Illustration: context matters.
Given the current political climate, we want to talk about making Funkwhale more actively involved in the fight against far-right ideologies. To achieve this, we’re developing a filter to remove all far-right-associated artists from the network. Since anti-fascism is not optional in our community, this filter will be hardcoded into our codebase, preventing right-wing extremists from using Funkwhale.
But who decides what constitutes far-right content? How do we moderate and fact-check this information? We believe the best approach is to have a centralized system with experience in fighting misinformation collectively. So, we’ve nominated… The Wikimedia Foundation! More specifically, Wikidata. Of course in case there is an issue with the Wikidata database, we will provide a cli tool to use a manually generated ban-list. This ban list will be manually maintained by the Funwhale community, avoiding any attack on Funkwhale instances.
We’ve identified a set of genres affiliated with far-right extremism…
Hipster music service wants to ban black metal and probably death metal. This is a good thing: we want to build our own society outside of everything these people believe in and do on a daily basis. Let them keep their hipster groovecore bands with MoTown and Chechen industrial dance music influences.
They cast a half-Hispanic as Snow White, a Jew as the evil stepmother, and CGI dwarves in place of something more politically correct. Now everyone can unite on hating a film that will probably also be mediocre. Political Correctness (PC) inserts things you cannot say “no” to without seeming anti-egalitarian, and as a result, these dominate the discourse, so when making the project woke broke the art and entertainment aspects and are making propaganda.
The Left has won for centuries with the narrative of “virtuous poor/minorities oppressed by evil rich/White people” and now this has broken down since Leftism failed to stop the problems it claimed about, tried to seize power through a coup in 2020, and now has left bankrupt and decaying nations in its wake. Leftism is just the human ego unchained.
Human rights, also called “civil rights” at the national level, have no future because they failed to make people equal or improve anything, and left us instead with the third-world system of warlords granting favors for loyalty which impoverishes everyone and makes our nations into Brazil II.
I had this conversation with Lawrence Auster once, and my point has always been that antisemitism is technically incorrect; it scapegoats Jews for the horrors of modernity, a system based in the narcissistic human ego and its need for control, which lets the real baddies — equality, democracy, peasant revolts, socialism, diversity, atomization — off the hook and also encourages pointless cruelty that makes us dislike ourselves. The Holocaust happened even if the six million narrative is a lie; a labor program that kills 270k Jews is still not a good thing, and it made Us weaker. However, Cardinal [[[ DOLAN ]]] shows us that most of what people want to blame The Jews™ for is in fact the result of dualism and humanism, one of which is Abrahamic organized religion and the latter of which is the liberalism the peasants learned from the Mongols. Keeping these foreign influences out will be necessary for Us to have a future.
Forcing everyone to prove that they are legal citizens is the first step. The next is to realize that “birthright citizenship” was only intended to legalize former slaves, and therefore, has always been fraudulent and all citizenships granted under it are illegitimate and fraudulent, therefore must be rescinded. After that, we have the conversation about how only mono-ethnic nations have a chance at survival, but poly-ethnic ones are doomed. Some idiot brought up Malaysia as an example of successful diversity, apparently forgetting that the eleventh anniversary of the death of MH370 by jihad just passed. Pro-diversity people are just manipulative narcissists.
Nations that want to survive are ending diversity through remigration. It is coming to the West next.
Italian finds that crime is easier done behind the shield of law and democracy. He is not the only one. They never “assimilated” because no one assimilates. Only WASP America was functional, and to it we return.
It’s Sat Cong Saturday! Helicopter noises intensify.
It is almost as if reality were engineered to autonomously produce life. Life serves a role that nothing else can: the making of choices.
“Indigenous” — they were Mongolian immigrants — history mostly includes fighting pointless wars, losing, theft, rape, murder, and drunkenness. Amerinds (“First Nations,” “Native Americans”) would be happiest back in Mongolia.
In the first detailed map of the Greenland shark’s (Somniosus microcephalus) genome, researchers led by the University of Tokyo found genetic traits that protect against cancer, reduce inflammation, and help boost DNA repair.
Before the great mutations brought on by race-mixing, ancient peoples may have had similar genes and lived for multiple centuries.
Liberals exclusively act toward making their own mental state more stable. This means that they follow symbols, like equality, far outside of what is realistic and end up being anti-realistic, at which point everything they do with “good intentions” ends up producing horrible results. They call themselves “elites” because they succeeded at education and government stimulus-driven business, but in reality they are a collection of neurotics who are incompetent to lead.
Another simmering diversity conflict goes hot and wrecks almost everything.
Ethnic diversity is as destructive as racial diversity. Just because someone is from the same race does not mean that they are like you enough to avoid destroying your civilization.
Yet another diversity conflict keeps destroying fledgling civilizations. Soon we will recognize this as natural selection: only mono-ethnic societies have a chance to survive if they avoid other pitfalls like socialism, democracy, and equality in addition to diversity.
Unions sabotage any industry. He is still earning a six-figure salary for being a pedophile that the union does not want to be fired.
The third world is poor because it is individualistic and therefore short-sighted, which leads to the perception that selfish and criminal activity is profitable. If you let them in, you get this behavior, which is hardcoded into their DNA until something selects out thirty generations of criminals.
Different groups have different perception of consent. In the tropics, you breed as fast and furiously as you can or you face Darwinistic exclusion because high microbe load means early death on average.
Remigration of the Irish would be a good idea, but since they have Semitic origins, it makes sense to return them to Lebanon, North Africa, or Israel.
Diversity means that finger-drawing a certain symbol in the dust on a car triggers national headlines. This is not survivable.
Slowly removing the propaganda may allow people to be able to think again. Or at least, some of them will.
Entropy—long regarded as an abstract measure of disorder—was, in fact, a quantity deeply bound to the fabric of space and time. His bound, expressed in its simplest form, suggested that the total information that could be stored in a region of space was proportional to its energy and its size.
This equation, simple yet profound, tells us that what we have long regarded as uncertainty is, in fact, structure. The apparent randomness of quantum mechanics is not a defect of nature but a signature of an underlying order.
“Everything dies over time” is being replaced by “big loosely-ordered things die early.”
A travel ban means less chance of illegal migration and also, cultural isolation from places that are doing just about everything incorrectly.
Drunk guy with a foreign name compacts a bunch of normies in Austin.
They had 1945-2025 to demonstrate the effectiveness of their ideas, but brought poverty, disorder, violence, filth, and literal genetic extermination instead. They are incompetents and we have to throw them out of helicopters, but in the meantime, they are finding that America has little faith in their neurotic gibberish.
State that enthusiastically supports White Genocide finds itself losing friends in the West.
Translation: lots of people went to college so that they can do highly-paid email jobs that produce nothing and steal money, time, and energy away from productive activities. If the illegals go away, lots of people who should always have been doing real work will have to get back to being useful.
Some sanity came in through the courts after national outrage at “legislating from the bench” by activist Leftist judges. Impeach all of those idiots.
We must build mega-cities to contain the diversity, and this means everyone lives in pain because the only nature they are going to see are potted plants and chemically-sustained lawns.
Jobs are inhumane because very little of them relates to work, and most is socializing and attending meetings.
As we have told you, the Clintons have controlled the DOJ since at least the TWA 800 incident, allowing them to ensure that no Leftist went to jail, at least for very long. This is how political machines work.
The first people to take advantage of migration crisis are criminal in mentality, and anyone coming over does not mind breaking the law, so it would be unlikely for there not to be a higher percentage of criminals than normal among illegal immigrants.
Tags: diversitywatch, news