The People cannot rule themselves.
Diversity elderly goes on a rampage, and German police ventilate his ass. So it goes. Anyway.
Guy whose ethnicity cannot be named sets his estranged wife on fire, and the article is handed to an editor of Turkish extraction.
Irish “people” celebrate having dual loyalties and not being real Americans. The last functional America was WASP America, and we overthrew it in the 1960s, but it turns out that it is the only functional form of America so… BOATS! Go be a potato-munching leprechaun over there, away from here.
Diversity airman goodifies mixed-race thot.
A little background on some of the very exciting voters O’Biden wanted to make permanent in the USA.
Trying to save your people from Communism is not a crime. Nor is throwing Communists out of a helicopter murder because they are not people. At worst it is littering but since they are biodegradable, even that is questionable.
Black dude rapes tard, now there is a half-tard spawn that will be wandering around on the dole for fifty years before dying of fent and seed oils.
Looks like Ebola is no longer the Great Hope that will purge humanity of its excess useless people. Too bad, because we need something to clean up Austin and Portland.
Modern humans and Neanderthals interbred, leaving behind weird bastard child that quickly became a fossil.
Time to purge all Leftists from positions of power. Who am I kidding… throw them out of helicopters! But first, get them out of positions of power.
Another media, academic, and government propaganda blitz collapses.
Delusional Leftists decide that any car with angular panels might be a “racist” vehicle.
BRICS get caught trying to damage the international economy, perish under waves of high explosives.
Hispanic dude gets tired of his wife and their dachshunds.
The courts stage an attempt to stop remigration that is going to perish in the higher courts.
Europeans wanted more autonomy. Now they have it, but it is not cheap. This will also trigger removal of soft Leftist leaders across the region.
If you cannot handle someone calling you nasty names, kill yourself. There is nothing special about the n-word.
They always go off their meds. You will have to put them into asylums or, ideally, exile them, which is how Southern and Eastern Europe formed.
Conservatives win when they make the trains run on time, lose when they pass taxes or try to ban abortion. Jesus wept.
Seeking tourist dollars, Mexico creates an Auschwitz knockoff with cheap labor.
Scientists just use models to argue that microplastics are inhibiting the conversion of CO2 to oxygen. “Climate change” died, so the new quest is to protect photosynthesis.
We are discovering more about how the races evolved separately in parallel.
The migrant rape wave, and diversity crime which is a disguised attempt to conquer on both continents, may trigger the necessary end to poly-ethnicism.
Under O’Biden and his fellow Irish, Italian, Slavic, and Jewish off-whites in the Democratic party, our economy became controlled by government stimulus payments.
White and off-white guys who marry diversity are not the best of people.
The divisions already exist; Leftists are outraged that someone Noticed.
The third world continues to be miserable because of its low-IQ, poly-ethnic status.
Hispanic dude goes on a rampage, now experiences jailarity.
Diversity is happier at home instead of in foreign lands.
All those autistic kids may be the result of moms gobbling snack food.
Go woke, get on a boat.
More inflated diversity propaganda hits the round file.
Narcissists are like Gollum: they both love and hate themselves. In order to deal with this imbalance, they demand control of the Narrative, even though they are unhappy mental health cases with high mutation load. Do I hear helicopters? Yes, flying from the future.
Legal status has benefits.
It is hard for anyone, even Blacks, to say that they are wrong. In the meantime, what did BLM actually do for Black people?
LBJ did JFK.
Diversity people distrust government.
Ending benefits completely makes them self-reliant, however.
Miscegenation — even in traces — makes unhealthy future generations.
As more women choose careers over family, diversity invades.
Diversity community organizers teach candidates how to beat the test, just like in India and China.
Leftists become homicidal as their fragile worldview, constructed for their peace of mind through symbolism rather than results in reality, continues its collapse.
Tags: diversitywatch, news